1. 典型的例子:
# 注意adop需要在解压的目录 12345 同一目录执行,而不需要cd到12345下。和adpatch不同。
$ . /EBSapps.env run
$ adop phase=prepare
$ adop phase=apply patches=123456 worker=8
$ adop phase=finalize
$ adop phase=cutover
$ . /EBSapps.env run
$ adop phase=cleanup
监控状态: $ adop -status
$ adop -status -detail 列出最新10个adop session
2. 如果在cutover之前碰到错误,可以abort.
$ adop phase=prepare
$ adop phase=apply patches=123456 worker=8
[Patch application encounters problems and you want to abort]
$ adop phase=abort
$ adop phase=cleanup cleanup_mode=full
$ adop phase=fs_clone
3. restart ADOP
见前面的 abandon/restart 参数 。
4. 在cutover时不希望启动app tier 可加入参数mtrestart=no
$ adop phase=cutover mtrestart=no
With this parameter, cutover will complete without restarting the application tier services. You can perform any additional steps that require the services to be shut down, and then start the application tier services manually using the adstrtal.sh script.
5. 多语言patch merge
To apply multiple patches to an NLS installation
This example assumes the system has American English, French, and German installed.
Use adop to start a new patching cycle (adop phase=prepare).
Use AD Merge Patch to merge the US (American English) patches into a single patch.
Use AD Merge Patch to merge the French and German patches into a single NLS patch.
Use adop to apply all drivers of the merged US patch.
Use adop to apply all drivers of the merged NLS patch.
Use adop to complete the patching cycle (finalize, cutover, cleanup phases).