@NdagiStanley has mirrored the fork to have this repo here. This starterpack has proved useful to many and I thank you for the emails I have received from all of you. The reasoning behind this mirror is that this is an effort to support the users more by developing further on this project. From here on, I am calling on all potential collaborators by making it easier to make PRs and adding utility of Issues in this 'new' repo (Of course with the same name :) ). Lastly, just so you know, I'll be keeping up with developments in the original. If you are using vue-cli@1.x, it will be pulling the master branch of this template by default. If you are using vue-cli@2.x, it will be pulling the dist branch instead, which provides more configurable options thanks to new features in vue-cli@2.x. It is recommended to upgrade vue-cli as soon as you can.