python的pika 库常用函数及参数说明
1. pika.PlainCredentials(username, password, erase_on_connect)
- 功能:创建连接时的登录凭证
- 参数:
- username: MQ 账号
- password: MQ 密码
- erase_on_connect: 删除连接上的凭据, 默认为 False
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(username="guest", password="guest")
2.pika.ConnectionParameters(host, port, virtual_host, credentials)
- 功能: 连接 MQ 的参数设置
- 参数:
- host: RabbitMQ IP 地址
- port: RabbitMQ 端口
- virtual_host: RabbitMQ 虚拟主机
- credentials: 登录凭证
pika.ConnectionParameters(host='', port=5672, virtual_host='/', credentials=credentials)
3. pika.BlockingConnection(parameters)
- 功能: 阻塞式连接 MQ
- 参数:
- parameters: 连接参数(包含主机/端口/虚拟主机/账号/密码等凭证信息)
connect = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host='', port=5672, virtual_host='/', credentials=credentials))
- 功能: 创建信道
- 参数:
- channel_number: 信道个数, 一般采用默认值 None
channel =
5. channel.exchange_declare(callback,exchange,exchange_type,passive,durable,auto_delete,internal,nowait,arguments)
- 功能: 声明交换器
- 参数:
- callback=None : 当 Exchange.DeclareOk 时 调用该方法, 当 nowait=True 该值必须为 None
- exchange=None: 交换器名称,保持非空,由字母、数字、连字符、下划线、句号组成
- exchange_type=‘direct’: 交换器类型
- passive=False: 执行一个声明或检查它是否存在
- durable=False: RabbitMQ 重启时保持该交换器的持久性,即不会丢失
- auto_delete=False: 没有队列绑定到该交换器时,自动删除该交换器
- internal=False: 只能由其它交换器发布-Can only be published to by other exchanges
- nowait=False: 不需要 Exchange.DeclareOk 的响应-Do not expect an Exchange.DeclareOk response
- arguments=None: 对该交换器自定义的键/值对, 默认为空
channel.exchange_declare(exchange='hello', exchange_type='direct', passive=False, durable=True, auto_delete=False)
6. channel.queue_declare(callback,queue,passive,durable,exclusive,auto_delete,nowait,arguments)
- 功能: 声明队列
- 参数:
- callback : 当 Queue.DeclareOk 时的回调方法; 当 nowait=True 时必须为 None.
- queue=’’ : 队列名称
- passive=False : 只检查队列是否存在
- durable=False : 当 RabbitMQ 重启时,队列保持持久性
- exclusive=False : 仅仅允许当前的连接访问
- auto_delete=False : 当消费者取消或者断开连接时, 自动删除该队列
- nowait=False : 当 Queue.DeclareOk 时不需要等待
- arguments=None : 对该队列自定义键/值对
- channel.queue_declare(queue=‘hello’)
7. channel.queue_bind(callback, queue, exchange,routing_key,nowait,arguments)
- 功能: 通过路由键将队列和交换器绑定
- 参数:
- callback: 当 Queue.BindOk 时的回调函数, 当 nowait=True 时必须为 None
- queue: 要绑定到交换器的队列名称
- exchange: 要绑定的源交换器
- routing_key=None: 绑定的路由键
- nowait=False: 不需要 Queue.BindOk 的响应
- arguments=None: 对该绑定自定义键/值对
- channel.queue_bind(queue=‘hello’, exchange=‘hello’, routing_key=‘world’)
channel.queue_bind(queue='hello', exchange='hello', routing_key='world')
8. channel.basic_publish(exchange, routing_key, body, properties, mandatory, immediate)
- 功能: 将消息发布到 RabbitMQ 交换器上
- 参数:
- exchange: 要发布的目标交换器
- routing_key: 该交换器所绑定的路由键
- body: 携带的消息主体
- properties=None: 消息的属性,即文本/二进制等等
- mandatory=False: 当 mandatory 参数设置为 true 时,交换机无法根据自身的路由键找到一个符合的队列,
那么 RabbitMQ 会调用 Basic.Return 命令将消息返回给生产者,
当 mandatory 参数设置为 false 时,出现上述情况,消息会被丢弃 - immediate=False: 立即性标志
channel.basic_publish(exchange='hello', routing_key='world', properties=msg_props, body=message)
9. channel.basic_consume(consumer_callback, queue, no_ack, exclusive, consumer_tag, arguments)
- 功能: 从队列中拿到消息开始消费
- 参数:
- consumer_callback:
- 先来看官方的解释
The function to call when consuming with the signature
consumer_callback(channel, method, properties,body),where
channel: pika.Channel
method: pika.spec.Basic.Deliver
properties: pika.spec.BasicProperties
body: str, unicode, or bytes (python 3.x)
意思是说,当要消费时,调用该回调函数 consumer_callback, 函数的参数有channel, method, properties,body
+ queue=’’: 要消费的消息队列
+ no_ack=False: 自动确认已经消费成功
+ exclusive=False: 不允许其它的消费者消费该队列
+ consumer_tag=None: 指定自己的消费标记
+ arguments=None: 对该消费者自定义设置键值对
def callback(channel, method, properties, body):
# 消息确认
if body.decode('utf-8') == "quit":
# 停止消费,并退出
print("msg is {}".format(body))
10. channel.basic_ack()
- 功能: 消息确认
- 参数:
- delivery_tag=0 : 服务端分配的传递标识
- multiple=False:
If set to True, the delivery tag is treated as “up to and including”, so that multiple messages can be acknowledged with a single method. If set to False, the delivery tag refers to a single message. If the multiple field is 1, and the delivery tag is zero, this indicates acknowledgement of all outstanding messages.
