

#ifndef __CCANIMATION_H__

#define __CCANIMATION_H__

#include "CCProcessBase.h"

#include "../external_tool/sigslot.h"


enum MovementEventType






class CCArmature;

class CCBone;

class  CCArmatureAnimation : public CCProcessBase




     * Create with a CCArmature

     * @param armature The CCArmature CCArmatureAnimation will bind to


    static CCArmatureAnimation *create(CCArmature *armature);



    virtual ~CCArmatureAnimation(void);


     * Init with a CCArmature

     * @param armature The CCArmature CCArmatureAnimation will bind to


    virtual bool init(CCArmature *armature);


     * Scale animation play speed.

     * @param animationScale Scale value


    virtual void setAnimationScale(float animationScale);


     * Play animation by animation name.


     * @param  animationName  The animation name you want to play

     * @param  durationTo The frames between two animation changing-over.

     *         It's meaning is changing to this animation need how many frames


     *         -1 : use the value from CCMovementData get from flash design panel

     * @param  durationTween  The frame count you want to play in the game.

     *         if  _durationTween is 80, then the animation will played 80 frames in a loop


     *         -1 : use the value from CCMovementData get from flash design panel


     * @param  loop   Whether the animation is loop


     *         loop < 0 : use the value from CCMovementData get from flash design panel

     *         loop = 0 : this animation is not loop

     *         loop > 0 : this animation is loop


     * @param  tweenEasing CCTween easing is used for calculate easing effect


     *         TWEEN_EASING_MAX : use the value from CCMovementData get from flash design panel

     *         -1 : fade out

     *         0  : line

     *         1  : fade in

     *         2  : fade in and out



    void play(const char *animationName, int durationTo = -1, int durationTween = -1,  int loop = -1, int tweenEasing = TWEEN_EASING_MAX);


     * Play animation by index, the other param is the same to play.

     * @param  _animationIndex  the animation index you want to play


    void playByIndex(int animationIndex,  int durationTo = -1, int durationTween = -1,  int loop = -1, int tweenEasing = TWEEN_EASING_MAX);


     * Pause the Process


    virtual void pause();


     * Resume the Process


    virtual void resume();


     * Stop the Process


    virtual void stop();


     * Get movement count


    int getMovementCount();

    void update(float dt);



     * Update(float dt) will call this handler, you can handle your logic here


    void updateHandler();


     * Update current key frame, and process auto stop, pause


    void updateFrameData(float currentPercent);


    //! CCAnimationData save all MovementDatas this animation used.

    CC_SYNTHESIZE_RETAIN(CCAnimationData *, m_pAnimationData, AnimationData);

    CCMovementData *m_pMovementData;//! CCMovementData save all MovementFrameDatas this animation used.

    CCArmature *m_pArmature;//! A weak reference of armature

    std::string m_strMovementID;//! Current movment's name

    int m_iPrevFrameIndex;//! Prev key frame index

    int m_iToIndex;//! The frame index in CCMovementData->m_pMovFrameDataArr, it's different from m_iFrameIndex.

    CCArray *m_pTweenList;



     * MovementEvent signal. This will emit a signal when trigger a event.

     * The 1st param is the CCArmature. The 2nd param is Event Type, like START, COMPLETE. The 3rd param is Movement ID, also called Movement Name.


    sigslot::signal3<CCArmature *, MovementEventType, const char *> MovementEventSignal;

    sigslot::signal2<CCBone *, const char *> FrameEventSignal;



#endif /*__CCANIMATION_H__*/
