重点 (Top highlight)
As a Consultant, I’ve had the privilege to work with many teams and projects in a relatively short amount of time.
This not only allowed me to learn a lot from the existing codebases and team members but also to understand the biggest mistakes committed by the teams who weren’t very familiar with Rx and Angular.
1)不退订 (1) Not Unsubscribing)
I and many others have talked at length about the subject, but this is still the most common mistake I normally see — i.e. not unsubscribing from a stream at all.
This has various consequences such as:
- Causing memory leaks 导致内存泄漏
- Causing unwanted callbacks being called 导致不必要的回调被调用
- Potentially, causing serious bugs in your app 可能会导致您的应用程序出现严重错误
The best and most elegant way to unsubscribe from Observable is using a subject that emits a value when the component is destroyed.
Alternatively, you can maintain a class property on your component with the subscription, and unsubscribe it when the component is destroyed.
It’s pretty important, don’t forget.
提示:与Bit共享和重用JS组件 (Tip: Share and Reuse JS Components with Bit)
Use Bit (Github) to share, document, and manage reusable components from different projects. It’s a great way to increase code reuse, speed up development, and build apps that scale.
使用Bit ( Github )共享,记录和管理来自不同项目的可重用组件。 这是增加代码重用,加速开发并构建可扩展应用程序的好方法。
Bit supports Angular, React, Vue, and more.
2)省略初始值 (2) Omitting an initial value)
This happens pretty commonly with Angular forms. Say you subscribe to a stream expecting to get the value — but you never get one. How is that possible?
这在Angular表单中很常见。 假设您订阅了希望获得价值的信息流-但您从未获得价值。 那怎么可能?
Well — sometimes it’s caused by the fact that the stream was not initialized by an initial value, and an event was never dispatched.
Here’s a common scenario with Angular’s forms:
const name = new FormControl('Giancarlo');
const formGroup = new FormGroup({ name });
const valueChanges$ = formGroup.valueChanges;valueChanges.subscribe((value) => {
// do something
Unless the user changes the name
FormControl in some way, the callback will never be called.
But — we do want the subscription to emit using the initial value of the FormGroup
(and many would expect it to do so).
In this case, we need to push an initial value using the operator startWith
const valueChanges$ = formGroup.valueChanges.pipe(
);valueChanges.subscribe((value) => {
// do something
In this case, we will receive an emission using the initial value of the form, and all the changes emitted after that.
3)使用错误的运算符 (3) Using the wrong Operators)
There are a lot of operators out there — and while you certainly don’t need to learn them all, you need to make sure you understand the details of each one that you are using.
Small differences can have big consequences.
示例:mergeMap vs switchMap (Example: mergeMap vs switchMap)
One of the most commonly used operators is mergeMap
. This operator allows you to flatten an inner Observable and will maintain many active streams for each event: this is great in some situations, and not very ideal in others.
。 该运算符使您可以展平内部的Observable并为每个事件维护许多活动流:在某些情况下这很好,而在其他情况下则不是很理想。
In many cases, you may want to instead maintain only 1 active subscription. For example, if you have an event whose events call an HTTP endpoint, you may want to cancel the outgoing requests and only call the very latest one: in this case, you’ll be better off with switchMap
在许多情况下,您可能只想维护1个活动订阅。 例如,如果您有一个事件,该事件的事件调用HTTP端点,则可能要取消传出的请求,而仅调用最新的请求:在这种情况下,最好使用switchMap
If you’re not careful, mergeMap
may cause duplicate and unwanted subscriptions, while switchMap
can lead to race conditions. Ultimately, both may lead to bugs and your code malfunctioning.
如果您不小心, mergeMap
可能会导致争用情况 。 最终,两者都可能导致错误和代码故障。
This is one example of the many, sometimes tiny, differences that make RxJS operators.
As I said above — you do not need to know every Rx operator. You do need, though, to understand the small peculiarities of the ones you’re using and compare with similar others to understand which one is suitable in your case.
就像我在上面说的那样,您不需要了解每个Rx运算符。 但是,您确实需要了解所用产品的特殊性,并与其他同类产品进行比较,以了解哪种产品适合您的情况。
Other notable differences you should be aware of:
- zip vs forkJoin vs combineLatest vs race 邮编vs叉子加入vs组合最新vs种族
- merge vs combineLatest 合并与合并
timer vs interval
- never vs empty 永不虚无
- of vs from 来自
- buffer vs window 缓冲区与窗口
4)使用错误的主题类型 (4) Using the wrong type of Subject)
Another important mistake not to commit is to not choose the wrong type of Subject for your task.
Subjects are a special type of Observables that allow you to push values in the stream and also retrieve them by subscribing to it. While normal Subject
likely cover most situations, there are slight differences that you should be aware of.
主题是Observable的一种特殊类型,它使您可以在流中推送值,也可以通过订阅它来检索它们。 虽然正常Subject
后期订阅者 (Late Subscribers)
One common scenario is when your Subject emits events before an observer subscribes to its changes. If you’re expecting your subscriber to receive the data, you’re out of luck: it won’t.
