matlab 和 ampl 结合,AMPL API for MATLAB - Algebraic modeling language interface for large-scale optimiz...


The AMPL API lets MATLAB® users leverage the power and convenience of the AMPL modeling language and system for diverse applications of large-scale optimization. AMPL is tailored to the challenges of creating and managing the large, complex optimization problems that arise in applications across science, engineering, economics, and business. The AMPL system supports a broad range of linear and nonlinear problem formulations and all the most popular large-scale algorithmic packages for solving optimization problems. Using the API, researchers and developers can take advantage of AMPL's strengths in model formulation and solution while working in the MATLAB environment and benefiting from its extensive features for data generation and analysis.

The AMPL API defines MATLAB classes and methods for accessing all operations of the AMPL system and for exchanging data between MATLAB and AMPL structures. The AMPL system and the API are packaged as one product; numerous commercial and open-source solvers, implementing a variety of sophisticated optimization algorithms, are available separately.
