You can create cluster groups. To do this, use the group configuration element.By specifying a group name and group password, you can separate your clusters in a simple way. Example groupings can be by development, production, test, app, etc. The following is an example declarative configuration.
<property name="hazelcast.logging.type">slf4j</property>
<property name="hazelcast.operation.call.timeout.millis">30000</property>
<property name="hazelcast.memcache.enabled">false</property>
<property name="hazelcast.rest.enabled">false</property>
Hazelcast has a flexible logging configuration and does not depend on any logging framework except JDK logging. It has built-in adaptors for a number of logging frameworks and it also supports custom loggers by providing logging interfaces.
To use built-in adaptors, set the hazelcast.logging.type property to one of the predefined types below.
jdk: JDK logging (default)
log4j: Log4j
slf4j: Slf4j
none: disable logging
You can set hazelcast.logging.type through declarative configuration, programmatic configuration, or JVM system property.
<management-center enabled="false"/>
<port auto-increment="true" port-count="100">5701</port><!--端口-->
<multicast enabled="true">
<tcp-ip enabled="false"/>
<aws enabled="false"/>
<interfaces enabled="false">
<ssl enabled="false"/>
<socket-interceptor enabled="false"/>
<symmetric-encryption enabled="false">
encryption algorithm such as
<!-- salt value to use when generating the secret key -->
<!-- pass phrase to use when generating the secret key -->
<!-- iteration count to use when generating the secret key -->
You can specify which network interfaces that Hazelcast should use. Servers mostly have more than one network interface, so you may want to list the valid IPs. Range characters (‘’ and ‘-‘) can be used for simplicity. For instance, 10.3.10. refers to IPs between and Interface refers to IPs between and (4 and 18 included). If network interface configuration is enabled (it is disabled by default) and if Hazelcast cannot find an matching interface, then it will print a message on the console and will not start on that node
Hazelcast allows you to use SSL socket communication among all Hazelcast members. To use it, you need to implement com.hazelcast.nio.ssl.SSLContextFactory and configure the SSL section in network configuration.
<ssl enabled="true">
<property name="foo">bar</property>
Hazelcast provides a default SSLContextFactory, com.hazelcast.nio.ssl.BasicSSLContextFactory, which uses configured keystore to initialize SSLContext. You define keyStore and keyStorePassword, and you can set keyManagerAlgorithm (default SunX509), trustManagerAlgorithm (default SunX509) and protocol (default TLS).
<ssl enabled="true">
<property name="keyStore">keyStore</property>
<property name="keyStorePassword">keyStorePassword</property>
<property name="keyManagerAlgorithm">SunX509</property>
<property name="trustManagerAlgorithm">SunX509</property>
<property name="protocol">TLS</property>
<socket-interceptor enabled="true">
<property name="kerberos-host">kerb-host-name</property>
<property name="kerberos-config-file">kerb.conf</property>
<symmetric-encryption enabled="true">
<!--encryption algorithm such as
<!-- salt value to use when generating the secret key -->
<!-- pass phrase to use when generating the secret key -->
<!-- iteration count to use when generating the secret key -->
You can do custom grouping using Hazelcast’s interface matching configuration. This way, you can add different and multiple interfaces to a group. You can also use wildcards in the interface addresses. For example, the users can create rack aware or data warehouse partition groups using custom partition grouping
<partition-group enabled="true" group-type="CUSTOM">
<executor-service name="exec">
pool-size: The number of executor threads per Member for the Executor.
queue-capacity: Executor’s task queue capacity.
statistics-enabled: Some statistics like pending operations count, started operations count, completed operations count, cancelled operations count can be retrieved by setting this parameter’s value as true. The method for retrieving the statistics is getLocalExecutorStats().