一种常见的情况是您的主题在观察者订阅其更改之前发出事件。 如果您希望订户接收到数据,那么您就不走运了:它不会。
In this kind of scenario, you should instead opt for a ReplaySubject
, which is able to replay all the events it received to also late subscribers. It is particularly useful also when you only want to keep the latest value in memory which you can do by defining its buffer size.
,它能够将收到的所有事件重播给后期订阅者。 当您只想将最新值保留在内存中时(通过定义其缓冲区大小可以执行此操作),它也特别有用。
Another alternative is the BehaviorSubject
— which instead requires a value in order to be defined.
5)在订阅回调中执行命令式逻辑 (5) Performing imperative logic inside the Subscription callback)
One of the greatest things about RxJs is that combining operators and reusing their logic is an incredibly nice (and easy) way to build reusable bits of code.
Many of the benefits from writing Rx code ends once we subscribe to an Observable: the logic we write within subscription callbacks is not Rx-land and it’s the beginning of the end of FRP in our code.
I am not saying you should never subscribe, of course, but my recommendation is to keep the logic within the subscription callbacks as small as possible — and wherever you can, avoid subscribing directly (for example, using the Angular async
我并不是说您永远不应该订阅,但是我的建议是使订阅回调中的逻辑尽可能小-并在任何可能的地方,避免直接订阅(例如,使用Angular async
What are the drawbacks of using logic within subscriptions?
有限的可重用性 (Limited Reusability)
RxJS streams are pipeable, which means they can be combined and extended and therefore reused.
Any time you subscribe and perform logic within the subscription, you take away some logic that instead could have been offloaded to an Rx operator:
const allItems$ = this.service.items$.pipe(
);const doneItems$ = allItems$.pipe(
map(items => items.filter(item => item.done)),
);const numberOfRemainingItems$ = combineLatest(
[allItems$, doneItems$]
map(([items, doneItems]) => items - doneItems),
As you can see, creating intermediate streams, or offloading logic to separate operators, is an awesome way of reusing logic across your application.
As a rule of thumb:
do not check whether a value is truthy within your subscription, you can easily handle it with the operator
- don’t transform data in your subscription 不要转换您订阅中的数据
side effects: for example, showing/hiding a loading icon, can be done with the
or/and thefinalize
较少声明 (Less Declarative)
Let’s see an example between an imperative and a declarative snippet:
class UsersDashboardComponent {
users: User[];
activeUsers: [];
bannedUsers: []; constructor(private service: UsersService) {
this.service.users$.subscribe(users => {
if (users) {
this.users = users;
this.activeUsers = users.filter(user => user.active);
this.bannedUsers = users.filter(user => user.banned);
Now, let’s convert the above declarative streams:
class UsersDashboardComponent {
users$ = this.service.users$.pipe(
); activeUsers$ = this.users$.pipe(
map(users => users.filter(user => user.active)),
); bannedUsers$ = this.users$.pipe(
map(users => users.filter(user => user.banned)),
); constructor(private service: UsersService) {}
With that said, don’t forget to subscribe either, otherwise, your observables will never emit.
最后的话 (Final Words)
Rx is a pretty awesome library and a tool that can help you handle complex asynchronous aspects of your application with ease. It’s also quite big, and most often misunderstood.
Rx是一个非常出色的库和工具,可以帮助您轻松处理应用程序的复杂异步方面。 它也很大,并且经常被误解。
Making sure you follow the recommendations above will at least ensure that you’re taking care of an extremely common cause of mistakes, or bugs that you spend hours trying to fix.
In summary
- Unsubscribe, always 总是退订
- Don’t omit an initial value if you expect one 如果期望一个初始值,请不要忽略
- Learn well the operators that you’re using. Small differences can lead to big mistakes. 充分了解您正在使用的操作员。 细微的差异会导致重大错误。
- Use the right type of Subject: they are suited for different use-cases 使用正确的主题类型:它们适用于不同的用例
- Write as much logic as possible declaratively and within your streams. Also, reuse the logic with custom operators or intermediate streams. 在流中尽可能声明性地编写逻辑。 另外,将逻辑与自定义运算符或中间流一起重用。
If you need any clarifications, or if you think something is unclear or wrong, do please leave a comment!
I hope you enjoyed this article! If you did, follow me on Medium, Twitter or my website for more articles about Software Development, Front End, RxJS, Typescript, and more! Also, I started a new blog called Angular Bites where I post blog posts about Angular. Come take a look!
希望您喜欢这篇文章! 如果您愿意,请在 Medium , Twitter 或我的 网站 上关注我 , 以获取有关软件开发,前端,RxJS,Typescript等的更多文章! 另外,我创建了一个名为 Angular Bites 的新博客 ,并在其中发布了有关Angular的博客文章。 来看看!
翻译自: https://blog.bitsrc.io/5-common-mistakes-with-rxjs-1b09d4c19387