


<script setup lang="ts">
import { PropType, ref, onMounted, watch, nextTick } from 'vue'
import { FormInstance, FormOptions } from './types/types'
import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep'
import E from 'wangeditor'
const emits = defineEmits([

const props = defineProps({
  // 表单的配置项
  formConfigList: {
    type: Array as PropType<FormOptions[]>,
    required: true
  // 用户自定义上传方法
  httpRequest: {
    type: Function

const model = ref<any>(null)
const rules = ref<any>(null)
const formRef = ref<FormInstance | null>()
const edit = ref()

// 初始化表单
const initForm = () => {
  if (props.formConfigList && props.formConfigList.length) {
    let m: any = {}
    let r: any = {}
    props.formConfigList.map((item: FormOptions) => {
      m[item.prop!] = item.value
      r[item.prop!] = item.rules
      if (item.type === 'editor') {
        // 初始化富文本
        nextTick(() => {
          if (document.getElementById('editor')) {
            const editor = new E('#editor')
            editor.config.placeholder = item.placeholder!
            // 初始化富文本的内容
            editor.config.onchange = (newHtml: string) => {
              model.value[item.prop!] = newHtml
            edit.value = editor
    model.value = cloneDeep(m)
    rules.value = cloneDeep(r)

// 重置表单
const resetFields = () => {
  // 重置element-plus的表单
  // 重置富文本编辑器的内容,获取到富文本的配置项
  if (props.formConfigList && props.formConfigList.length) {
    const editorItem = props.formConfigList.find((item) => item.type === 'editor')!
    if (editorItem) edit.value.txt.html(editorItem.value)
// 表单验证
const validate = () => {
  return formRef.value!.validate

const getFormData = () => {
  return model.value

// 分发方法

onMounted(() => {

// 监听父组件传递进来的options
  () => props.formConfigList,
  () => {
  { deep: true }

// 上传组件的所有方法
const onPreview = (file: File) => {
  emits('on-preview', file)
const onRemove = (file: File, fileList: FileList) => {
  emits('on-remove', { file, fileList })
const onSuccess = (response: any, file: File, fileList: FileList) => {
  // 上传图片成功 给表单上传项赋值
  const uploadItem = props.formConfigList.find((item) => item.type === 'upload')!
  model.value[uploadItem.prop!] = { response, file, fileList }
  emits('on-success', { response, file, fileList })
const onError = (err: any, file: File, fileList: FileList) => {
  emits('on-error', { err, file, fileList })
const onProgress = (event: any, file: File, fileList: FileList) => {
  emits('on-progress', { event, file, fileList })
const onChange = (file: File, fileList: FileList) => {
  emits('on-change', { file, fileList })
const beforeUpload = (file: File) => {
  emits('before-upload', file)
const beforeRemove = (file: File, fileList: FileList) => {
  emits('before-remove', { file, fileList })
const onExceed = (files: File, fileList: FileList) => {
  emits('on-exceed', { files, fileList })

    <template v-for="(item, index) in formConfigList" :key="index">
      <!-- 单组件 -->
        v-if="!item.options || !item.options!.length"
        <div id="editor" v-if="item.type === 'editor'"></div>
          v-if="item.type === 'upload'"
          <slot name="uploadArea"></slot>
          <slot name="uploadTip"></slot>

      <!-- 多组件 -->
        v-if="item.options && item.options.length"
            v-for="(opt, i) in item.options"
      <slot name="action" :formRef="formRef" :model="model"></slot>


export type RuleType =
  | 'string'
  | 'number'
  | 'boolean'
  | 'method'
  | 'regexp'
  | 'integer'
  | 'float'
  | 'array'
  | 'object'
  | 'enum'
  | 'date'
  | 'url'
  | 'hex'
  | 'email'
  | 'pattern'
  | 'any';
export interface ValidateOption {
  // whether to suppress internal warning
  suppressWarning?: boolean;