11. channel.basic_cancel(callback, consumer_tag, nowait)
- 功能: 取消消费, 该方法不会影响已经发送的消息,但是不会再发送新的消息给消费者
- 参数:
- callback=None : 当 Basic.CancelOk 响应时的回调函数; 当 nowait=True 时必须为 None. 当 nowait=False 时必须是可回调的函数
- consumer_tag=’’: 消费标识
- nowait=False : 不期望得到 Basic.CancelOk response
If set to True, the delivery tag is treated as “up to and including”, so that multiple messages can be acknowledged with a single method. If set to False, the delivery tag refers to a single message. If the multiple field is 1, and the delivery tag is zero, this indicates acknowledgement of all outstanding messages.
12. channel.start_consuming()
- 功能: 处理 I/O 事件和 basic_consume 的回调, 直到所有的消费者被取消
- 参数:
13. channel.basic_reject(delivery_tag, requeue=True)
- 功能: 拒绝单条消息
- 参数:
- delivery_tag : 传递标签
- requeue=True : 是否重新放回到队列中去
- channel.basic_reject()
# requeue True表示拒绝了消息后重新放回队列,False表示丢弃消息
channel.basic_reject(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag, requeue=True)
14. channel.basic_nack(delivery_tag=None, multiple=False, requeue=True)
- 功能: 拒绝单条或者多条消息
- 参数:
- delivery_tag=None : 传递标签
- multiple=False : 是否批量,即多条消息
If set to True, the delivery tag is treated as “up to and including”, so that multiple messages can be acknowledged with a single method. If set to False, the delivery tag refers to a single message. If the multiple field is 1, and the delivery tag is zero, this indicates acknowledgement of all outstanding messages.
+ requeue=True: 是否重新放回到队列中去
14. channel.queue_delete(callback=None,queue=’’,if_unused=False,if_empty=False,nowait=False)
- 功能: 删除已声明的队列
- 参数:
- callback=None: The callback to call on Queue.DeleteOk; MUST be None when nowait=True
- queue=’’: The queue to delete
- if_unused=False: only delete if it’s unused
- if_empty=False: only delete if the queue is empty
- nowait=False: Do not wait for a Queue.DeleteOk
15. channel.exchange_delete(callback=None,exchange=None,if_unused=False,nowait=False)
- 功能: 删除已声明的交换器
- 参数:
- callback=None: The function to call on Exchange.DeleteOk; MUST be None when nowait=True.
- exchange=None: The exchange name
- if_unused=False: only delete if the exchange is unused
- nowait=False: Do not wait for an Exchange.DeleteOk
16. pika.BasicProperties()
- 功能: 发送消息的属性
- 参数:
- content_type=None,
- content_encoding=None,
- headers=None,
- delivery_mode=None, 声明信息持久化, 使信息持久化,需要声明queue持久化和delivery_mode=2信息持久化
- priority=None,
- correlation_id=None,
- reply_to=None,
- expiration=None,
- message_id=None,
- timestamp=None,
- type=None,
- user_id=None,
- app_id=None,
- cluster_id=None
msg_props = pika.BasicProperties()
msg_props.content_type = 'text/plain'
17. 回调函数 callback
- 功能: 回调函数
- 参数:
- channel: 包含channel的一切属性和方法
- method: 包含 consumer_tag, delivery_tag, exchange, redelivered, routing_key
- properties: basic_publish 通过 properties 传入的参数
- body: basic_publish发送的消息
def callback(channel, method, properties, body):
# 消息确认
if body.decode('utf-8') == "quit":
# 停止消费,并退出
print("msg is {}".format(body))