Objective-C 之Static Analysis 2


Source Annotations


Specific Topics
Annotations to Enhance Generic Checks
Null Pointer Checking
Attribute 'nonnull'
Mac OS X API Annotations
Cocoa & Core Foundation Memory Management Annotations
Attribute 'ns_returns_retained'
Attribute 'ns_returns_not_retained'
Attribute 'cf_returns_retained'
Attribute 'cf_returns_not_retained'
Attribute 'ns_consumed'
Attribute 'cf_consumed'
Attribute 'ns_consumes_self'
Custom Assertion Handlers
Attribute 'noreturn'
Attribute 'analyzer_noreturn'



Attribute 'nonnull'

int bar(int*p, int q, int *r) __attribute__((nonnull(1,3)));


Null pointer passed as an argument to a 'nonnull' parameter



Attribute 'ns_returns_retained' (Clang-specific)

The GCC-style (Clang-specific) attribute 'ns_returns_retained' allows one to annotate an Objective-C method or C function as returning a retained Cocoa object that the caller is responsible for releasing (via sending a release message to the object).

Placing on Objective-C methods: For Objective-C methods, this annotation essentially tells the analyzer to treat the method as if its name begins with "alloc" or "new" or contais the word "copy".

Placing on C functions: For C functions returning Cocoa objects, the analyzer typically does not make any assumptions about whether or not the object is returned retained. Explicitly adding the 'ns_returns_retained' attribute to C functions allows the analyzer to perform extra checking. [小兵 注]这个是在混合编程的时候最重要的,因为如果没有标注,analyze是不会进行检查的。

Important note when using Garbage Collection: Note that the analyzer interprets this attribute slightly differently when using Objective-C garbage collection (available on Mac OS 10.5+). When analyzing Cocoa code that uses garbage collection, "alloc" methods are assumed to return an object that is managed by the garbage collector (and thus doesn't have a retain count the caller must balance). These same assumptions are applied to methods or functions annotated with 'ns_returns_retained'. If you are returning a Core Foundation object (which may not be managed by the garbage collector) you should use 'cf_returns_retained'.


#define NS_RETURNS_RETAINED __attribute__((ns_returns_retained))




Attribute 'ns_returns_not_retained' (Clang-specific)

#define NS_RETURNS_NOT_RETAINED __attribute__((ns_returns_not_retained))


Attribute 'cf_returns_retained' (Clang-specific)

#define CF_RETURNS_RETAINED __attribute__((cf_returns_retained))


Attribute 'cf_returns_not_retained' (Clang-specific)

#define CF_RETURNS_NOT_RETAINED __attribute__((cf_returns_not_retained))

Attribute 'ns_consumed' (Clang-specific)

#define NS_CONSUMED __attribute__((ns_consumed))

The 'ns_consumed' attribute can be placed on a specific parameter in either the declaration of a function or an Objective-C method. It indicates to the static analyzer that a release message is implicitly sent to the parameter upon completion of the call to the given function or method


Important note when using Garbage Collection: Note that the analyzer essentially ignores this attribute when code is compiled to use Objective-C garbage collection. This is because the release message does nothing when using GC. If the underlying function/method uses something like CFRelease to decrement the reference count, consider using the cf_consumed attribute instead.我还是多关心内存吧。不用什么垃圾回收,不会太考谱的。自力更生,更安全,不用的内存直接释放。


@interface Foo : NSObject
+ (void) releaseArg:(id) NS_CONSUMED x;
+ (void) releaseSecondArg:(id)x second:(id) NS_CONSUMED y;

void test_method() {
  id x = [[NSObject alloc] init];
  [Foo releaseArg:x]; // No leak!


Attribute 'cf_consumed' (Clang-specific)

#define CF_CONSUMED __attribute__((cf_consumed))



Attribute 'ns_consumes_self' (Clang-specific)

The 'ns_consumes_self' attribute can be placed only on an Objective-C method declaration. It indicates that the receiver of the message is "consumed" (a single reference count decremented) after the message is sent. This matches the semantics of all "init" methods.

One use of this attribute is declare your own init-like methods that do not follow the standard Cocoa naming conventions.


#ifndef __has_feature
#define __has_feature(x) 0 // Compatibility with non-clang compilers.

#if __has_feature((attribute_ns_consumes_self))
#define NS_CONSUMES_SELF __attribute__((ns_consumes_self))

@interface MyClass : NSObject
- initWith:(MyClass *)x;
- nonstandardInitWith:(MyClass *)x NS_CONSUMES_SELF NS_RETURNS_RETAINED;
In this example, nonstandardInitWith: has the same ownership semantics as the init method initWith:. The static analyzer will observe that the method consumes the receiver, and then returns an object with a +1 retain count



Attribute 'noreturn'

The 'noreturn' attribute is a GCC-attribute that can be placed on the declarations of functions. It means exactly what its name implies: a function with a 'noreturn' attribute should never return.



On Mac OS X, the function prototype for __assert_rtn (declared in assert.h) is specifically annotated with the 'noreturn' attribute:
A few standard library functions, such as abort and exit, cannot return. GCC knows this automatically. Some programs define their own functions that never return. You can declare them noreturn to tell the compiler this fact. For example,
void __assert_rtn(const char *, const char *, int, const char *) __attribute__((__noreturn__));


void fatal () __attribute__ ((noreturn));
          fatal (/* ... */)
            /* ... */ /* Print error message. */ /* ... */
            exit (1);


Attribute 'analyzer_noreturn' (Clang-specific)

#define CLANG_ANALYZER_NORETURN __attribute__((analyzer_noreturn))
