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WordPress桌面客户端– lekhonee


I find a desktop client for publishing to WordPress blogs – lekhonee[1]. I find it interesting and easy to use. This is the first post using it.

我找到了一个桌面客户端,用于发布到WordPress博客– lekhonee [1]。 我觉得它有趣且易于使用。 这是第一篇使用它的文章。

The interface is simple, but it can provides most of the functions:
* Writing post.
* Select categories.
* Add tags.
* Load and Edit the old post.
And it can provides the convenient “Spell Check” function.

* 添加标签。

It is already in Fedora’s repository, so installing it is straight forward:


# yum install lekhonee-gnome

Before using it, first go to the Writing Settings to enable XML-RPC publishing protocol. For example, in this blog the address is: https://www.systutorials.com/b/linux/wp-admin/options-writing.php

在使用它之前,首先转到“编写设置”以启用XML-RPC发布协议。 例如,在此博客中,地址为: https ://www.systutorials.com/b/ linux /wp-admin/options-writing.php

lekhonee will add a message under the post to tell the word that the post is written in lekhonee. If you find it annoying, it can be closed easily by unchecking “Edit -> lekhonee msg”.

lekhonee会在帖子下方添加一条消息,告诉该帖子是用lekhonee写的。 如果您发现它很烦人,可以通过取消选中“编辑-> lekhonee msg”轻松关闭它。

Let’s have a try and enjoy it ;)


[1] https://fedorahosted.org/lekhonee/

[1] https://fedorahosted.org/lekhonee/

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/the-wordpress-desktop-client-lekhonee/
