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Agate is a library designed to support evaluation of deep learning models encoded in ONNX.

Quick Start

Agate supports Scala 2.11, 2.12, and 2.13.

To include Agate in your SBT project, use the following snippet:

libraryDependencies += "com.stripe" %% "agate-core" % "0.0.10"

To include Agate in your Bazel project, add the following to your jvm_dependencies.yaml file (or whatever file you use with bazel-deps):




lang: scala

version: "0.0.10"

Project Layout

Agate has a few modules:

core contains all the actual library code

docs is used to build type-checked documentation

bench contains all our benchmarks

Currently only core is published (as agate-core).


Here's an example of how to create a literal 2x3 matrix (i.e. a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns):

import com.stripe.agate.tensor.Tensor

// build a literal tensor using shapeless

val matrix0 = Tensor(((1F, 2F, 3F), (4F, 5F, 6F)))

// matrix0: Tensor[com.stripe.agate.tensor.DataType.Float32.type] = [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]

import com.stripe.agate.tensor.TensorParser.Interpolation

// build a literal tensor using compile-time parsing

val matrix1 = tensor"[[1 2 3] [4 5 6]]"

// matrix1: Tensor[com.stripe.agate.tensor.DataType.Float32.type] = [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]

matrix0 == matrix1

// res0: Boolean = true

Common Tasks

This section describes how to do many common development tasks in Agate. Commands are often run from SBT but some commands (coverage, fmt, gendoc, and validate) are instead run from the shell.

Launching SBT

Many of these commands are run from within SBT. You can start SBT with sbt (you may need to do brew install sbt if it is not already installed), which will give you a prompt:

erik@icebreaker$ sbt

[info] Loading settings for project global-plugins from javap.sbt ...

[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/erik/.sbt/1.0/plugins

[info] Loading settings for project agate-build from plugins.sbt,scalapb.sbt ...

[info] Loading project definition from /Users/erik/stripe/agate/project

[info] Loading settings for project agate from version.sbt,build.sbt ...

[info] Set current project to agate (in build file:/Users/erik/stripe/agate/)

[info] sbt server started at local:///Users/erik/.sbt/1.0/server/deaf34ab09dd5216286e/sock


Building and testing

From within SBT, run compile to compile the all code, and run test to run the all the tests.

If you're only working in core you can scope the commands to have them run a bit faster, e.g. core/compile and core/test.

You can also use testOnly with wildcards to only run certain tests. For example testOnly *Tensor* runs com.stripe.agate.TensorTest and com.stripe.agate.TensorParserTest. This command can also be scoped as above.

Finally, if you want to test everything that could be tested, you can use ./runall to run tests, generate docs, and format the code.

Code formatting

We use Scalafmt to format our code. This is not done automatically, but unformatted code will likely fail in CI.

To format your code, run ./fmt from the shell. You can also format your code from SBT using the scalafmtAll command.

Doc generation

We use MDoc to generate (and type-check) our documentation. You can generate the documentation from the shell with ./gendoc. (You can also run docs/mdoc from SBT.)

Markdown files in our project root (such as README.md) are generated and you should not edit them directly. Instead, edit docs/README.md and then generate the documentation as above. The ./gendoc command will try to catch simple cases where you edit the generated files by mistake.

We generate documentation to ensure that the code examples compile, and to allow us to consistently template things like version numbers.


To release, run release from within SBT.

You'll be prompted to confirm the current version and select a new version (suffixed with SNAPSHOT). In general, incrementing the last number (the patch version) is the right thing to do, although for breaking changes incremental the middle number (minor version) or the first number (major version) would be preferred.

The command will package the release for all supported Scala versions, publish the jars, tag the release, and push the results to Git.

After release finishes, you should also edit build.sbt and update the readmeVersion val. This should point to the most recently-released version of Agate.

Test coverage

To measure code coverage, run ./coverage from the shell.

This command will clean the build, then build and run the full test suite under Scala 2.12. On completion it will open an HTML summary of the results in your web browser.


We use JMH for benchmarking, and put our benchmarks in the bench subproject. We use the SBT command bench/jmh:run to run them.

For example, to run the MatrixMultBench benchmark you would run:

bench/jmh:run com.stripe.agate.bench.MatrixMultBench -i 3 -wi 3 -f1 -t1

The options here are:

-wi is the number of "warmup" runs (before benchmarking)

-i is the number of runs to benchmark

-f is the number of processes to use (usually 1 is fine)

-t is the number of threads to use (often 1 is fine)

Higher numbers for -i and -wi will take longer, but result in less uncertain benchmaring results.


Agate was written by Erik Osheim, Oscar Boykin, Tom Switzer, and Rob Story
