Spring Session for Apache Geode & Pivotal GemFire (SSDG) provides an API and implementation of Spring Session core to manage a user’s Session information.
Session state is stored in Apache Geode by leveraging Spring Data for Apache Geode, or Pivotal GemFire by leveraging Spring Data for Pivotal GemFire. By integrating with Apache Geode and Pivotal GemFire, you now have the power of these technologies (e.g. Strong Consistency, Low Latency, High Availability, Resiliency, etc) at your finger tips in your Spring Boot applications.
It is even possible to use SSDG when deploying and running your Spring Boot applications in Pivotal CloudFoundry, using Pivotal Cloud Cache, which is itself based on Apache Geode.
Spring Session for Apache Geode, or alternatively Pivotal GemFire, (SSDG) provides the following features:
HTTP and WebSocket Session state management using either Apache Geode