英文介绍转载自https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2016/09/19/vcpkg-a-tool-to-acquire-and-build-c-open-source-libraries-on-windows/ 中间省略介绍C++库。
We are delighted to announce the availability of Vcpkg on GitHub https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg . Vcpkg simplifies acquiring and building open source libraries on Windows.
Acquiring native libraries on Windows is a critical part of the application development process; in our surveys, you told us that 80% of your C++ projects depend on two or more libraries. Despite this, we’ve heard that the current process for acquiring native libraries falls below C++ developers’ expectations when compared to other platforms such as Mac (Homebrew) and Linux (apt-get, yum, etc.)
After examining successes across all platforms, we’ve created Vcpkg with these set of principles:
We created a document that goes into more details on these topics.
Getting Started
To acquire the tool:
git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg
C:\src\vcpkg> .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
You are now all set (no installation, no registry… the tool and the associated “lib folder” are xcopy-able)
We accept contributions for new libraries, updates and improvements. See examples on how to create your own port file in the catalog.
Use Vcpkg with your projects
The easiest way to use Vcpkg from Visual Studio is through the user-wide integration, making the system available to all VS projects you build.
vcpkg integrate install
This will require administrator access the first time it is used on a given machine. After the first use, administrator access is no longer required and the integration is on a per-user basis.
In addition to the VS integration, Vcpkg also supports CMake and other build systems. For more information, see docs/EXAMPLES.
We want to hear from you!
This tool is now available for you to try. Please share your feedback and suggestions! The best place to provide them is in the GitHub repo: create new issues or vote on existing ones. We would love to accept pull requests for more open-source libraries — see docs/index.md.
You can also contact us at vcpkg@microsoft.com