  // when the first validation rule generates an error stop processed
  first?: boolean;

  // when the first validation rule of the specified field generates an error stop the field processed, 'true' means all fields.
  firstFields?: boolean | string[];

  messages?: Partial<ValidateMessages>;

  /** The name of rules need to be trigger. Will validate all rules if leave empty */
  keys?: string[];

  error?: (rule: InternalRuleItem, message: string) => ValidateError;

export type SyncErrorType = Error | string;
export type SyncValidateResult = boolean | SyncErrorType | SyncErrorType[];
export type ValidateResult = void | Promise<void> | SyncValidateResult;

export interface RuleItem {
  type?: RuleType; // default type is 'string'
  required?: boolean;
  pattern?: RegExp | string;
  min?: number; // Range of type 'string' and 'array'
  max?: number; // Range of type 'string' and 'array'
  len?: number; // Length of type 'string' and 'array'
  enum?: Array<string | number | boolean | null | undefined>; // possible values of type 'enum'
  whitespace?: boolean;
  trigger?: string | string[];
  fields?: Record<string, Rule>; // ignore when without required
  options?: ValidateOption;
  defaultField?: Rule; // 'object' or 'array' containing validation rules
  transform?: (value: Value) => Value;
  message?: string | ((a?: string) => string);
  asyncValidator?: (
    rule: InternalRuleItem,
    value: Value,
    callback: (error?: string | Error) => void,
    source: Values,
    options: ValidateOption,
  ) => void | Promise<void>;
  validator?: (
    rule: InternalRuleItem,
    value: Value,
    callback: (error?: string | Error) => void,
    source: Values,
    options: ValidateOption,
  ) => SyncValidateResult | void;

export type Rule = RuleItem | RuleItem[];

export type Rules = Record<string, Rule>;

 *  Rule for validating a value exists in an enumerable list.
 *  @param rule The validation rule.
 *  @param value The value of the field on the source object.
 *  @param source The source object being validated.
 *  @param errors An array of errors that this rule may add
 *  validation errors to.
 *  @param options The validation options.
 *  @param options.messages The validation messages.
 *  @param type Rule type
export type ExecuteRule = (
  rule: InternalRuleItem,
  value: Value,
  source: Values,
  errors: string[],
  options: ValidateOption,
  type?: string,
) => void;

 *  Performs validation for any type.
 *  @param rule The validation rule.
 *  @param value The value of the field on the source object.
 *  @param callback The callback function.
 *  @param source The source object being validated.
 *  @param options The validation options.
 *  @param options.messages The validation messages.
export type ExecuteValidator = (
  rule: InternalRuleItem,
  value: Value,
  callback: (error?: string[]) => void,
  source: Values,
  options: ValidateOption,
) => void;

// >>>>> Message
type ValidateMessage<T extends any[] = unknown[]> =
  | string
  | ((...args: T) => string);
type FullField = string | undefined;
type EnumString = string | undefined;
type Pattern = string | RegExp | undefined;
type Range = number | undefined;
type Type = string | undefined;

export interface ValidateMessages {
  default?: ValidateMessage;
  required?: ValidateMessage<[FullField]>;
  enum?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, EnumString]>;
  whitespace?: ValidateMessage<[FullField]>;
  date?: {
    format?: ValidateMessage;
    parse?: ValidateMessage;
    invalid?: ValidateMessage;
  types?: {
    string?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Type]>;
    method?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Type]>;
    array?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Type]>;
    object?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Type]>;
    number?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Type]>;
    date?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Type]>;
    boolean?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Type]>;
    integer?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Type]>;
    float?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Type]>;
    regexp?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Type]>;
    email?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Type]>;
    url?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Type]>;
    hex?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Type]>;
  string?: {
    len?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Range]>;
    min?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Range]>;
    max?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Range]>;
    range?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Range, Range]>;
  number?: {
    len?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Range]>;
    min?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Range]>;
    max?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Range]>;
    range?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Range, Range]>;
  array?: {
    len?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Range]>;
    min?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Range]>;
    max?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Range]>;
    range?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Range, Range]>;
  pattern?: {
    mismatch?: ValidateMessage<[FullField, Value, Pattern]>;

export interface InternalValidateMessages extends ValidateMessages {
  clone: () => InternalValidateMessages;

