- PWscf: structural optimisation and molecular dynamics on the electronic ground state, with self-consistent solution of DFT equations;
- CP: Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics;
- PHonon: vibrational and dielectric properties from DFPT (Density-Functional Perturbation Theory);
- TD-DFPT: spectra from Time-dependent DFPT;
- HP: calculation of Hubbard parameters from DFPT;
- EPW: calculation of electron-phonon coefficients in metals;
- PWCOND: ballistic transport;
- XSpectra: calculation of X-ray absorption spectra;
- PWneb: reaction pathways and transition states with the Nudged Elastic Band method;
- GWL: many-body perturbation theory in the GW approach using ultra-localised Wannier functions and Lanczos chains.
## Modular libraries
The following libraries have been isolated and partially encapsulated in view of their release for usage in other codes as well:
- UtilXlib: performing basic MPI handling, error handling, timing handling.
- FFTXlib: parallel (MPI and OpenMP) distributed three-dimensional FFTs, performing also load-balanced distribution of data (plane waves, G-vectors and real-space grids) across processors.
- LAXlib: parallel distributed dense-matrix diagonalization, using ELPA, SCALapack, or a custom algorithm.
- KS Solver: parallel iterative diagonalization for the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian (represented as an operator),using block Davidson and band-by-band or block Conjugate-Gradient algorithms.
- LRlib: performs a variety of tasks connected with (time-dependent) DFPT, to be used also in connection with Many-Body Perturbation Theory.
- upflib: pseudopotential-related code