Apache Flink 社区非常高兴地宣布了 Apache Flink 1.14.4 发布了,这是 Apache Flink 1.14 的第三个 bugfix 版本.
这个版本修复了 51 个 bug 和漏洞,并对 Flink 1.14 进行了小的改进。下面是所有 bug 修复和改进的列表(不包括对构建基础结构和构建稳定性的改进)。有关所有更改的完整列表,请参阅: JIRA
我们强烈建议所有用户升级到 Flink 1.14.4。
您可以在更新下载页面上找到二进制文件 Downloads page.
library/flink (official images)
apache/flink (ASF repository)
[FLINK-21788] - Throw PartitionNotFoundException if the partition file has been lost for blocking shuffle
[FLINK-24954] - Reset read buffer request timeout on buffer recycling for sort-shuffle
[FLINK-25653] - Move buffer recycle in SortMergeSubpartitionReader out of lock to avoid deadlock
[FLINK-25654] - Remove the redundant lock in SortMergeResultPartition
[FLINK-25879] - Track used search terms in Matomo
[FLINK-25880] - Implement Matomo in Flink documentation
[FLINK-21752] - NullPointerException on restore in PojoSerializer
[FLINK-23946] - Application mode fails fatally when being shut down
[FLINK-24334] - Configuration kubernetes.flink.log.dir not working
[FLINK-24407] - Pulsar connector chinese document link to Pulsar document location incorrectly.
[FLINK-24607] - SourceCoordinator may miss to close SplitEnumerator when failover frequently
[FLINK-25171] - When the DDL statement was executed, the column names of the Derived Columns were not validated
[FLINK-25199] - StreamEdges are not unique in self-union, which blocks propagation of watermarks
[FLINK-25362] - Incorrect dependencies in Table Confluent/Avro docs
[FLINK-25407] - Network stack deadlock when cancellation happens during initialisation
[FLINK-25466] - TTL configuration could parse in StateTtlConfig#DISABLED
[FLINK-25486] - Perjob can not recover from checkpoint when zookeeper leader changes
[FLINK-25494] - Duplicate element serializer during DefaultOperatorStateBackendSnapshotStrategy#syncPrepareResources
[FLINK-25678] - TaskExecutorStateChangelogStoragesManager.shutdown is not thread-safe
[FLINK-25683] - wrong result if table transfrom to DataStream then window process in batch mode
[FLINK-25728] - Potential memory leaks in StreamMultipleInputProcessor
[FLINK-25732] - Dispatcher#requestMultipleJobDetails returns non-serialiable collection
[FLINK-25827] - Potential memory leaks in SourceOperator
[FLINK-25856] - Fix use of UserDefinedType in from_elements
[FLINK-25893] - ResourceManagerServiceImpl's lifecycle can lead to exceptions
[FLINK-25952] - Savepoint on S3 are not relocatable even if entropy injection is not enabled
[FLINK-26039] - Incorrect value getter in map unnest table function
[FLINK-26159] - Pulsar Connector: should add description MAX_FETCH_RECORD in doc to explain slow consumption
[FLINK-26160] - Pulsar Connector: stopCursor description should be changed. Connector only stop when auto discovery is disabled.
[FLINK-26187] - Chinese docs override english aliases
[FLINK-26304] - GlobalCommitter can receive failed committables
[FLINK-20188] - Add Documentation for new File Source
[FLINK-21407] - Clarify which sources and APIs support which formats
[FLINK-20830] - Add a type of HEADLESS_CLUSTER_IP for rest service type
[FLINK-24880] - Error messages "OverflowError: timeout value is too large" shown when executing PyFlink jobs
[FLINK-25160] - Make doc clear: tolerable-failed-checkpoints counts consecutive failures
[FLINK-25611] - Remove CoordinatorExecutorThreadFactory thread creation guards
[FLINK-25650] - Document unaligned checkpoints performance limitations (larger records/flat map/timers/...)
[FLINK-25767] - Translation of page 'Working with State' is incomplete
[FLINK-25818] - Add explanation how Kafka Source deals with idleness when parallelism is higher then the number of partitions
[FLINK-25576] - Update com.h2database:h2 to 2.0.206
[FLINK-25785] - Update com.h2database:h2 to 2.0.210