【SQL】sqlzoo练习题SELECT from WORLD Tutorial



上一篇:【SQL】sqlzoo练习题SELECT names

2.如何使用WHERE來篩選記錄。 顯示具有至少2億人口的國家名稱。 2億是200000000,有八個零。

SELECT name FROM world
 WHERE population>200000000


select name,gdp/population as 人均國內生產總值 from world
 where population>200000000

4.顯示’South America’南美洲大陸的國家名字和以百萬為單位人口數。 將人口population 除以一百萬(1000000)得可得到以百萬為單位人口數。

select name,population/1000000 as '人口數/百万' from world
 where continent='South America'

5.顯示法國,德國,意大利(France, Germany, Italy)的國家名稱和人口。

select name,population from world
 where name in ('France', 'Germany', 'Italy')


select name from world
 where name like '%United%'


select name as 大国,population as 人口,area as 面积 from world
 where area > 3000000 or population > 250000000

8.美國、印度和中國(USA, India, China)是人口又大,同時面積又大的國家。排除這些國家。

select name as 大国,population as 人口,area as 面积 from world
 where (area > 3000000 and population < 250000000) or (area < 3000000 and population > 250000000)

9.除以為1000000(6個零)是以百萬計。除以1000000000(9個零)是以十億計。使用 ROUND 函數來顯示的數值到小數點後兩位。

select name,round(population/1000000,2) as '人口/百万',round(gdp/1000000000,2) as 'gdp/十亿' from world
 where continent = 'South America'

顯示萬億元國家的人均國內生產總值,四捨五入到最近的$ 1000。

select name,round(gdp/population,-3) from world
 where gdp > 1000000000000

11.The CASE statement shown is used to substitute North America for Caribbean in the third column.
Show the name - but substitute Australasia for Oceania - for countries beginning with N.

SELECT name,
 CASE WHEN continent='Oceania' THEN 'Australasia'
 ELSE continent END as a
 FROM world
  WHERE name LIKE 'N%'


select name,
 case when continent in ('Europe','Asia') then 'Eurasia' 
 when continent in ('North America','South America','Caribbean') then 'America' 
 else continent end as 大洲 
 from world 
  where name like 'A%' or name like 'B%'

13.Put the continents right…
Oceania becomes Australasia
Countries in Eurasia and Turkey go to Europe/Asia
Caribbean islands starting with ‘B’ go to North America, other Caribbean islands go to South America
Show the name, the original continent and the new continent of all countries.

select name,continent,
 case when continent = 'Oceania' then 'Australasia'
 when continent in ('Eurasia','Turkey') then 'Europe/Asia'
 when continent='Caribbean'and name like 'B%' then 'North America'
 when continent='Caribbean'and name not like 'B%' then 'South America'
 else continent end
 from world
  order by name

下一篇:sqlzoo练习题SELECT from Nobel Tutorial