<queue name="default">
队列的最大值。当JVM本地队列大小达到最大值时,所有put/offer操作将被封锁,直到队列的大小下降低于JVM的最大值。值为0和Integer.MAX_VALUE之间的任何整数。0表示Integer.MAX_VALUE. 默认值为0。
<multimap name="default">
<entry-listener include-value="false" local="false">
<list name="default">
<set name="default">
<jobtracker name="default">
<!-- Queue size 0 means number of partitions * 2 -->
max-thread-size: Configures the maximum thread pool size of the JobTracker.
queue-size: Defines the maximum number of tasks that are able to wait to be processed. A value of 0 means an unbounded queue. Very low numbers can prevent successful execution since job might not be correctly scheduled or intermediate chunks might be lost.
retry-count: Currently not used. Reserved for later use where the framework will automatically try to restart / retry operations from an available save point.
chunk-size: Defines the number of emitted values before a chunk is sent to the reducers. If your emitted values are big or you want to better balance your work, you might want to change this to a lower or higher value. A value of 0 means immediate transmission, but remember that low values mean higher traffic costs. A very high value might cause an OutOfMemoryError to occur if the emitted values do not fit into heap memory before being sent to the reducers. To prevent this, you might want to use a combiner to pre-reduce values on mapping nodes.
communicate-stats: Defines if statistics (for example, statistics about processed entries) are transmitted to the job emitter. This can show progress to a user inside of an UI system, but it produces additional traffic. If not needed, you might want to deactivate this.
topology-changed-strategy: Defines how the MapReduce framework will react on topology changes while executing a job. Currently, only CANCEL_RUNNING_OPERATION is fully supported, which throws an exception to the job emitter (will throw a com.hazelcast.mapreduce.TopologyChangedException).
<semaphore name="default">
backup-count: 同步备份的数目;
async-backup-count: 同步备份的数目。
<reliable-topic name="default">
statistics-enabled: 允许或者禁止reliable topic使用统计量集合,默认值为true;
read-batch-size:Reliable Topic从群组中读取到的消息的最小数量,默认值为10;
<ringbuffer name="default">
backup-count: 同步备份的数量,默认值为1;
async-backup-count: 同步备份的数量,默认值为0;
in-memory-format: 当项目存储在Ringbuffer中时的格式,可用的值为OBJECT和BINARY,默认值为BINARY。
portable-version:定义了便携式序列化的版本,便携式版本可以区分两个相同的类的,一旦类稍有改变 ,例如增加/移除方法,或将方法的名称进行改变。
<services enable-defaults="true"/>
Hazelcast Map(即IMAP)扩展了java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap接口,继承了java.util.Map类。它是Java map的分布式实现。我们可以从Hazelcast map中读或写通过get和put方法。
entry的释放政策,有效值为:NONE,不释放;LRU(Least Recently Used),释放最少的最近使用过的entry;LFU(Least Frequently Used),释放最少的最常使用的entry。
map的最大数目(即,map最大的entry数)。当达到最大数目时,map将会按已定义的释放政策进行操作。它有四种属性:PER_NODE,JVM中最大的map entry数;PER_PARTITION,在各分区中最大的entry数;USED_HEAP_SIZE,在JVM中以兆计的最大使用堆数;USED_HEAP_PERCENTAGE,在JVM中,使用堆的最大百分比。
<max-size policy="PER_NODE">100000</max-size>
当从分裂中回复时,在小集群里的map接口将会合并到大的集群中取,基于这里设置的政策。当一个接口合并到集群中时 ,集群中可能已经存在拥有相同键得接口。但对于相同的键,它们的数值可能不尽相同。那么,该给这个键设置怎样的值呢?这个政策将会解决这个冲突。默认的政策为PutIfAbsentMapMergePolicy.
com.hazelcast.map.merge.PutIfAbsentMapMergePolicy,如果在集群中不存在这样的集成接口,接口就会被加入 ;
com.hazelcast.map.merge.HigherHitsMapMergePolicy ,具有更高值得接口会被加入。
com.hazelcast.map.merge.LatestUpdateMapMergePolicy ,最新的接口将被加入。