DasBlog uses a poor man's macro language in our templates to make it easy to change the skin of a whole blog. The macros allow folks to call methods from our templates, with or without parameters.
DasBlog在我们的模板中使用穷人的宏语言来简化整个博客的外观。 宏允许人们从带有或不带有参数的模板中调用方法。
We use some reflection code like this:
MemberInfo[] members = subexObject.GetType().FindMembers(
new MemberFilter(this.IsMemberEligibleForMacroCall), subex.Trim());
Where "subex" contains a string like "items" that was extracted from one of our template files that included a macro string like <%items%> indicating to dasBlog to insert a list of blog items here.
其中,“ subex”包含一个类似“ items”的字符串,该字符串是从我们的模板文件之一中提取的,其中包括一个宏字符串,例如<%items%>,指示dasBlog在此处插入博客项目列表。
However, when someone using a Turkish browser comes to a site running dasBlog they see NOTHING. Zip. Why?
但是,当使用土耳其语浏览器的人进入运行dasBlog的站点时,他们会看到“无”。 压缩。 为什么?
In Turkish, there are four letter "I's. In English our i becomes I when capitalized. However, in Turkish, i becomes İ and ı becomes I. Notice the dots.
在土耳其语中,有四个字母“ I's。在英语中,大写的i变成了我。但是,在土耳其语中,i变成了İ,ı变成了I。注意点。
Also, notice that we use BindingFlags.IgnoreCase in our call to FindMembers(). I suspect that the "items" is becoming "Items" internally (perhaps an in appropriate call to ToUpper()?) but I can't find an implementation with Reflector that even looks at BindingFlags.IgnoreCase. Regardless, we fail to call the method and get a System.MissingMemberException or System.MissingMethodException.
另外,请注意,在对FindMembers()的调用中,我们使用BindingFlags.IgnoreCase。 我怀疑“项目”在内部正在变成“项目”(也许是对ToUpper()的适当调用?),但是我找不到使用Reflector甚至看不到BindingFlags.IgnoreCase的实现。 无论如何,我们都无法调用该方法并获得System.MissingMemberException或System.MissingMethodException。
ACTION REQUIRED: The solution is, for now, for all you folks running dasBlog, to go into your *.template files and make these quick and easy changes (there isn't yet an easy code change, and it's not just a ToUpper() situation):
需要采取的措施:目前,对于所有运行dasBlog的人来说,解决方案是进入* .template文件并进行快速,轻松的更改(尚不容易进行代码更改,而不仅仅是ToUpper( )情况):
I'll make changes to all the default dasBlog templates while I look for a more correct solution in code and/or determine if this is a limitation in FindMembers().
翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/dasblog-usability-alert-template-changes-to-enable-turkish-users