Unreal Engine 4 Blueprint and C++ Programming 虚幻编辑器(1)


World Settings


Enable World Composition(bool)

{ Eable tools for composing a tiled world. Level has to be saved and  all sub - levels removed before enabling this option. }

{ 启用组合碎片世界的工具。启用该选项之前要保存所有关卡,移除所有子关卡。}

Use Client Side Level Streaming Volumes(bool)

{ Enable Client - side streaming volumes instead of server - side. Expected usage scenario: server has all streaming levels

always loaded, client independently stream levels in/out based on streaming volumes. }

{ 启动客户端卷替代服务端卷。预期使用场景:服务器总是加载所有流关卡,客户端则依赖流卷独立加载流关卡。}

Kill Z(float)

{ Any actor falling below this level gets destroyed. }

{ 任何Actor掉落至该水平线(Z坐标值)之下都会被摧毁。}


GameMode Override(choice)

{ The default GameMode to use when starting this map in the game. If this value is NULL,

the INI setting for default game type is used. }

{ 游戏中这张地图启动时将会使用默认游戏模式。如果这个值是NULL的,将会启用INI为默认游戏模式的设定。}

Selected GameMode

    Default Pawn Class(choice)

    { The default pawn class used by players. }

    { 玩家使用的默认Pawn类。}

    HUD Class(choice)

    { HUD class this game uses. }

    { 游戏使用的HUD类。}

    Player Controller Class(choice)

    { The class of PlayerController to spawn for players logging in. }

    { 为玩家登陆生成的玩家控制器类。}

    Game State Class(choice)

    { Class of GameState associated with this GameMode. }

    { 与游戏模式关联的游戏状态类。}

    Player State Class(choice)

    { A PlayerState of this class will be associated with every player to replicate relevant player information to all clients. }

    { 与每个玩家关联,将相关玩家的信息复制到所有客户端的玩家状态类。}

    Spectator Class(choice)

    { The pawn class used by the PlayerController for players when spectating. }

    { 当玩家观看游戏时被玩家控制器使用的Pawn类。}


Lightmass Settings

    Static Lighting Level Scale

    Num Indirect Lighting Bounces

    Num Sky Lighting Bounces

    Indirect Lighting Quality

    Indirect Lighting Smoothness

    Environment Color

    Environment Intensity

    Diffuse Boost

    Volume Lighting Method

    Volumetric Lightmap Maximum Brick Memory Mb

    Volumetric Lightmap Spherical Harmonic Smoothing

    Volume Light Sample Placement Scale

    Use Ambient Occlusion

    Generate Ambient Occlusion Material Mask

    Direct Illumination Occlusion Fraction

    Indirect Illnumination Occlusion Fraction

    Occlusion Exponent

    Fully Occluded Samples Fraction

    Max Occlusion Distance

    Visualize Material Diffuse

    Visualize Ambient Occlusion

    Compress Lightmaps


Override World Gravity(bool)

{ If set to true we will use GlobalGravityZ instead of project DefaultGravityZ. }

{ 如果设为true我们将使用全局重力替代默认值。}

Global Gravity Z(value)

{ optional level specific gravity override set by level designer. }

{ 由关卡设计者重写(重载设置)可选关卡具体重力。}


Default Max DistanceField Occlusion Distance(value)

{ Max occlusion distance used by mesh distance fields, overridden if there is a movable skylight. }

{ 网格距离场使用的最大遮挡距离,将被重写,如果这里有一个可移动的天窗。}

Global DistanceField View Distance(value)

{ Distance from the camera that the global distance filed should cover. }

{ 全局距离场应该覆盖的到摄像机的距离。}

Dynamic Indirect Shadows Self Shadowing Intensity(value)

{ Controls the intensity of self - shadowing from capsule indirect shadows. These types of shadows use approximate occluder

representations, so reducing self - shadowing intensity can hide those artifacts. }

{ 控制来自胶囊式间接阴影的自遮蔽强度。这些类型的阴影使用近似遮挡器表示,因此减少自遮蔽强度可以隐藏那些伪影。}

Precomputed Visibility(预先计算能见度)

Precompute  Visibility(bool)

{ Whether to place visibility cells inside Precomputed Visibility Volumes and along camera tracks in this level. Precomputing visibility

reduces rendering thread thime at the cost of some runtime memory and somewhat increased lighting build times. }



Default Reverb Settings

    Apply Reverb(bool)

    { Whether to apply the reverb settings below. }

    { 是否应用以下混响设置。}

    Reverb Effect(choice)

    { The reverb asset to employ. }

    { 使用混响资源。}

    Reverb Plugin Effect(choice)

    { This is used to apply plugin - specific settings when a Reverb Plugin is being used. }

    { 当一个混响插件被使用的时候,这个选项可以应用具体插件设置}


    { Volume level of the reverb affect. }

    { 音量水平的混响影响。}

    Fade Time(value)

    { Time to fade from current reverb settings into this settings, in seconds. }

    { 时间从当前混响设置开始流逝直到这个设置停止,以秒为单位。}

Default Ambient Zone Settings

    Exterior Volume(外部音量)

    { The desired volume of sounds outside the volume when the player is inside the volume. }

    { 当玩家处在音量之内的预期的外部音量。}

    Exterior Time



    Exterior LPF



    Exterior LPFTime



    Interior Volume



    Interior Time



    Interior LPF



    Interior LPFTime



Default Base Sound Mix




Emable Hierachical LODSystem

HLODSetup Asset

Override Base Material

Hierachical LODSetup

    HLOD Level 0

        Cluster generation settings

            Allow Specific Exclusion

            Desired Bound Radius

            Desired Filling Percentage

            Min Number Of Actors to Build

            Only Generate Clusters for Volumes

        Mesh generation settings

            Transition Screen Size

            Override Draw Distance 

            Simplify Mesh

            Merge Setting()


World to Meters

Mono Culling Distance


Allow Tick Before Begin Play


Override Dfault Broadphase Settings

Broadphase Settings

    Use MBPOn Client

    Use MBPOn Server




    MBPNum Subdivs


Enable AISystem


Include Actor for HLOD Mesh generation


Is Editor Only Actor
