Path接口 是JDK1.7中定义的接口,主要用来在文件系统中定位文件,通常表示系统相关的文件路径。JDK中的介绍:An object that may be used to locate a file in a file system. It will typically represent a system dependent file path.
Paths类 是JDK1.7中定义的静态工具类,用来根据String格式的路径或者URI返回Path的实例。JDK中的介绍:This class consists exclusively of static methods that return a {@link Path} by converting a path string or {@link URI}.
2)根据URI获取:使用Paths的get(URI url)方法获取。
Path path;
// 1. From String
path = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "..", "data")
// 2. From URI
path = Paths.get(Main.class.getClassLoader().getResource("test.txt").toURI());
// 3. From File
path = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "data").toPath();
// 4. From other Path instances: there are many functions can do that in Files.class, for example:
Path path1 = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "data");
path = Files.createDirectory(path1);
3)path.getName(int index)和path.getNameCount():分层拆分路径,例如对于/users/nanxs/test,getNameCount()返回的就是3,而对于path.getName(int index),当index分别为0~2时,得到的结果分别是users、nanxs和test。
4)path.getRoot():获取根路径,例如对于Linux/Mac OS,根路径一般就是"/"。
Path path = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "data/test.txt");
// 1. get name of the file or direction
System.out.println("file name: " + path.getFileName());
console: file name: test.txt
// 2. get absolute path of parent of the file
System.out.println("parent path: " + path.getParent());
console: parent path: /Users/nanxs/TestCode/Tests/data
// 3. get path of any appointed level
for (int i = 0; i < path.getNameCount(); i++) {
System.out.println(String.format("name of count(%d) is: %s", i, path.getName(i).toString()));
name of count(0) is: Users
name of count(1) is: nanxs
name of count(2) is: TestCode
name of count(3) is: Tests
name of count(4) is: data
name of count(5) is: test.txt
// 4. get root path
System.out.println("root: " + path.getRoot());
console: root: /
// 5. get file system:
FileSystem fileSystem = path.getFileSystem();
6)path.startsWith(Path other)或path.startsWith(String other):判断path的是不是以other开头的。对于/users/nanxs/test,不是start with users,而是start with "/"。
7)path.endsWith(Path other)或path.endsWith(String other):判断path的是不是以other结束的。对于/users/nanxs/test.txt,就是以test.txt结束的。
Path path = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "data/test.txt");
Path path1 = Paths.get(path.getParent().toString(), "..", "data/test.txt");
// 6. if the path of this file starts with (a String or a Path instance)
System.out.println("start with: " + path.startsWith(path.getRoot()));
System.out.println("start with: " + path.startsWith("/"));
start with: true
start with: true
// 7. if the path of this file ends with (a String or a Path instance)
System.out.println("end with: " + path.endsWith(path.getFileName()));
System.out.println("end with: " + path.endsWith("test.txt"));
end with: true
end with: true
// 8. get normalized path of file, that is to say, the path without redundancy element
System.out.println("original path of path1: " + path1.getParent() + "/" + path1.getFileName());
System.out.println("normalized path of path1: " + path1.normalize());
original path of path1: /Users/nanxs/TestCode/Tests/data/../data/test.txt
normalized path of path1: /Users/nanxs/TestCode/Tests/data/test.txt
首先,从第一个字符开始比较,直到碰到第一个不一样的字符时,返回path的字符的ASCII码 - path1的字符的ASCII码的int值;
然后,如果直到一个path的路径的字符已经比较到最后一位了,仍然没有找到差别,此时返回path的路径长度(即字符数量)- path1的路径长度。
c)Files.isSameFile(path, path1):比较两个path是否找到相同的文件。代码执行的逻辑如下:
JDK中的介绍:If both {@code Path} objects are {@link Path#equals(Object) equal} then this method returns {@code true} without checking if the file exists. If the two {@code Path} objects are associated with different providers then this method returns {@code false}. Otherwise, this method checks if both {@code Path} objects locate the same file, and depending on the implementation, may require to open or access both files.
Path path = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "data/test.txt");
Path path1 = Paths.get(path.getParent().toString(), "..", "data/test.txt");
Path path2 = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "data/tett.txt");
// 9. compare with another Path instance
System.out.println("compare with path1: " + path.equals(path1));
System.out.println("compare with normalized path1: " + path.equals(path1.normalize()));
System.out.println("compare with path1 using Files: " + Files.isSameFile(path, path1));
System.out.println("compare to path1: " + path.compareTo(path1));
System.out.println("compare to path2: " + path.compareTo(path2));
System.out.println("compare to normalized path1: " + path.compareTo(path1.normalize()));
compare with path1: false
compare with normalized path1: true
compare with path1 using Files: true
compare to path1: 70
compare to path2: -1
compare to normalized path1: 0
Path path = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "data/test.txt");
// 10. is path absolute? In other words, if we can locate a file or a dir without combination with other paths
System.out.println("is path absolutely: " + path.isAbsolute());
System.out.println("is path absolutely: " + path.getParent().isAbsolute());
System.out.println("is path absolutely: " + path.getFileName().isAbsolute());
is path absolutely: true
is path absolutely: true
is path absolutely: false
// 11. iterator of the array of levels of the path
Iterator<Path> iterator = path.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()){
System.out.println("iterator: " + iterator.next());
iterator: Users
iterator: nanxs
iterator: TestCode
iterator: Tests
iterator: data
iterator: test.txt
13)path.resolve(Path path1)或path.resolve(String path1):把当前路径当成父路径,把输入参数的路径当成子路径,得到一个新的路径。
JDK中的介绍:If the {@code other} parameter is an {@link #isAbsolute() absolute} path then this method trivially returns {@code other}. If {@code other} is an <i>empty path</i> then this method trivially returns this path. Otherwise this method considers this path to be a directory and resolves the given path against this path. In the simplest case, the given path does not have a {@link #getRoot root} component, in which case this method <em>joins</em> the given path to this path and returns a resulting path that {@link #endsWith ends} with the given path. Where the given path has a root component then resolution is highly implementation dependent and therefore unspecified.
Path path = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "data/test.txt");
// 12. get relative path with another Path instance based on this path
Path relativePath = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir")).relativize(path);
System.out.println("relative path: " + relativePath);
console: relative path: data/test.txt
// 13. resolve another path with this path
Path resolvedPath = path.getParent().getParent().resolve(path.getFileName());
System.out.println("resolved path: " + resolvedPath);
Path resolvedPath1 = path.getFileName().resolve(path.getParent().getFileName());
System.out.println("resolved path: " + resolvedPath1);
resolved path: /Users/nanxs/TestCode/Tests/test.txt
resolved path: test.txt/data