众所周知,ie6的占有率和它的众多bug总是让设计师们头痛不已,其中一点就是对png-24的支持非常糟糕。过去的解决方案也总是不尽完美,不过现在ie png fix出现了,一举解决了这个讨厌的问题,现在我们可以尽情在web设计中使用png-24图像了:)。
This script adds near-native PNG support with alpha opacity to IE 5.5 and 6. Now you can have full translucency and no more ugly grey borders! Full CSS background positioning and repeat are supporting (including CSS sprites). It requires only one line in your CSS file, and no changes to your website HTML. <IMG> tags and background images are both supported.
<script src="/sites/all /themes/自定主题文件夹/js/iepngfix_tilebg.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
/*==ie6 png fix==*/ img, div, a, span, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p { behavior: url(/sites/all/themes/自定主题文件夹/js/iepngfix.htc) }其中的html标签是你可能会用到png-24来做背景图的内容,可以根据你的实际情况自行决定包含哪些标签。而目前我也并不知道多写些可能用不 上的标签是否对性能带来影响。