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java fally是什么意思_fall是什么意思_fall在线翻译_读音_用法_例句_含义-查字典网...


1.descend in free fall under the influence of gravity;

The branch fell from the tree

2.move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way;

The temperature is going down

3.pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind;

fall into a trap

4.come under, be classified or included;

fall into a category

5.fall from clouds;

rain, snow and sleet were falling

6.suffer defeat, failure, or ruin;

We must stand or fall

7.decrease in size, extent, or range;

The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester

8.die, as in battle or in a hunt;

Many soldiers fell at Verdun

9.touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly;

Light fell on her face

10. be captured;

The cities fell to the enemy

11. occur at a specified time or place;

Christmas falls on a Monday this year

12. yield to temptation or sin;

Adam and Eve fell

13. lose office or power;

The government fell overnight

14. to be given by assignment or distribution;

The most difficult task fell on the youngest member of the team

15. move in a specified direction;

The line of men fall forward

16. be due;

payments fall on the 1st of the month

17. lose one's chastity;

a fallen woman

18. to be given by right or inheritance;

The estate fell to the oldest daughter

19. come into the possession of;

The house accrued to the oldest son

20. fall to somebody by assignment or lot;

The task fell to me

21. be inherited by;

The estate fell to my sister

22. slope downward;

The hills around here fall towards the ocean

23. lose an upright position suddenly;

The vase fell over and the water spilled onto the table

24. drop oneself to a lower or less erect position;

She fell back in her chair

25. fall or flow in a certain way;

This dress hangs well

26. assume a disappointed or sad expression;

Her face fell when she heard that she would be laid off

27. be cast down;

his eyes fell

28. come out; issue;

silly phrases fell from her mouth

29. be born, used chiefly of lambs;

The lambs fell in the afternoon

30. begin vigorously;

The prisoners fell to work right away

31. go as if by falling;

Grief fell from our hearts

32. come as if by falling;

Night fell
