
 * Ext JS Library 3.3.0
 * @class Ext.form.Field
 * @extends Ext.BoxComponent
 * Base class for form fields that provides default event handling, sizing, value handling and other functionality.
 * @constructor
 * Creates a new Field
 * @param {Object} config Configuration options
 * @xtype field
Ext.form.Field = Ext.extend(Ext.BoxComponent,  {
* The label Element associated(有关联的) with this Field. Only available after this Field has been rendered by a
     * {Ext.layout.FormLayout} layout manager.

     * @type Ext.Element
     * @property label
     * @cfg {String} inputType_The type attribute for input fields -- e.g. radio, text, password, file (defaults
     * to 'text'). The types 'file' and 'password' must be used to render those field types currently -- there are
     * no separate Ext components for those. Note that if you use inputType:'file', {#emptyText}
     * is not supported and should be avoided.
     * @cfg {Number} tabIndex_The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered,
     * not those which are built via applyTo (defaults to undefined).
     * @cfg {Mixed} value_A value to initialize this field with (defaults to undefined).
     * @cfg {String} name_The field's HTML name attribute (defaults to '').
     * Note: this property must be set if this field is to be automatically included with
     * {Ext.form.BasicForm#submit form submit()}.
     * @cfg {String} cls_A custom CSS class to apply to the field's underlying element (defaults to '').
     * @cfg {String} invalidClass_The CSS class to use when marking a field invalid (defaults to 'x-form-invalid')
    invalidClass : 'x-form-invalid',
     * @cfg {String} invalidText_The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided
     * (defaults to 'The value in this field is invalid')
    invalidText : 'The value in this field is invalid',
     * @cfg {String} focusClass_The CSS class to use when the field receives focus (defaults to 'x-form-focus')
    focusClass : 'x-form-focus',
     * @cfg {Boolean} preventMark
     * true to disable {#markInvalid marking the field invalid}.
     * Defaults to false.
     * @cfg {String/Boolean} validationEvent_The event that should initiate(开始执行) field validation. 
     * Set to false to disable.
      automatic validation (defaults to 'keyup').
    validationEvent : 'keyup',
     * @cfg {Boolean} validateOnBlur_Whether the field should validate when it loses focus (defaults to true).
    validateOnBlur : true,
     * @cfg {Number} validationDelay_The length of time in milliseconds after user input begins until validation
     * is initiated (defaults to 250)
    validationDelay : 250,
     * @cfg {String/Object} autoCreate a {Ext.DomHelper DomHelper} element spec, or true for a default
     * element spec. Used to create the {Ext.Component#getEl Element} which will encapsulate(简述) this Component.
     * See {Ext.Component#autoEl autoEl} for details.  Defaults to:
{tag: 'input', type: 'text', size: '20', autocomplete: 'off'}
    defaultAutoCreate : {tag: 'input', type: 'text', size: '20', autocomplete: 'off'},
     * @cfg {String} fieldClass_The default CSS class for the field (defaults to 'x-form-field')
    fieldClass : 'x-form-field',
     * @cfg {String} msgTarget 
  * The location where the message text set through {#markInvalid} should display.
     * Must be one of the following values:
(1)qtip_Display a quick tip containing the message when the user hovers over the field. This is the default.
{Ext.QuickTips#init Ext.QuickTips.init} must have been called for this setting to work.
(2)title_Display the message in a default browser title attribute popup.
(3)under_Add a block div beneath(在下面) the field containing the error message.
(4)side_Add an error icon to the right of the field, displaying the message in a popup on hover.
(5)[element id] Add the error message directly to the innerHTML of the specified element.
    msgTarget : 'qtip',
     * @cfg {String} msgFx_Experimental(实验性的) The effect used when displaying a validation message under the field
     * (defaults to 'normal').
    msgFx : 'normal',
     * @cfg {Boolean} readOnly_true to mark the field as readOnly in HTML
     * (defaults to false).
* Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM attribute.
     * Setting readOnly=true, for example, will not disable triggering(触发) a
     * ComboBox or DateField; it gives you the option of forcing the user to choose
     * via the trigger without typing in the text box. To hide the trigger use
     * {Ext.form.TriggerField#hideTrigger hideTrigger}.
    readOnly : false,
     * @cfg {Boolean} disabled_True to disable the field (defaults to false).
* Be aware(注意) that conformance(一致) with the HTML specification,
     * disabled Fields will not be {Ext.form.BasicForm#submit submitted}.
    disabled : false,
     * @cfg {Boolean} submitValue_False to clear the name attribute on the field so that it is not submitted 
     * during a form post.
     * Defaults to true.
    submitValue: true,

