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measure app android,GitHub - m-lab/measure-app: Code for the M-Lab Measure App





Node v0.12+

Preferably via nvm, e.g. nvm use [version]

Cordova, Gulp, and CCA toolchain: npm install -g cordova cca gulp-cli

Yarn: npm install -g yarn

Android SDK

To completely install the SDK, you must:

run [sdk directory]/tools/android sdk and setup the tools

Minimal packages that must be installed:

Android SDK Tools

Android Platform-tools

Android SDK Build-tools 22.0.1

Android 5.1.1 (API 22) > SDK Platform (this may also require you to install higher SDK Platform versions)

Extras > Android Support Repository

Extras > Android Support Library

Optionally, install a system image for the emulator.

Getting Started

After installing prerequisites, run:

# Install dependencies and set up build environment


Mobile App

Building as an Android App

To build as an Android app:

# Setup app manifest, bower dependencies, CSS, and translations

gulp app

# Package

cca prepare android

cca build android


# Run on emulator

cca run android --emulator

# or run on a connected device

cca run android --device

Once running, you can open Chrome at chrome://inspect to get live debugging using Developer Tools.


cca build android --release

Chrome Extension

Building as a Chrome Extension

NB: The app can be loaded as a Chrome App (standalone) or Chrome extension (browser-embedded).

Only run this command if you want to build the extension version. Otherwise skip to Running.

gulp extension

Running in Chrome

In Chrome, add the "unpacked extension":


Ensure Developer mode is checked.

Click the Load unpacked extension... button and select the www subdirectory

Now you should see the Measure.app icon on the toolbar.

Packaging as a .crx

To create a .crx file, open:


Click the Packed extension... button and select the platforms/browser/www subdirectory.

This will create a www.crx and associated private key www.pem. You'll need both to distribute this extension to testers.

Packaging for Distribution in the Chrome Store

To publish as a Chrome App, you'll need to:

Edit the version in www/manifest.json to be higher than the previous version, Note: 0.15 < 0.16 but 0.15 > 0.2

Zip up the www folder

Log into the Chrome Developers Console

Edit the existing application

Upload new version, and save to publish the app

Publishing takes ~15-30 minutes to fully publish an update

Force update the extension in chrome://extensions to pull the update


User interface strings are tagged in the source code using the getttext system. Strings presented in the application's user interface are coded with gettext function calls, for example:

# Examples from an HTML template:

About M-Lab Measure App

# Examples from a JS file:

.controller("manualTranslationStrings", function (gettext) {

var translationStrings = {

"Time": gettext("Time"),

"Service Provider": gettext("Service Provider"),

"Your Location": gettext("Your Location"),

When the application is built, all strings properly identified by gettext function calls are automatically parsed into an updated master file of and saved in: /www/translations/source/application.pot. All of the strings in the master file are in English.

This file must then be uploaded to the project's Transifex account. Click the button labelled "Updating source file", then notify translators that new strings are available to translate.

When translators have completed their work, the 100% complete language files may be downloaded for use, and saved in /www/translations/lang. Subsequent builds of the extension or app will then automatically include the updated language strings or new language string sets.
