Rxjava 源码系列目录
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Observable与Observer是RxJava2中最典型的一组观察者与可观察对象的组合。Observable 和 Observer 通过 subscribe() 方法实现订阅关系,从而 Observable 可以在需要的时候发出事件来通知 Observer。
1. onSubscribe(@NonNull Disposable d)
2. onNext(@NonNull T t)
在ObservableEmitter.onNext执行后回调,onNext表示的是整个响应链中的一环,在这里处理响应链中的其中一个任务,可以多次调用。 但是一旦有onComplete 或者 onError调用,则事件队列停止发射,Disposable.dispose。
3. onError(@NonNull Throwable e)
4. onComplete()
1)onSubscribe >> onNext >> (onError | onComplete)
2)onSubscribe >> onError 订阅中出现错误
* Provides a mechanism for receiving push-based notifications.
* 提供接收基于推送的通知的机制。
* <p>
* When an {@code Observer} is subscribed to an {ObservableSource} through the { ObservableSource#subscribe(IO_Reactivex_Observer)} method,
* 当一个Observer被订阅为observatesource通过订阅者方法 ,
* <p>
* the {@code ObservableSource} calls {@link #onSubscribe(Disposable)} with a {@link Disposable} that allows disposing the sequence at any time,
* then the {@code ObservableSource} may call the Observer's {@link #onNext} method any number of times to provide notifications.
* ObservableSource可以在任何时间通知被观察者状态已改变,该{@code observatesource}可以调用观察者的{@link\onNext}方法提供通知的次数不限。
* <p>
* A well-behaved {@code ObservableSource} will call an {@code Observer}'s {@link #onComplete} method exactly once or the {@code Observer}'s {@link #onError} method exactly once.
* 行为良好的{@code observatesource}将准确地调用{@code Observer}的{@link}onComplete}方法一次,或者准确地调用{@code observator}的{@link}onError}方法一次。
* <p>
* Calling the {@code Observer}'s method must happen in a serialized fashion, that is,
* 调用{@code Observer}的方法必须以序列化的方式进行,也就是说,
* they must not be invoked concurrently by multiple threads in an overlapping fashion
* 他们一定不能同时被调用__ 被多线程用重叠的方式
* <p>
* and the invocation pattern must adhere to the following protocol:
* 并且调用模式必须 遵守以下规则:
* 顺序模式是 onSubscribe >> onNext >> (onError | onComplete)
* <p>
* Subscribing an {@code Observer} to multiple {@code ObservableSource}s is not recommended.
* 不建议将一个观察者订阅到多个被观察者上,容易造成混乱
* If such reuse happens, it is the duty of the {@code Observer} implementation to be ready to receive multiple calls to
* its methods and ensure proper concurrent behavior of its business logic.
* 如果发生了这样的事情,有必要准备实现被多次调用方法,并且确保正确的并发业务逻辑
* <p>
* Calling {@link #onSubscribe(Disposable)}, {@link #onNext(Object)} or {@link #onError(Throwable)} with a null argument is forbidden.
* observable.subscribe(Observer observer)调用,使用一个null的参数是会被禁止的
* <p>
* <p>
* The implementations of the {@code onXXX} methods should avoid throwing runtime exceptions other than the following cases
* 在实现onXXX时应该避免抛出运行时异常除了以下的原因,见链接中的文章
* (see <a href="https://github.com/reactive-streams/reactive-streams-jvm#2.13">Rule 2.13</a> of the Reactive Streams specification反应流的规范):
* <li>If the argument is {@code null}, the methods can throw a {@code NullPointerException}.
* 如果observable.subscribe(Observer observer) 的参数是null,则会抛出一个 NullPointerException
* <p>
* Note though that RxJava prevents {@code null}s to enter into the flow and thus there is generally no need to check for nulls in flows assembled from standard sources and intermediate operators.
* 请注意虽然Rxjava阻止空参进入流,因此通常是没有检查flows中null 的组装标准来源和中间运营商
* <p>
* If there is a fatal error (such as {@code VirtualMachineError})如果有一个致命的错误,如VirtualMachineError
* <p>
* Violating Rule 2.13 results in undefined flow behavior. Generally, the following can happen:
* 违反规则2.13结果未定义流的行为。一般来说,以下可能发生
* <p>
* 1、An upstream operator turns it into an {@link #onError} call,一个上游运营商把它转为一个onError 调用
* 2、If the flow is synchronous, the {ObservableSource#subscribe(IO_Reactivex_Observer)} throws instead of returning normally
* 如果flow是同步的, ObservableSource的subscribe()方法将被抛出而不是正常的返回
* <p>
* 3、If the flow is asynchronous, the exception propagates up to the component ({@Scheduler} or {@link java.util.concurrent.Executor})
* providing the asynchronous boundary the code is running and either routes the exception to the global
* 如果flow是异步的,除了通讯组件Scheduler 或者 Executor 提供正在运行的异步边界代码,或者其他的全局异常。
* 如抛出onError(Throwable)或者UncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable)
* {@link io.reactivex.plugins.RxJavaPlugins#onError(Throwable)} handler or the current thread's
* {@link java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler#uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable)} handler.</li>
* <p>
* From the {@code Observable}'s perspective,an {@code Observer} is the end consumer thus it is the {@code Observer}'s responsibility to handle the error case and signal it "further down".