    // private
    isFormField : true,

    // private
    msgDisplay: '',

    // private
    hasFocus : false,

    // private
    initComponent : function(){
             * @event focus
             * Fires when this field receives input focus.
             * @param {Ext.form.Field} this
             * @event blur
             * Fires when this field loses input focus.
             * @param {Ext.form.Field} this
             * @event specialkey_special特别的
             * Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed.
             * To handle other keys see {Ext.Panel#keys} or {Ext.KeyMap}.
             * You can check {Ext.EventObject#getKey} to determine which key was pressed.
             * For example: 
var form = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
   items: [{
           fieldLabel: 'Field 1',
           name: 'field1',
           allowBlank: false // 不允许为空;
           fieldLabel: 'Field 2',
           name: 'field2',
           listeners: {
               specialkey: function(field, e){
                   // e.HOME, e.END, e.PAGE_UP, e.PAGE_DOWN,
                   // e.TAB, e.ESC, 
                   // arrow keys: e.LEFT, e.RIGHT, e.UP, e.DOWN
                   if (e.{Ext.EventObject#getKey getKey()} == e.ENTER) {
                       var form = field.ownerCt.getForm();
             * @param {Ext.form.Field} this
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e_The event object
             * @event change
             * Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.
             * @param {Ext.form.Field} this
             * @param {Mixed} newValue_The new value
             * @param {Mixed} oldValue_The original value
             * @event invalid
             * Fires after the field has been marked as invalid.
             * @param {Ext.form.Field} this
             * @param {String} msg_The validation message
             * @event valid
             * Fires after the field has been validated with no errors.
             * @param {Ext.form.Field} this
     * Returns the {Ext.form.Field#name name} or {Ext.form.ComboBox#hiddenName hiddenName}
     * attribute of the field if available.
     * @return {String} name_The field {Ext.form.Field#name name} or {Ext.form.ComboBox#hiddenName hiddenName}
    getName : function(){
        return this.rendered && this.el.dom.name ? this.el.dom.name : this.name || this.id || '';

    // private
    onRender : function(ct, position){
            var cfg = this.getAutoCreate();

                cfg.name = this.name || this.id;
                cfg.type = this.inputType;
            this.autoEl = cfg;
        Ext.form.Field.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position);
        if(this.submitValue === false){
        var type = this.el.dom.type;
            if(type == 'password'){
                type = 'text';
        if(this.tabIndex !== undefined){
            this.el.dom.setAttribute('tabIndex', this.tabIndex);

        this.el.addClass([this.fieldClass, this.cls]);

    // private
    getItemCt : function(){
        return this.itemCt;

    // private
    initValue : function(){
        if(this.value !== undefined){
        }else if(!Ext.isEmpty(this.el.dom.value) && this.el.dom.value != this.emptyText){
         * The original value of the field as configured in the {#value} configuration, or
         * as loaded by the last form load operation if the form's {Ext.form.BasicForm#trackResetOnLoad trackResetOnLoad}
         * setting is true.
         * @type mixed
         * @property originalValue
        this.originalValue = this.getValue();
* Returns true if the value of this Field has been changed from its original value.
     * Will return false if the field is disabled or has not been rendered yet.
* Note that if the owning {Ext.form.BasicForm form} was configured with
     * {Ext.form.BasicForm}.{Ext.form.BasicForm#trackResetOnLoad trackResetOnLoad}
     * then the original value is updated when the values are loaded by
     * {Ext.form.BasicForm}.{Ext.form.BasicForm#setValues setValues}.

     * @return {Boolean} True if this field has been changed from its original value (and
     * is not disabled), false otherwise.
    isDirty : function() {
        if(this.disabled || !this.rendered) {
            return false;
        return String(this.getValue()) !== String(this.originalValue);
     * Sets the read only state of this field.
     * @param {Boolean} readOnly Whether the field should be read only.
    setReadOnly : function(readOnly){
            this.el.dom.readOnly = readOnly;
        this.readOnly = readOnly;

    // private
    afterRender : function(){

    // private
    fireKey : function(e){
            this.fireEvent('specialkey', this, e);
     * Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages.
     * See {Ext.form.BasicForm}.{Ext.form.BasicForm#trackResetOnLoad trackResetOnLoad}
    reset : function(){

    // private
    initEvents : function(){
        this.mon(this.el, Ext.EventManager.getKeyEvent(), this.fireKey,  this);
        this.mon(this.el, 'focus', this.onFocus, this);

        // standardise(使标准化) buffer across all browsers + OS-es for consistent event order.
        // (the 10ms buffer for Editors fixes a weird(古怪的) FF/Win editor issue when changing OS window focus)
        this.mon(this.el, 'blur', this.onBlur, this, this.inEditor ? {buffer:10} : null);