// >>>>> Values
export type Value = any;
export type Values = Record<string, Value>;

// >>>>> Validate
export interface ValidateError {
  message?: string;
  fieldValue?: Value;
  field?: string;

export type ValidateFieldsError = Record<string, ValidateError[]>;

export type ValidateCallback = (
  errors: ValidateError[] | null,
  fields: ValidateFieldsError | Values,
) => void;

export interface RuleValuePackage {
  rule: InternalRuleItem;
  value: Value;
  source: Values;
  field: string;

export interface InternalRuleItem extends Omit<RuleItem, 'validator'> {
  field?: string;
  fullField?: string;
  fullFields?: string[];
  validator?: RuleItem['validator'] | ExecuteValidator;


// 可配置的表单
import { CSSProperties } from 'vue'
import { RuleItem } from "./rule"

import { ValidateFieldsError } from 'async-validator'
interface Callback {
  (isValid?: boolean, invalidFields?: ValidateFieldsError): void,

// 表单每一项的配置选项
export interface FormOptions {
  // 表单项显示的元素
  type: 'cascader' | 'checkbox' | 'checkbox-group' | 'checkbox-button' | 'color-picker' |
  'date-picker' | 'input' | 'input-number' | 'radio' | 'radio-group' | 'radio-button' | 'rate' |
  'select' | 'option' | 'slider' | 'switch' | 'time-picker' | 'time-select' |
  'transfer' | 'upload' | 'editor',
  // 表单项的值
  value?: any,
  // 表单项label
  label?: string,
  // 表单项的标识
  prop?: string,
  // 表单项的验证规则
  rules?: RuleItem[],
  // 表单项的占位符
  placeholder?: string,
  // 表单元素特有的属性
  attrs?: {
    // css样式
    style?: CSSProperties,
    clearable?: boolean,
    showPassword?: boolean,
    disabled?: boolean,
  // 表单项的子元素
  options?: FormOptions[],
  // 处理上传组件的属性和方法
  uploadAttrs?: {
    action: string,
    headers?: object,
    method?: 'post' | 'put' | 'patch',
    multiple?: boolean,
    data?: any,
    name?: string,
    withCredentials?: boolean,
    showFileList?: boolean,
    drag?: boolean,
    accept?: string,
    thumbnailMode?: boolean,
    fileList?: any[],
    listType?: 'text' | 'picture' | 'picture-card',
    autoUpload?: boolean,
    disabled?: boolean,
    limit?: number,

export interface ValidateFieldCallback {
  (message?: string, invalidFields?: ValidateFieldsError): void,

export interface FormInstance {
  registerLabelWidth(width: number, oldWidth: number): void,
  deregisterLabelWidth(width: number): void,
  autoLabelWidth: string | undefined,
  emit: (evt: string, ...args: any[]) => void,
  labelSuffix: string,
  inline?: boolean,
  model?: Record<string, unknown>,
  size?: string,
  showMessage?: boolean,
  labelPosition?: string,
  labelWidth?: string,
  rules?: Record<string, unknown>,
  statusIcon?: boolean,
  hideRequiredAsterisk?: boolean,
  disabled?: boolean,
  validate: (callback?: Callback) => Promise<boolean>,
  resetFields: () => void,
  clearValidate: (props?: string | string[]) => void,
  validateField: (props: string | string[], cb: ValidateFieldCallback) => void,