* 从被观察者的角度来看一个观察者是最终的消费者,因此被观察者有责任去处理error的原因并且给出 "further down"信号
* <p>
* This means unreliable code in the {@code onXXX} methods should be wrapped into `try-catch`es,specifically in {@link #onError(Throwable)} or {@link #onComplete()},
* and handled there (for example, by logging it or presenting the user with an error dialog)
* 这意味着在 onXXX中的不可靠的方法应该被try-catch包裹并处理它们( 如 打log日志或者给一个错误提示对话框),特别是onError 和 onComplete中
* <p>
* However, if the error would be thrown from {@link #onNext(Object)}, <a href="https://github.com/reactive-streams/reactive-streams-jvm#2.13">Rule 2.13</a> mandates
* 然而,如果error应该从onNext(Object)方法中被抛出,<a href="https://github.com/reactive-streams/reactive-streams-jvm#2.13">Rule 2.13 规定
* <p>
* the implementation calls {@link Disposable#dispose()} and signals the exception in a way that is adequate to the target context,
* 实现调用或者标记这个exception的方法应该 适合匹配上下文
* for example, by calling {@link #onError(Throwable)} on the same {@code Observer} instance.
* 例如:在同一个 Observer实例中调用onError(Throwable)方法
* <p>
* If, for some reason, the {@code Observer} won't follow Rule 2.13,the {@Observable#safeSubscribe(IO_Reactivex_Observer)} can wrap it with the necessary safeguards
* 处于一些原因不遵守Rule2.13, Observable.safeSubscribe(Observer)方法可以一些安全措施下使用,
* <p>
* and route exceptions thrown from {@code onNext} into {@code onError} and route exceptions thrown
* 并且route exceptions被从onNext 或者 onError抛出 ,或者被从onError和onComplete抛出的全局route exceptions处理通过
* from {@code onError} and {@code onComplete} into the global error handler via {@link io.reactivex.plugins.RxJavaPlugins#onError(Throwable)}.
* @param <T> the type of item the Observer expects to observe 观察者预计观察的类型
* @see <a href="http://reactivex.io/documentation/observable.html">ReactiveX documentation: Observable</a>
public interface Observer<T> {
* Provides the Observer with the means of cancelling (disposing)
* 为 Observer 提供了取消 连接Observable的同步和异步的两种方法(从 onNext(Object)的内部方法中),
* the connection (channel) with the Observable in both synchronous (from within {@link #onNext(Object)}) and asynchronous manner.
* @param d the Disposable instance whose {@link Disposable#dispose()} can
* be called anytime to cancel the connection
* Disposable的实例对象可以通过dispose()随时取消 观察者和被观察者直接的关系,放弃该次观察
* @since 2.0
void onSubscribe(@NonNull Disposable d);
* Provides the Observer with a new item to observe.
* 为观察者提供了一个新的项目 去观察
* <p>
* The {@Observable} may call this method 0 or more times.
* 被观察者可能一次或多次调用该方法
* <p>
* The {@code Observable} will not call this method again after it calls either {@link #onComplete} or {@link #onError}.
* Observable调用了onComplete或者onError方法后将不再调用该方法,
* @param t the item emitted by the Observable 参数对Observable是可见的
void onNext(@NonNull T t);
* Notifies the Observer that the {Observable} has experienced an error condition.
* 通知观察者,Observable发生了一个error condition
* <p>
* If the { Observable} calls this method, it will not thereafter call {@link #onNext} or {@link #onComplete}.
* 如果Observable调用了这个方法,在这之后将不再调用onNext 或者 onComplete方法
* @param e the exception encountered by the Observable Observable碰到的exception
void onError(@NonNull Throwable e);
* Notifies the Observer that the {Observable} has finished sending push-based notifications.
* 通知Observer, Observable已经完成了推送的消息
* <p>
* The {Observable} will not call this method if it calls {@link #onError}.
* Observable将不再调用这个方法,如果它调用过了onError方法
void onComplete();
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