


by Michael Draper

通过迈克尔·德雷珀(Michael Draper)

We’re currently in the midst of a new burgeoning industry with blockchain development.


Blockchain technology is very much in a nascent stage, however this disruptive technology has already managed to take the world by storm and has experienced a boom like no other in recent times.


With many well-funded projects now eager to build out their blockchain network and deploy decentralized applications on top of them, there’s a great shortage of capable, competent blockchain developers.


With billions having been funneled into this sector, the pay and demand for blockchain developers has escalated with projects bidding against each other to attract the best blockchain talent that is left on the market.


This gold rush may leave some developers wondering if they have what it takes to dive into this industry, and especially what programming languages are most sought after in this new industry. Almost all popular programming languages are used in the blockchain industry, however developers have to consider what type of development they would like to undertake as different languages are used for certain blockchain projects and applications.

淘金热使一些开发人员想知道他们是否具备进入该行业的能力,尤其是在这个新兴行业中最需要的编程语言。 几乎所有流行的编程语言都在区块链行业中使用,但是开发人员必须考虑他们希望进行哪种类型的开发,因为某些特定的区块链项目和应用程序使用了不同的语言。

Here’s a brief rundown of the different languages and projects that are utilizing them to serve as a basic understanding and foundation for those looking to dive deeper into this industry.


Solidity — A new and simple programming language that is popular amongst Ethereum developers, as it is the language used for developing Ethereum smart contracts. Solidity is a contract-oriented Turing-complete programming language and the number of developers is estimated at over 200,000.

坚固性 —一种新的简单编程语言,在以太坊开发人员中很流行,因为它是用于开发以太坊智能合约的语言。 Solidity是一种面向合同的图灵完备的编程语言,开发人员的数量估计超过200,000

As Ethereum has taken the head start on smart contracts, many alternative blockchain platforms are ensuring that they are Solidity (or ERC-20) compatible, thus allowing smart contracts to be easily ported from Ethereum into their new blockchain networks.


Ethereum Technically Ethereum functions as an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) as a “world computer”, and is made up of multiple languages including C++, Python, Ruby, Go, and Java. JavaScript serves as the backbone of Ethereum as it functions as a runtime environment with script execution.

以太坊(Ethereum) 从技术上讲,以太坊作为以太坊虚拟机(EVM)充当“世界计算机”,并且由多种语言组成,包括C ++,Python,Ruby,Go和Java。 JavaScript充当以太坊的骨干,因为它可以充当具有脚本执行功能的运行时环境。

Java — A general-purpose programming language that is concurrent, object-oriented, and class-based is designed in such a way that Java has few implementation dependencies. Since its launch in 1995, Java has become one of the top 3 programming languages and rightly so with over 9 million developers. NEM’s core blockchain network has been written solely in Java (soon to be C++).

Java-一种并发,面向对象和基于类的通用编程语言,其设计使得Java几乎没有实现依赖性。 自1995年问世以来,Java已成为三大编程语言之一,并且拥有900万开发人员 ,这是正确的。 NEM的 核心区块链网络已完全用Java(即将成为C ++)编写。

C# — An object-oriented language known to enable developers to build robust applications that run on the .NET Framework with at least 2M developers worldwide. C# was developed back in 2000. Since its inception, it has become a popular programming language used to build powerful cross platform code that works over multiple operating systems such as Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. Blockchain projects written with C# include:

C# —一种面向对象的语言,使开发人员能够与全球至少200万开发人员一起构建在.NET Framework上运行的强大应用程序。 C#于2000年开发。自成立以来,它已成为一种流行的编程语言,用于构建功能强大的跨平台代码,该代码可在Windows,Mac,Linux和Android等多种操作系统上运行。 用C#编写的区块链项目包括:

  • Stratis a Blockchain-as-a-Service provider backed by Microsoft, allows enterprises to build their own private blockchain systems.


  • NEO was written in C#, however it also supports a variety of programming languages such as Javascript, Java, Python, and Go.

    NEO 用C#编写,但是它也支持多种编程语言,例如Javascript,Java,Python和Go。

Javascript — Often abbreviated as JS, this is a multi-paradigm language that supports event-driven, functional, and imperative (including object-oriented and prototype-based) programming styles. It is one of the most popular programming languages in the world used by at least 9.7M developers worldwide.

