- mux.go
- route.go
package main
import (
func YourHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func main() {
r := mux.NewRouter()
// Routes consist of a path and a handler function.
r.HandleFunc("/", YourHandler)
// Bind to a port and pass our router in
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", r))
// NewRouter returns a new router instance.
func NewRouter() *Router {
return &Router{namedRoutes: make(map[string]*Route), KeepContext: false}
type Router struct {
// Configurable Handler to be used when no route matches.
NotFoundHandler http.Handler
// Configurable Handler to be used when the request method does not match the route.
MethodNotAllowedHandler http.Handler
// Parent route, if this is a subrouter.
parent parentRoute
// Routes to be matched, in order.
routes []*Route
// Routes by name for URL building.
namedRoutes map[string]*Route
// See Router.StrictSlash(). This defines the flag for new routes.
strictSlash bool
// See Router.SkipClean(). This defines the flag for new routes.
skipClean bool
// If true, do not clear the request context after handling the request.
// This has no effect when go1.7+ is used, since the context is stored
// on the request itself.
KeepContext bool
// see Router.UseEncodedPath(). This defines a flag for all routes.
useEncodedPath bool
// Slice of middlewares to be called after a match is found
middlewares []middleware
主要关注 routes 、parent 以及三个 flag:strictSlash、skipClean、useEncodedPath。
// StrictSlash defines the trailing slash behavior for new routes. The initial
// value is false.
// When true, if the route path is "/path/", accessing "/path" will perform a redirect
// to the former and vice versa. In other words, your application will always
// see the path as specified in the route.
// When false, if the route path is "/path", accessing "/path/" will not match
// this route and vice versa.
// The re-direct is a HTTP 301 (Moved Permanently). Note that when this is set for
// routes with a non-idempotent method (e.g. POST, PUT), the subsequent re-directed
// request will be made as a GET by most clients. Use middleware or client settings
// to modify this behaviour as needed.
// Special case: when a route sets a path prefix using the PathPrefix() method,
// strict slash is ignored for that route because the redirect behavior can't
// be determined from a prefix alone. However, any subrouters created from that
// route inherit the original StrictSlash setting.
func (r *Router) StrictSlash(value bool) *Router {
r.strictSlash = value
return r
// SkipClean defines the path cleaning behaviour for new routes. The initial
// value is false. Users should be careful about which routes are not cleaned
// When true, if the route path is "/path//to", it will remain with the double
// slash. This is helpful if you have a route like: /fetch/http://xkcd.com/534/
// When false, the path will be cleaned, so /fetch/http://xkcd.com/534/ will
// become /fetch/http/xkcd.com/534
func (r *Router) SkipClean(value bool) *Router {
r.skipClean = value
return r
false:当path为/fetch/http://xkcd.com/534 将会被清理掉,变成/fetch/http/xkcd.com/534
// UseEncodedPath tells the router to match the encoded original path
// to the routes.
// For eg. "/path/foo%2Fbar/to" will match the path "/path/{var}/to".
// If not called, the router will match the unencoded path to the routes.
// For eg. "/path/foo%2Fbar/to" will match the path "/path/foo/bar/to"
func (r *Router) UseEncodedPath() *Router {
r.useEncodedPath = true
return r
1、 true:"/path/foo%2Fbar/to"will match the path “/path/{var}/to”.
2、 False:"/path/foo%2Fbar/to"will match the path “/path/foo/bar/to”
// ServeHTTP dispatches the handler registered in the matched route.
// When there is a match, the route variables can be retrieved calling
// mux.Vars(request).
func (r *Router) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if !r.skipClean {
path := req.URL.Path
if r.useEncodedPath {
path = req.URL.EscapedPath()
// Clean path to canonical form and redirect.
if p := cleanPath(path); p != path {
// Added 3 lines (Philip Schlump) - It was dropping the query string and #whatever from query.
// This matches with fix in go 1.2 r.c. 4 for same problem. Go Issue:
// http://code.google.com/p/go/issues/detail?id=5252
url := *req.URL
url.Path = p
p = url.String()
w.Header().Set("Location", p)
var match RouteMatch
var handler http.Handler
if r.Match(req, &match) {
handler = match.Handler
req = setVars(req, match.Vars)
req = setCurrentRoute(req, match.Route)
if handler == nil && match.MatchErr == ErrMethodMismatch {
handler = methodNotAllowedHandler()
if handler == nil {
handler = http.NotFoundHandler()
if !r.KeepContext {
defer contextClear(req)
handler.ServeHTTP(w, req)
// Match attempts to match the given request against the router's registered routes.
// If the request matches a route of this router or one of its subrouters the Route,
// Handler, and Vars fields of the the match argument are filled and this function
// returns true.
