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(Hack Week)疯狂有办法


Since the early days of Unity more than a decade ago, we have had a long-standing tradition of bringing our widely-dispersed engineering organization together in one place for a week of innovation. Hack Week is about exploration, risk-taking, and pushing boundaries to find the extraordinary. Starting today, we once again assemble for Hack Week XII, this time in Nyborg, Denmark about 90 minutes outside of Copenhagen.

自十多年前Unity成立之初,我们就拥有悠久的传统,就是将我们分散的工程组织集中到一个地方,进行一周的创新。 Hack Week的主题是探索,冒险和突破界限以发现非凡之处。 从今天开始,我们再次为Hack Week XII进行集会,这次是在 距哥本哈根约90分钟路程的 丹麦尼堡 举行。

Nowadays hackathons are pretty common Why are they so interesting and what makes them so effective? I think it’s because engineers like to solve hard problems, and when you have the freedom to solve a problem without the constraint of also requiring producing quality code then you are able to wield all the know-how and tools at your disposal in effective ways. That’s a fancy way of saying it’s just simply more fun to write code when you can do it in any way you want!

如今,黑客马拉松已经很普遍了,为什么它们如此有趣,又为何如此有效? 我认为这是因为工程师喜欢解决棘手的问题,并且当您有自由解决问题的能力而又不要求生成质量代码的约束时,您便可以有效地运用所有专有技术和工具。 这是一种花哨的方式,当您可以按自己想要的任何方式编写代码时,写代码只是更加有趣!

We don’t have a lot of rules, but we do have a few guidelines


People shouldn’t work alone and they shouldn’t work on what they normally work on. It’s not uncommon for people to work on offshoots or evolutions in the same problem space they normally do, but the key here is to try new things, new directions, new approaches.

人们不应该一个人工作,也不应该在他们通常从事的工作上工作 。 人们通常会在相同的问题空间中处理分支或演化,这很常见,但是这里的关键是尝试新事物,新方向,新方法。

And with these simple guidelines magic happens. People come together, interact, discuss, discover, create, extend, build, push and learn. Innovation and insight often continues after the week is over, and a solution can even come about via multiple hack weeks. Some of our best features are the result of Hack Weeks: Profiler, WebGL build pipeline/target, IL2CPP and the Progressive Lightmapper are just a few examples.

有了这些简单的准则,魔术就发生了。 人们聚在一起,互动,讨论,发现,创建,扩展,构建,推动和学习。 创新和洞察力通常在一周结束后仍会继续,并且解决方案甚至可以通过多次黑客攻击来实现。 我们的一些最佳功能是Hack Weeks的结果:Profiler,WebGL构建管道/目标,IL2CPP和Progressive Lightmapper只是其中的几个示例。

Hack Week is part of our commitment to delivering a stable, ready-to-use product. It’s one of the ways we prototype stuff before the development and implementation of a specific feature of Unity. It’s not about producing short-term results manifested in specific new features available for download tomorrow. Hack Week is a long-term investment in solving the user’s  real-world problems.

Hack Week是我们致力于提供稳定,随时可用的产品的承诺的一部分。 这是在开发和实施Unity特定功能之前,我们对原型进行原型制作的方法之一。 这与产生短期结果无关,该结果体现在明天可以下载的特定新功能中。 Hack Week是解决用户实际问题的一项长期投资。

Hack Week is also an investment in our employees. It gives them space to break out, have fun and explore. Pushing yourself the extra 4-5 hours past your normal workday routine all week long gives you that 50% boost you need to punch through difficult problems and make real progress.

哈克周也是对员工的一项投资。 它为他们提供了突破,玩乐和探索的空间。 整整一周的工作时间比常规工作时间多出4-5个小时,这可以使您解决困难的问题并取得真正的进步需要提高50%。

You code into the night, hang around and get to know colleagues in a new way that’s impossible through Skype, Slack and email. You run into seemingly impossible problems and challenges and more often than not overcome them. At the end of the week on Friday afternoon, we gather together and check out the results of 4.5 days of inspired hacking. And it never ceases to be amazing.

您可以编码到深夜,闲逛并通过Skype,Slack和电子邮件以新的方式认识同事。 您遇到看似不可能的问题和挑战,并且往往会克服它们。 在星期五下午的周末,我们聚在一起,检查了4.5天启发式黑客攻击的结果。 而且它永远不会停止变得惊人。

You always leave feeling invigorated, validated and motivated (and sometimes a bit exhausted  given the fact that our end of week party is rather fun, too). Oh and hey, you get a cool t-shirt, too!

您总是会感到 精力充沛,受到 验证和有动力 (有时由于我们的周末聚会也很有趣,所以有时会 感到 精疲力尽)。 哦,嘿,你也得到了一件很酷的T恤!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/05/22/theres-method-to-the-hack-week-madness/
