Django Horizon
Simple database sharding (horizontal partitioning) library for Django applications.
Free software: MIT license
Inspired by django-sharding. Thank you so much for your cool solution :)
Shard (horizontal partitioning) by some ForeignKey field like user account.
To install Django Horizon, run this command in your terminal:
$ pip install django-horizon
This is the preferred method to install Django Horizon, as it will always install the most recent stable release.
If you don't have pip installed, this Python installation guide can guide you through the process.
Add database router configuration in your
Horizontal database groups and a metadata store
'group1': { # The name of database horizontal partitioning group
1: {
'write': 'member1-primary',
'read': ['member1-replica-1', 'member1-replica-2'], # Pick randomly by router
2: {
'write': 'member2-primary',
'read': ['member2-replica'],
3: {
'write': 'a3', # Used by 'read' too
'PICKABLES': [2, 3], # Group member keys to pick new database
'METADATA_MODEL': 'app.HorizontalMetadata', # Metadata store for horizontal partition key and there database
Database router
Example models
Horizontal partitioning by user
Metadata store
from horizon.models import AbstractHorizontalMetadata
class HorizontalMetadata(AbstractHorizontalMetadata):
In the example, metadata store keep user's pk and that index of horizontal database (1, 2 or 3).
Sharded model
from django.conf import settings
from horizon.manager import HorizontalManager # For Django<1.10
from horizon.models import AbstractHorizontalModel
class SomeLargeModel(AbstractHorizontalModel):
user = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
objects = HorizontalManager() # For Django<1.10
class Meta(object):
horizontal_group = 'group1' # Group name
horizontal_key = 'user' # Group key
In many cases use UUIDField field for id. The AbstractHorizontalModel uses UUIDField as a them id field in default.
Using a model
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
user_model = get_user_model()
user = user_model.objects.get(pk=1)
# Get by foreign instance
# Get by foreign id
# django.db.utils.IntegrityError occured when not specify horizontal key field to filter
Model limitations
django.db.utils.IntegrityError occured when not specify horizontal key field to filter
Cannot lookup by foreign key field, cause there are other (like default) database