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基于Opencv3的活动轮廓模型--CV, RSF and DRLSE


本人把CV, RSF and DRLSE等经典的活动轮廓模型转化成了基于C++,Opencv3版本的代码,仅供参考。代码的运行效率比matlab快一个数量级。


#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <cmath>

#define pi 3.14159265

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

void ImgShow(Mat LSF, Mat Image)
Mat src = (LSF < 0); //先得到二值图
Image.convertTo(Image, CV_8UC1);//转化类型
vector <vector<Point> > contours;
vector <Vec4i> hierarchy;
findContours(src, contours, hierarchy, cv::RETR_CCOMP, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
drawContours(Image, contours, -1, cvScalar(255,0,0), 2);
imshow("分割结果", Image);

void NeumannBoundCond(Mat& LSF)
int w = LSF.cols - 1;
int h = LSF.rows - 1;
LSF.at<float>(0, 0) = LSF.at<float>(2, 2);
LSF.at<float>(h, 0) = LSF.at<float>(h - 2, 2);
LSF.at<float>(0, w) = LSF.at<float>(2, w - 2);
LSF.at<float>(h, w) = LSF.at<float>(h - 2, w - 2);

for (int i = 0; i <= w; i++)
LSF.at<float>(0, i) = LSF.at<float>(2, i);
LSF.at<float>(h, i) = LSF.at<float>(h - 2, i);
for (int i = 0; i <= h; i++)
LSF.at<float>(i, 0) = LSF.at<float>(i, 2);
LSF.at<float>(i, w) = LSF.at<float>(i, w - 2);

Mat atan(Mat LSF)  
Mat dst(LSF.size(), LSF.type());
for (int k = 0; k < LSF.rows; k++) //遍历
const float* inData = LSF.ptr<float>(k);
float* outData = dst.ptr<float>(k);
for (int i = 0; i < LSF.cols; i++)
outData[i] = atan(inData[i]);
return dst;

Mat gradient_x(Mat input)
Mat Ix(input.size(), input.type());
for (int ncol = 0; ncol < input.cols; ncol++)
for (int nrow = 0; nrow < input.rows; nrow++)
if (ncol == 0) {
Ix.at<float>(nrow, ncol) = input.at<float>(nrow, 1) - input.at<float>(nrow, 0);
else if (ncol == input.cols - 1) {
Ix.at<float>(nrow, ncol) = input.at<float>(nrow, ncol) - input.at<float>(nrow, ncol - 1);

Ix.at<float>(nrow, ncol) = (input.at<float>(nrow, ncol + 1) - input.at<float>(nrow, ncol - 1)) / 2;
return Ix;

Mat gradient_y(Mat input)
Mat Iy(input.size(), input.type());
for (int nrow = 0; nrow < input.rows; nrow++)
for (int ncol = 0; ncol < input.cols; ncol++)
if (nrow == 0) {
Iy.at<float>(nrow, ncol) = input.at<float>(1, ncol) - input.at<float>(0, ncol);
else if (nrow == input.rows - 1) {
Iy.at<float>(nrow, ncol) = input.at<float>(nrow, ncol) - input.at<float>(nrow - 1, ncol);
Iy.at<float>(nrow, ncol) = (input.at<float>(nrow + 1, ncol) - input.at<float>(nrow - 1, ncol)) / 2;

return Iy;

void CV(Mat& LSF, Mat Img, float mu, float nu, float epison, float step)
NeumannBoundCond(LSF); //边界条件

Mat Drc = (epison / pi) / (epison*epison+ LSF.mul(LSF)); //Dirac 函数

Mat Hea = 0.5*(1 + (2 / pi)*atan(LSF/epison)); //Heaviside 函数

Mat Ix, Iy;
Ix = gradient_x(LSF);
Iy = gradient_y(LSF);
Mat s;
magnitude(Ix, Iy, s);//梯度的模
Mat Nx = Ix / s;
Mat Ny = Iy / s;
Mat Nxx, Nyy;
Nxx = gradient_x(Nx);
Nyy = gradient_y(Ny);
Mat cur = Nxx + Nyy;

Mat Length = nu*Drc.mul(cur);

Mat Lap;
Laplacian(LSF, Lap, CV_32FC1);
Mat Penalty = mu*(Lap - cur);

Scalar S1;
S1 = sum(Hea.mul(Img));
Scalar S2;
S2 = sum(Hea);
float C1 = S1.val[0] / S2.val[0];
Scalar S3;
S3 = sum((1 - Hea).mul(Img));
Scalar S4;
S4 = sum((1 - Hea));
float C2 = S3.val[0] / S4.val[0];
Mat CVterm = Drc.mul((-1 * (Img - C1).mul(Img - C1) + 1 * (Img - C2).mul(Img - C2)));

LSF = LSF + step*(Length + Penalty + CVterm);


int main()
Mat Img = imread("1.bmp", 0); //读入图像
Img.convertTo(Img, CV_32FC1);//转化类型
Mat LSF = Mat::ones(Img.size(), CV_32FC1);;
Rect roi(30, 30, 50, 50);
LSF(roi) = -1;
ImgShow(LSF, Img);

float mu = 1;
float nu = 0.003 * 255 * 255;
int num = 50;
float epison = 1;
float step = 0.1;
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++)
CV(LSF, Img, mu, nu, epison,step);//迭代
if (n % 10 == 0)
ImgShow(LSF, Img);
return 0;