// If the request does not match any of this router's or its subrouters' routes
// then this function returns false. If available, a reason for the match failure
// will be filled in the match argument's MatchErr field. If the match failure type
// (eg: not found) has a registered handler, the handler is assigned to the Handler
// field of the match argument.
func (r *Router) Match(req *http.Request, match *RouteMatch) bool {
for _, route := range r.routes {
if route.Match(req, match) {
// Build middleware chain if no error was found
if match.MatchErr == nil {
for i := len(r.middlewares) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
match.Handler = r.middlewares[i].Middleware(match.Handler)
return true
原来就是遍历 Router 下的所有 route, 一个一个找,直到找到可以匹配上的。
// Handle registers a new route with a matcher for the URL path.
// See Route.Path() and Route.Handler().
func (r *Router) Handle(path string, handler http.Handler) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Path(path).Handler(handler)
// HandleFunc registers a new route with a matcher for the URL path.
// See Route.Path() and Route.HandlerFunc().
func (r *Router) HandleFunc(path string, f func(http.ResponseWriter,
*http.Request)) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Path(path).HandlerFunc(f)
// Route stores information to match a request and build URLs.
type Route struct {
// Parent where the route was registered (a Router).
parent parentRoute
// Request handler for the route.
handler http.Handler
// List of matchers.
matchers []matcher
// Manager for the variables from host and path.
regexp *routeRegexpGroup
// If true, when the path pattern is "/path/", accessing "/path" will
// redirect to the former and vice versa.
strictSlash bool
// If true, when the path pattern is "/path//to", accessing "/path//to"
// will not redirect
skipClean bool
// If true, "/path/foo%2Fbar/to" will match the path "/path/{var}/to"
useEncodedPath bool
// The scheme used when building URLs.
buildScheme string
// If true, this route never matches: it is only used to build URLs.
buildOnly bool
// The name used to build URLs.
name string
// Error resulted from building a route.
err error
buildVarsFunc BuildVarsFunc
// Match matches the route against the request.
func (r *Route) Match(req *http.Request, match *RouteMatch) bool {
if r.buildOnly || r.err != nil {
return false
var matchErr error
// Match everything.
for _, m := range r.matchers {
if matched := m.Match(req, match); !matched {
if _, ok := m.(methodMatcher); ok {
matchErr = ErrMethodMismatch
matchErr = nil
return false
if matchErr != nil {
match.MatchErr = matchErr
return false
if match.MatchErr == ErrMethodMismatch {
// We found a route which matches request method, clear MatchErr
match.MatchErr = nil
// Then override the mis-matched handler
match.Handler = r.handler
// Yay, we have a match. Let's collect some info about it.
if match.Route == nil {
match.Route = r
if match.Handler == nil {
match.Handler = r.handler
if match.Vars == nil {
match.Vars = make(map[string]string)
// Set variables.
if r.regexp != nil {
r.regexp.setMatch(req, match, r)
return true
当我们添加路由限定条件时,就是往matcher数组中增加一个限定函数。 当请求到来时,Route.Match()会遍历matcher数组,只有数组中所有的元素都返回true时则说明此请求满足该路由的限定条件。
// matcher types try to match a request.
type matcher interface {
Match(*http.Request, *RouteMatch) bool
// addMatcher adds a matcher to the route.
func (r *Route) addMatcher(m matcher) *Route {
if r.err == nil {
r.matchers = append(r.matchers, m)
return r
// Handler sets a handler for the route.
func (r *Route) Handler(handler http.Handler) *Route {
if r.err == nil {
r.handler = handler
return r
// HandlerFunc sets a handler function for the route.
func (r *Route) HandlerFunc(f func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) *Route {
return r.Handler(http.HandlerFunc(f))
// GetHandler returns the handler for the route, if any.
func (r *Route) GetHandler() http.Handler {
return r.handler
// Subrouter creates a subrouter for the route.
// It will test the inner routes only if the parent route matched. For example:
// r := mux.NewRouter()
// s := r.Host("www.example.com").Subrouter()
// s.HandleFunc("/products/", ProductsHandler)
// s.HandleFunc("/products/{key}", ProductHandler)
// s.HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}"), ArticleHandler)
// Here, the routes registered in the subrouter won't be tested if the host
// doesn't match.
func (r *Route) Subrouter() *Router {
router := &Router{parent: r, strictSlash: r.strictSlash}
return router
使用 Router 的 HandleFunc 、Host 、 Methods 、 Schemes 、 Headers 等方法可以创建一个路由,并为其添加相应的 matcher。也可以使用 MatcherFunc 来创建自己的 matcher。
当我们添加路由限定条件时,就是往matcher数组中增加一个限定函数。 当请求到来时,Route.Match()会遍历matcher数组,只有数组中所有的元素都返回true时则说明此请求满足该路由的限定条件。
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