我在执行此操作时遇到了很多问题,所以当我最终使它起作用时,我想我会分享财富。 我确实在尝试将文件从Perl脚本传递到C#Web服务,但是它从未起作用。 我所能做的最好的事情是将文件的内容作为数组传递,即使那也不是野餐。
因此,您需要安装Perl,然后安装Soap :: Lite软件包。 我正在AIX和Windows中工作。
# reference the Soap::Lite package and turn on tracing
use SOAP::Lite +trace=>all;
# read the file you want to send into an array
my $logFilename = 'myfile2.txt';
open(DATA,"<$logFilename") or die "Can't open data";
@lines = <DATA>;
# Create the Soap::Lite client
# The "proxy" is the Dot Net asmx file you created in Visual Studio for your web service
# The "uri" is the location of the web service. I created an IIS Web Site and set the path to the Visual Studio source code of the web service
# The "on_action" method formats your soap request so Dot Net can read it
my $client = SOAP::Lite->new();
$client->on_action(sub { join '/', @_ });
# Compose a Perl array with the arguments to your web service method. The names of the arguments must exactly match your web service ( including case ). There were many posts suggesting other decorations such as soap-encoding, arrayType, and size, but I found I didn't need them.
my @params = ( SOAP::Data->name('logFileName')->value($logFilename)->type('string'),
SOAP::Data->name('logArray')->value(\SOAP::Data->name('item' => @lines)->type('string'))
# Call your web service method and print the result
$som = $client->ReportError(@params);
my $output = $som->result;
print $output . "\n";
但是,除非您调整Dot Net Web服务中的某些内容,否则所有这一切仍然将不起作用。
如前所述,必须将Perl脚本中的参数命名为与Web服务方法中定义的参数完全相同的名称。 否则,参数将在您的Web服务中显示为null。 不正确的参数名称是错误的主要来源!
您必须在Web服务中使用“对象”类型定义数组参数变量。 进入您的网络服务后,您可以将其转换为
Array array = arr as Array;
foreach (XmlNode node in array)
if (!WriteLogFile(node.InnerText)) break;
还有一项:要调试Dot Net Web服务,请打开该项目并进行构建,然后单击“调试”>“附加到进程”>“ aspnet_wp.exe”。 如果看不到aspnet_wp.exe,请在服务器上打开一个网页以启动该过程。 然后执行您的Perl脚本(在Aix或Windows中)> perl myscript.pl,Visual Studio应该在您的断点处停止!
From: https://bytes.com/topic/perl/insights/903937-how-pass-array-perl-soap-lite-c-web-service