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python的direct和c语言的,python-adc: 这是 ADC (Advanced Direct Connect) 协议的 Python 用于实现...


This is suppose to be a complete implementation for the Advanced Direct Connect protocol.

The parts marked with a plus (+) have been implemented, the minus parts are TODO:

+ Protocol Parser

- Client Logic

- Transport (TCP/UDP/TLS)


The following entry points are availble in this library:

adc-server: Experimental adc client (implemented as a server)

adc-client: Experimental adc client (to connect to the running client-server)

adc-tthsum: A simple wrapper program to check the tth root hash of a file


The parser is based on pyparsing which creates a recursive descent parser.

I aim at keeping the grammar as readable and as close as possible to the

original ADC specification.

The parser is definately not the most effective parser out there, at rundowns on

a Dual Core 2.6 GhZ computer I have been able to parse about 10000 small

frames/s. Which in theory might not be effective enough for a populated hub, but

well beyond what is necessary for a client.

The parser only cares about formal grammar as defined in the ADC specification and

is completely uncoupled from context (as is prudent).

The following is an example usage of the parser:

from adc import ADCParser


frame = ADCParser.parseString("FART AAAA +TEST");

except Exception, e:

print e;

# handle frame information here

The distribution contains testing code, after installing, run:

#> python setup.py test

If you want to play around with the parser, run:

#> python -m adc.parser "FART AAAA +ZLIB +BASE"

Note: the command_name 'ART' does not really exist.


This package comes with an experimental DC client implemented with a client-server approach.

The idea is that a constant service is running in the background which controls

the Direct Connect process, and it is administered by connecting to it via one,

or a set of clients.

To try it out, run the following to start the service:

#> bin/adc-server

And the following to run the client:

#> bin/adc-client

The current protocol is just a simple rpc protocol using newlines as delimiters, and by pickling and base64 encoding the following construct:

frame = {

'method': "remote_method",

'argv': ["argument 1"],

'kw': {'kw1': "value1"}


The result frame has the following format:

result = {

'ok': False,

'error': "Error message describing problem"



A couple of important points to understand before using the client:

The Pickle/Base64 approach is very flexible for defining remote protocols,

but '''extremely''' unsafe. This is an experimental client, DO NOT USE IT


In the future this might be fixed by defining a proper protocol, but in the

meantime beware, here be dragons.

There is no authentication, I have no plans to create a multiuser environment

since I find that unethical against DC common sense.


This is an experimental branch where I've implemented type declaration for each argument passed through the protocol

Try it out by doing the following INF (also see; example-message.py):

from adc.parser import Message, CIHHeader

from adc.types import Base32, IP


print Message(

CIHHeader(type='C', command_name='INF'),

I4=IP('', ipversion=4),

I6=IP('::ffff', ipversion=6),




except Exception, e:

print "bad message parameter: " + str(e)

# -> CINF IP6:I6:::ffff IP4:I4: B32:PD:IZHU6QSBKI====== B32:ID:IZHU6QSBKJBECWQ=

ADC Type declarations

The following grammar defines the type declaration changes for the ADC protocol:

separator ::= ' '

eol ::= #x0a

simple_alphanum ::= [A-Z0-9]

simple_alpha ::= [A-Z]

base32_character ::= simple_alpha | [2-7]

escape ::= '\'

escaped_letter ::= [^ \#x0a] | escape 's' | escape 'n' | escape escape

feature_name ::= simple_alpha simple_alphanum{3}

encoded_sid ::= base32_character{4}

my_sid ::= encoded_sid

encoded_cid ::= base32_character+

my_cid ::= encoded_cid

target_sid ::= encoded_sid

command_name ::= simple_alpha simple_alphanum simple_alphanum

parameter_value ::= escaped_letter+

parameter_type ::= 'INT' | 'STR' | 'B32' | 'IP4' | 'IP6'

parameter_name ::= simple_alpha simple_alphanum

named_parameter ::= parameter_type ':' parameter_name (':' parameter_value)?

b_message_header ::= 'B' command_name separator my_sid

cih_message_header ::= ('C' | 'I' | 'H') command_name

de_message_header ::= ('D' | 'E') command_name separator my_sid separator target_sid

f_message_header ::= 'F' command_name separator my_sid separator (('+'|'-') feature_name)+

u_message_header ::= 'U' command_name separator my_cid

message_body ::= (b_message_header | cih_message_header | de_message_header | f_message_header | u_message_header | message_header)

(separator positional_parameter)* (separator named_parameter)*

message ::= message_body? eol


A B32 type message is a base32 encoded string according to IETF RFC4648


An INT type message is an integer encoded as a string


A string is a raw string taken from the parameter_value, which is encoded as an UTF-8 string


IP4 is a valid IPv4 address


IP6 is a vald IPv6 address