// src\views\home.vue
  <div class="homeMain">
      <template #uploadArea>
        <el-button size="small" type="primary">Click to upload</el-button>
      <template #uploadTip>
        <div style="color: #ccc; font-size: 12px; margin-left: 10px">
          jpg/png files with a size less than 500kb
      <template #action="scope">
        <el-button type="primary" @click="submitForm(scope)">提交</el-button>
        <el-button @click="resetForm">重置</el-button>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import Form from '@/components/form/index.vue'
import { FormOptions, FormInstance } from '@/components/form/types/types'
import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from 'element-plus'

interface Scope {
  formRef: FormInstance | null | undefined
  model: any
const options: FormOptions[] = [
    type: 'input',
    value: '',
    label: '用户名',
    prop: 'username',
    placeholder: '请输入用户名',
    rules: [
        required: true,
        message: '用户名不能为空',
        trigger: 'blur'
        min: 2,
        max: 6,
        message: '用户名在2-6位之间',
        trigger: 'blur'
    attrs: {
      clearable: true
    type: 'input',
    value: '',
    label: '密码',
    prop: 'password',
    placeholder: '请输入密码',
    rules: [
        required: true,
        message: '密码不能为空',
        trigger: 'blur'
        min: 6,
        max: 15,
        message: '密码在6-15位之间',
        trigger: 'blur'
    attrs: {
      showPassword: true,
      clearable: true
    type: 'select',
    value: '',
    placeholder: '请选择职位',
    prop: 'role',
    label: '职位',
    attrs: {
      style: {
        width: '100%'
    rules: [
        required: true,
        message: '职位不能为空',
        trigger: 'change'
    options: [
        type: 'option',
        label: '经理',
        value: '1'
        type: 'option',
        label: '主管',
        value: '2'
        type: 'option',
        label: '员工',
        value: '3'
    type: 'checkbox-group',
    value: [],
    prop: 'like',
    label: '爱好',
    rules: [
        required: true,
        message: '爱好不能为空',
        trigger: 'change'
    options: [
        type: 'checkbox',
        label: '足球',
        value: '1'
        type: 'checkbox',
        label: '篮球',
        value: '2'
        type: 'checkbox',
        label: '排球',
        value: '3'
    type: 'radio-group',
    value: '',
    prop: 'gender',
    label: '性别',
    rules: [
        required: true,
        message: '性别不能为空',
        trigger: 'change'
    options: [
        type: 'radio',
        label: '男',
        value: 'male'
        type: 'radio',
        label: '女',
        value: 'female'
        type: 'radio',
        label: '保密',
        value: 'not'
    type: 'upload',
    label: '上传',
    prop: 'pic',
    uploadAttrs: {
      action: 'https://run.mocky.io/v3/9d059bf9-4660-45f2-925d-ce80ad6c4d15',
      multiple: true,
      limit: 3
    rules: [
        required: true,
        message: '图片不能为空',
        trigger: 'blur'
    type: 'editor',
    value: '',
    prop: 'desc',
    label: '描述',
    placeholder: '请输入描述',
    rules: [
        required: true,
        message: '描述不能为空',
        trigger: 'blur'
const formRef = ref()

const submitForm = (scope: Scope) => {
  scope.formRef!.validate((valid: any) => {
    if (valid) {
    } else {
// 重置表单
const resetForm = () => {

// 上传
const handleRemove = (file: any, fileList: any) => {
  console.log(file, fileList)
const handlePreview = (file: any) => {
const beforeRemove = (val: any) => {
  return ElMessageBox.confirm(`Cancel the transfert of ${val.file.name} ?`)
const handleExceed = (val: any) => {
  console.log('handleExceed', val)
    `The limit is 3, you selected ${val.files.length} files this time, add up to ${
      val.files.length + val.fileList.length
    } totally`
const handleSuccess = (val: any) => {
const handleChange = (val: any) => {
const handleBeforeUpload = (val: any) => {

<style scoped>
.homeMain {
  padding: 50px 500px;