    // private
    preFocus: Ext.emptyFn,

    // private
    onFocus : function(){
            this.hasFocus = true;
* The value that the Field had at the time it was last focused. This is the value that is passed
             * to the {#change} event which is fired if the value has been changed when the Field is blurred.
* This will be undefined until the Field has been visited. Compare {#originalValue}.
             * @type mixed
             * @property startValue
            this.startValue = this.getValue();
            this.fireEvent('focus', this);

    // private
    beforeBlur : Ext.emptyFn,

    // private
    onBlur : function(){
        this.hasFocus = false;
        if(this.validationEvent !== false && (this.validateOnBlur || this.validationEvent == 'blur')){
        var v = this.getValue();
        if(String(v) !== String(this.startValue)){
            this.fireEvent('change', this, v, this.startValue);
        this.fireEvent('blur', this);

    // private
    postBlur : Ext.emptyFn,
     * Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid by
     * {#validateValue validating} the {#processValue processed value}
     * of the field. Note: {#disabled} fields are ignored.
     * @param {Boolean} preventMark_True to disable marking the field invalid
     * @return {Boolean} True if the value is valid, else false
    isValid : function(preventMark){
            return true;
        var restore = this.preventMark;
        this.preventMark = preventMark === true;
        var v = this.validateValue(this.processValue(this.getRawValue()));
        this.preventMark = restore;
        return v;
     * Validates the field value
     * @return {Boolean} True if the value is valid, else false
    validate : function(){
        if(this.disabled || this.validateValue(this.processValue(this.getRawValue()))){
            return true;
        return false;
     * This method should only be overridden if necessary to prepare raw values
     * for validation (see {#validate} and {#isValid}).  This method
     * is expected to return the processed value for the field which will
     * be used for validation (see validateValue method).
     * @param {Mixed} value
    processValue : function(value){
        return value;

     * Uses getErrors to build an array of validation errors. If any errors are found, markInvalid is called
     * with the first and false is returned, otherwise true is returned. Previously(事先), subclasses were invited(引起)
     * to provide an implementation(执行) of this to process validations - from 3.2 onwards(从) getErrors should be
     * overridden instead.
     * @param {Mixed} The current value of the field
     * @return {Boolean} True if all validations passed, false if one or more failed
     validateValue : function(value) {
         //currently, we only show 1 error at a time for a field, so just use the first one
         var error = this.getErrors(value)[0];

         if (error == undefined) {
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
     * Runs this field's validators and returns an array of error messages for any validation failures.
     * This is called internally during validation and would not usually need to be used manually(手工地).
     * Each subclass should override or augment(扩展) the return value to provide their own errors
     * @return {Array} All error messages for this field
    getErrors: function() {
        return [];

     * Gets the active error message for this field.
     * @return {String} Returns the active error message on the field, if there is no error, an empty string is returned.
    getActiveError : function(){
        return this.activeError || '';
* Display an error message associated(有关联的) with this field, using {#msgTarget} to determine(确定) how to
     * display the message and applying {#invalidClass} to the field's UI element.
* Note: this method does not cause the Field's {#validate} method to return false
     * if the value does pass validation. So simply marking a Field as invalid will not prevent
     * submission of forms submitted with the {Ext.form.Action.Submit#clientValidation} option set.
     * {#isValid invalid}.
     * @param {String} msg (optional) The validation message (defaults to {#invalidText})
    markInvalid : function(msg){
        //don't set the error icon if we're not rendered or marking is prevented
        if (this.rendered && !this.preventMark) {
            msg = msg || this.invalidText;

            var mt = this.getMessageHandler();
                mt.mark(this, msg);
            }else if(this.msgTarget){
                var t = Ext.getDom(this.msgTarget);
                    t.innerHTML = msg;
                    t.style.display = this.msgDisplay;
     * Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field
    clearInvalid : function(){
        //don't remove the error icon if we're not rendered or marking is prevented
        if (this.rendered && !this.preventMark) {
            var mt = this.getMessageHandler();
            }else if(this.msgTarget){
                var t = Ext.getDom(this.msgTarget);
                    t.innerHTML = '';
                    t.style.display = 'none';
     * Sets the current activeError to the given string. Fires the 'invalid' event.
     * This does not set up the error icon, only sets the message and fires the event. To show the error icon,
     * use markInvalid instead, which calls this method internally
     * @param {String} msg The error message
     * @param {Boolean} (阻止)suppressEvent True to suppress the 'invalid' event from being fired
    setActiveError: function(msg, suppressEvent) {
        this.activeError = msg;
        if (suppressEvent !== true) this.fireEvent('invalid', this, msg);
     * Clears the activeError and fires the 'valid' event. This is called internally by clearInvalid and would not
     * usually need to be called manually(手动地);
     * @param {Boolean} suppressEvent True to suppress the 'invalid' event from being fired
    unsetActiveError: function(suppressEvent) {
        delete this.activeError;
        if (suppressEvent !== true) this.fireEvent('valid', this);