Javascript —通常缩写为JS,这是一种多范例语言,支持事件驱动,功能和命令式(包括面向对象和基于原型的)编程样式。 它是世界上最受欢迎的编程语言之一,被全世界至少970万开发人员使用

Lisk’s SideChain Development Kit (SDK) is written in JavaScript and allows developers to build applications on top of Lisk’s blockchain platform.

Lisk的 SideChain开发套件(SDK)用JavaScript编写,允许开发人员在Lisk的区块链平台上构建应用程序。

SQL — Structured Query Language or ‘’Sequel’’ is a programming language developed by IBM used to communicate with databases that store, query, and manipulate data. There is an estimated 7 million developers for SQL today. Popular databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, DB2, Oracle and more all use SQL to develop applications. A blockchain project that incorporates SQL is:

SQL —结构化查询语言或“ Sequel”是IBM开发的一种编程语言,用于与存储,查询和处理数据的数据库进行通信。 如今,估计有700万 SQL 开发人员 。 流行的数据库,例如MySQL,PostgreSQL,SQL Server,DB2,Oracle等,都使用SQL来开发应用程序。 包含SQL的区块链项目为:

  • Aergo An entreprise-ready blockchain solution developed by Blocko under their proprietary Coinstack technology utilizes SQL smart contracts. The Aergo chain features a SQL-based smart contract platform that will allow enterprise entities to create and execute advanced smart contracts in commercial business environments.

    Aergo 由Blocko在其专有的Coinstack技术下开发的企业就绪型区块链解决方案,利用SQL智能合约。 Aergo链具有基于SQL的智能合约平台,该平台将允许企业实体在商业业务环境中创建和执行高级智能合约。

C++ — A general-purpose programming language with an estimated 4.4 million developers, it’s greatest strength lies in the capability to scale resource intensive applications and enable them to run smoothly, thus making it a very popular programming language for 3D games. Blockchain projects using C++ include:

C ++ —一种通用编程语言,估计有440万开发人员 ,它的最大优势在于能够扩展资源密集型应用程序并使它们平稳运行,因此使其成为3D游戏的非常流行的编程语言。 使用C ++的区块链项目包括:

  • EOS — C++ is the main programming language of EOS preferred for its flexibility to run extensive applications on top of the blockchain. EOS also supports any language that compiles into WebAssembly (WASM)

    EOS — C ++是EOS的主要编程语言,因为它可以灵活地在区块链顶部运行广泛的应用程序,因此是首选。 EOS还支持任何可编译为WebAssembly(WASM)的语言

Random Fact: Bitcoin core’s network is programmed in C++.

随机事实:比特币核心的网络是用C ++编程的。

Golang — An open source general programming language loosely based on the syntax of the C programming language, Golang is easy for developers to learn, and for testers to understand. Currently there is an estimated 800,000+ developers on the Golang language that is used by the consortium network:

Golang —一种松散的开源通用编程语言,基于C编程语言的语法,Golang易于开发人员学习和测试人员理解。 目前,联盟网络使用的Golang语言估计有80万以上的开发人员

  • HyperLedger FabricMost of the chaincode (smart contracts built using HyperLedger Fabrics) is written in Golang. They also have a Java SDK for developing blockchain applications.

    HyperLedger Fabric 大多数链码(使用HyperLedger Fabrics构建的智能合约)都是用Golang编写的。 他们还具有用于开发区块链应用程序的Java SDK。

Hopefully this has provided you with a basic overview of where to start and what to dig into further if the blockchain industry is something that interests you. There is little doubt that this industry will continue to further explode over the next decade or so as advancements are made and real-world adoption use cases emerge.

希望这为您提供了从哪里开始以及如果区块链行业对您感兴趣的东西需要进一步研究的基本概述。 毫无疑问,在未来十年左右的时间里,随着行业的进步和实际应用案例的出现,该行业将继续爆炸式增长。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-most-popular-programming-languages-used-in-blockchain-development-5133a0a207dc/

