%=======================02-713 LaTeX template, following the 15-210 template==================
% You don't need to use LaTeX or this template, but you must turn your homework in as
% a typeset PDF somehow.
% How to use:
% 1. Update your information in section "A" below
% 2. Write your answers in section "B" below. Precede answers for all
% parts of a question with the command "\question{n}{desc}" where n is
% the question number and "desc" is a short, one-line description of
% the problem. There is no need to restate the problem.
% 3. If a question has multiple parts, precede the answer to part x with the
% command "\part{x}".
% 4. If a problem asks you to design an algorithm, use the commands
% \algorithm, \correctness, \runtime to precede your discussion of the
% description of the algorithm, its correctness, and its running time, respectively.
% 5. You can include graphics by using the command \includegraphics{FILENAME}
\setlength{\parskip}{5pt plus 1pt}
\newcommand\question[2]{\vspace{.25in}\hrule\textbf{#1: #2}\vspace{.5em}\hrule\vspace{.10in}}
\newcommand\algorithm{\vspace{.10in}\textbf{Algorithm: }}
\newcommand\correctness{\vspace{.10in}\textbf{Correctness: }}
\newcommand\runtime{\vspace{.10in}\textbf{Running time: }}
\lhead{\textbf{\NAME\ (\ANDREWID)}}
\chead{\textbf{Contract Theory HW\HWNUM}}
%Section A==============Change the values below to match your information==================
\newcommand\NAME{Junhao Kong} % your name
\newcommand\ANDREWID{12101011} % your student id
\newcommand\HWNUM{1} % the homework number
%Section B==============Put your answers to the questions below here=======================
% no need to restate the problem --- the graders know which problem is which,
% but replacing "The First Problem" with a short phrase will help you remember
% which problem this is when you read over your homeworks to study.
\question{1}{The First Problem}
\question{2}{The second problem}
\question{3}{The third problem}
\question{4}{The last problem}