    // private
    getMessageHandler : function(){
        return Ext.form.MessageTargets[this.msgTarget];

    // private
    getErrorCt : function(){
        return this.el.findParent('.x-form-element', 5, true) || // use form element wrap(包) if available
            this.el.findParent('.x-form-field-wrap', 5, true);   // else direct field wrap

    // Alignment for 'under' target
    alignErrorEl : function(){
        this.errorEl.setWidth(this.getErrorCt().getWidth(true) - 20);

    // Alignment for 'side' target
    alignErrorIcon : function(){
        this.errorIcon.alignTo(this.el, 'tl-tr', [2, 0]);
     * Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value.  To return a normalized value see 
     * {#getValue}.
     * @return {Mixed} value_The field value
    getRawValue : function(){
        var v = this.rendered ? this.el.getValue() : Ext.value(this.value, '');//Ext.value():如果this.value为空返回第二个参数;
        if(v === this.emptyText){
            v = '';
        return v;
     * Returns the normalized(规范的) data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as '').  To return the raw value 
     * see {#getRawValue}.
     * @return {Mixed} value The field value
    getValue : function(){
        if(!this.rendered) {
            return this.value;
        var v = this.el.getValue();
        if(v === this.emptyText || v === undefined){
            v = '';
        return v;
     * Sets the underlying(底层) DOM field's value directly, bypassing(避开) validation.  
     * To set the value with validation see {#setValue}.
     * @param {Mixed} value The value to set
     * @return {Mixed} value The field value that is set
    setRawValue : function(v){
        return this.rendered ? (this.el.dom.value = (Ext.isEmpty(v) ? '' : v)) : '';
     * Sets a data value into the field and validates it.  To set the value directly 
     * without validation see {#setRawValue}.
     * @param {Mixed} value The value to set
     * @return {Ext.form.Field} this
    setValue : function(v){
        this.value = v;
            this.el.dom.value = (Ext.isEmpty(v) ? '' : v);
        return this;

    // private, does not work for all fields
    append : function(v){ //append附加
         this.setValue([this.getValue(), v].join(''));
     * @cfg {Boolean} autoWidth @hide
     * @cfg {Boolean} autoHeight @hide
     * @cfg {String} autoEl @hide

Ext.form.MessageTargets = {
    'qtip' : {
        mark: function(field, msg){
            field.el.dom.qtip = msg;
            field.el.dom.qclass = 'x-form-invalid-tip';
            if(Ext.QuickTips){ // fix for floating editors interacting with DND
        clear: function(field){
            field.el.dom.qtip = '';
    'title' : {
        mark: function(field, msg){
            field.el.dom.title = msg;
        clear: function(field){
            field.el.dom.title = '';
    'under' : {
        mark: function(field, msg){
                var elp = field.getErrorCt();
                if(!elp){ // field has no container el
                    field.el.dom.title = msg;
                field.errorEl = elp.createChild({cls:'x-form-invalid-msg'});
                field.on('resize', field.alignErrorEl, field);
                field.on('destroy', function(){
                }, field);
            Ext.form.Field.msgFx[field.msgFx].show(field.errorEl, field);
        clear: function(field){
                Ext.form.Field.msgFx[field.msgFx].hide(field.errorEl, field);
                field.el.dom.title = '';
    'side' : {
        mark: function(field, msg){
                var elp = field.getErrorCt();
                // field has no container el
                    field.el.dom.title = msg;
                field.errorIcon = elp.createChild({cls:'x-form-invalid-icon'});
                if (field.ownerCt) {
                    field.ownerCt.on('afterlayout', field.alignErrorIcon, field);
                    field.ownerCt.on('expand', field.alignErrorIcon, field);
                field.on('resize', field.alignErrorIcon, field);
                field.on('destroy', function(){
                }, field);
            field.errorIcon.dom.qtip = msg;
            field.errorIcon.dom.qclass = 'x-form-invalid-tip';
        clear: function(field){
                field.errorIcon.dom.qtip = '';
                field.el.dom.title = '';

// anything other than normal should be considered experimental
Ext.form.Field.msgFx = {
    normal : {
        show: function(msgEl, f){

        hide : function(msgEl, f){

    slide : {
        show: function(msgEl, f){
            msgEl.slideIn('t', {stopFx:true});

        hide : function(msgEl, f){
            msgEl.slideOut('t', {stopFx:true,useDisplay:true});

    slideRight : {
        show: function(msgEl, f){
            msgEl.alignTo(f.el, 'tl-tr');
            msgEl.slideIn('l', {stopFx:true});

        hide : function(msgEl, f){
            msgEl.slideOut('l', {stopFx:true,useDisplay:true});
Ext.reg('field', Ext.form.Field);