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#--------------------------------------importapsw#--------------------------------------# Opening/creating database. Database name is cookbook.db3connection=apsw.Connection("cookbook.db3")cursor=connection.cursor()#--------------------------------------# Create The Tables#--------------------------------------sql='CREATE TABLE Recipes (pkiD INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, servings TEXT, source TEXT)'cursor.execute(sql)sql='CREATE TABLE Instructions (pkID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, instructions TEXT, recipeID NUMERIC)'cursor.execute(sql)sql='CREATE TABLE Ingredients (pkID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ingredients TEXT, recipeID NUMERIC)'cursor.execute(sql)#--------------------------------------# Insert Data into tables#--------------------------------------# Insert data into Recipe tablesql='INSERT INTO Recipes (name,servings,source) VALUES ("Spanish Rice",4,"Greg")'cursor.execute(sql)# Get the pkid for the inserted recordsql="SELECT last_insert_rowid()"cursor.execute(sql)forxincursor.execute(sql):lastid=x[0]# Insert data into the instructions tablesql='INSERT INTO Instructions (recipeID,instructions) VALUES( %s,"Brown hamburger. Stir in all other ingredients. Bring to a boil. Stir. Lower to simmer. Cover and cook for 20 minutes or until all liquid is absorbed.")'%lastid

cursor.execute(sql)# Insert data into the ingredients tablesql='INSERT INTO Ingredients (recipeID,ingredients) VALUES ( %s,"1 cup parboiled Rice (uncooked)")'%lastid

cursor.execute(sql)sql='INSERT INTO Ingredients (recipeID,ingredients) VALUES ( %s,"1 pound Hamburger")'%lastid

cursor.execute(sql)sql='INSERT INTO Ingredients (recipeID,ingredients) VALUES ( %s,"2 cups Water")'%lastid

cursor.execute(sql)sql='INSERT INTO Ingredients (recipeID,ingredients) VALUES ( %s,"1 8 oz can Tomato Sauce")'%lastid

cursor.execute(sql)sql='INSERT INTO Ingredients (recipeID,ingredients) VALUES ( %s,"1 small Onion chopped")'%lastid

cursor.execute(sql)sql='INSERT INTO Ingredients (recipeID,ingredients) VALUES ( %s,"1 clove Garlic chopped")'%lastid

cursor.execute(sql)sql='INSERT INTO Ingredients (recipeID,ingredients) VALUES ( %s,"1 tablespoon Ground Cumin")'%lastid

cursor.execute(sql)sql='INSERT INTO Ingredients (recipeID,ingredients) VALUES ( %s,"1 teaspoon Ground Oregano")'%lastid

cursor.execute(sql)sql='INSERT INTO Ingredients (recipeID,ingredients) VALUES ( %s,"Salt and Pepper to taste")'%lastid

cursor.execute(sql)sql='INSERT INTO Ingredients (recipeID,ingredients) VALUES ( %s,"Salsa to taste")'%lastid

cursor.execute(sql)# Put in one more for good "measure"sql='INSERT INTO Recipes (name,servings,source) VALUES ("Pickled Pepper-Onion Relish","9 half pints","Complete Guide to Home Canning")'cursor.execute(sql)# Get the pkid for the inserted recordsql="SELECT last_insert_rowid()"cursor.execute(sql)forxincursor.execute(sql):lastid=x[0]sql='INSERT INTO Instructions (recipeID,instructions) VALUES( %s,"Wash and chop vegetables. Combine all ingredients and boil gently until mixture thickens and volume is reduced by 1/2 (about 30 minutes). Fill sterile jars with hot relish, leaving 1/2 inch head space and seal tightly. Store in refrigerator and use within one month or process in boiling water bath if extended storage is desired. Hot pack process time at 0-1000 feet for 5 minutes, 1,001 to 6000 ft 10 minutes, above 6,000 ft 15 minutes.")'%lastid

cursor.execute(sql)sql='INSERT INTO Ingredients (recipeID,ingredients) VALUES ( %s,"6 cups finely chopped Onions")'%lastid

cursor.execute(sql)sql='INSERT INTO Ingredients (recipeID,ingredients) VALUES ( %s,"3 cups finely chopped Red Peppers")'%lastid

cursor.execute(sql)sql='INSERT INTO Ingredients (recipeID,ingredients) VALUES ( %s,"3 cups finely chopped Green Peppers")'%lastid

cursor.execute(sql)sql='INSERT INTO Ingredients (recipeID,ingredients) VALUES ( %s,"1 1/2 cups sugar")'%lastid

cursor.execute(sql)sql='INSERT INTO Ingredients (recipeID,ingredients) VALUES ( %s,"6 cups White Vinegar (5 percent)")'%lastid

cursor.execute(sql)sql='INSERT INTO Ingredients (recipeID,ingredients) VALUES ( %s,"2 tablespoons canning or pickling salt")'%lastid

cursor.execute(sql)# Tell us we are doneprint'Done'
