文档 Documentation:
README_FILES/ Postfix功能说明 Instructions for specific Postfix features
html/ HTML格式 HTML format
man/ 手册(UNIX on-line manual page format
示例文件 Example files:
conf/ 配置文件 configuration files, run-time scripts
examples/ 示例 chroot environments, virtual domains
库例程 Library routines:
src/dns/ DNS客户端数据库 DNS client library
src/global/ Postfix特定支持的例程 Postfix-specific support routines
src/milter/ Postfix邮件过滤客户端 Postfix Milter (mail filter) client
src/tls/ 支持TLS客户端和服务器TLS client and server support
src/util/ 通用支持例程 General-purpose support routines
src/xsasl/ SASL插件API SASL plug-in API
命令行例程 Command-line utilities:
src/postalias/ 数据库别名管理 Alias database management
src/postcat/ Postfix表队列文件 List Postfix queue file
src/postconf/ 配置实用程序 Configuration utility
src/postdrop/ Postfix邮件提交程序 Postfix mail submission program
src/postfix/ Postfix管理界面 Postfix administrative interface
src/postkick/ Postfix进程间通信 Postfix IPC for shell scripts
src/postlock/ Postfix锁 Postfix locking for shell scripts
src/postlog/ Postfix日志 Postfix logging for shell scripts
src/postmap/ Postfix查找表管理 Postfix lookup table management
src/postmulti/ Postfix多实例管理器 Postfix multi-instance manager
src/postqueue/ Postfix 队列控制程序 Postfix queue control program
src/postsuper/ Postfix保存程序 Postfix house keeping program
src/sendmail/ Sendmail 兼容界面 Sendmail compatibility interface
Postfix组件 Postfix daemons:
src/anvil/ 链接数/速率限制器 Connection count/rate limiter
src/bounce/ 退回或延迟邮件 Bounce or defer mail
src/cleanup/ 规范化入队邮件 Canonicalize and enqueue mail
src/discard/ Trivial discard mailer
src/dnsblog/ DNS代理 DNS agent for postscreen
src/error/ Trivial error mailer
src/flush/ 支持 Support for ETRN, sendmail -qI, sendmail -qR
src/local/ 本地分发 Local delivery
src/master/ Postfix管理程序 Postfix resident superserver
src/oqmgr/ 旧队列管理器 Old queue manager
src/pickup/ 本地拾取 Local pickup
src/pipe/ 管道分发 Pipe delivery
src/postscreen/ 僵尸拦截器 Zombie blocker
src/proxymap/ 路由表查找代理 Table lookup proxy agent
src/qmgr/ 队里管理器 Queue manager
src/qmqpd/ 快速邮件排队协议服务器 QMQPD server
src/scache/ Postfix SMTP会话缓存 Postfix SMTP session cache
src/showq/ Postfix队列状态 List Postfix queue status
src/smtp/ SMTP和LMTP客户端 SMTP and LMTP client
src/smtpd/ SMTP服务器 SMTP server
src/spawn/ 运行非Postfix服务器 Run non-Postfix server
src/tlsmgr/ TLS回话秘钥和随机池 TLS session keys and random pool
src/tlsproxy/ TLS代理 TLS proxy for postscreen
src/trivial-rewrite/地址重写和解析 Address rewriting and resolving
src/verify/ 地址验证服务 address verification service
src/virtual/ 虚拟邮箱专用代理 virtual mailbox-only delivery agent
测试程序 Test programs:
src/fsstone/ 测量文件系统开销 Measure file system overhead
src/posttls-finger/ Postfix SMTP/LMTP TLS探测器程序 Postfix SMTP/LMTP TLS probe utility
src/smtpstone/ SMTP和快速邮件排队协议服务器压力测试 SMTP and QMQP server torture test
其他 Miscellaneous:
auxiliary/ 复制软件Auxiliary software etc.
bin/ Postfix命令可执行文件 Postfix command executables
conf/ 配置文件,运行脚本 Configuration files, run-time scripts
include/ 头文件 Include files
implementation-notes/ 安装说明 Background information
lib/ 库文件 Object libraries
libexec/ Postfix守护进程可执行程序 Postfix daemon executables
mantools/ 文档工具 Documentation utilities
proto/ 文件来源 Documentation source