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带内置进度指示器的“提交”按钮 ('Submit' button with built-in progress indicator)

Simple implementation of Ladda (1, 2) in less than 90 lines of code with no dependencies.


It can use Bootstrap 3 button styles or you can style it yourself.

它可以使用Bootstrap 3按钮样式,也可以自己设置样式。

道具 (Props)

disabled - Boolean, works the same as regular "disabled" attribute. progress - Number, if (> 0 && < 100) the button will disable itself, and display progress bar and the spinning circle. autoProgress - Number, if > 0 the button will display fake automatic progress (similar to vue-top-progress-bar). autoProgress determines the time in milliseconds to reach 100%. You should set it to your typical response time. Default is 3000 ms.

disabled-布尔值,与常规的“ disabled”属性相同。 progress-数字,如果(> 0 && <100),该按钮将自行禁用,并显示进度条和旋转圆圈。 autoProgress-数字,如果> 0,该按钮将显示假的自动进度(类似于vue-top-progress-bar)。 autoProgress确定达到100%的时间(以毫秒为单位)。 您应该将其设置为典型的响应时间。 默认值为3000毫秒。

The progress bar will never reach 100%, however, and will be stuck at 95% until you set it manually to either 0 or 100, in which case the button will return to its normal state.


If autoProgress is set to 0, you should provide the progress values yourself via the progress prop.


If you don't want the progress bar to be displayed, set the progress to 0.1 and don't update it until finished (then set it to 0).


The automatic progression is logarithmic; this means the progress bar will move slower and slower as it goes higher.

自动级数是对数的; 这意味着进度条将随着进度的增加而越来越慢。

现场演示 (Live Demo)



翻译自: https://vuejsexamples.com/simple-implementation-of-ladda-in-less-than-90-lines-of-code-with-no-dependencies/

