cnpm i -D material-design-icons-iconfont
// Ensure you are using css-loader import 'material-design-icons-iconfont/dist/material-design-icons.css'
<i class="material-icons">face</i>
Google 开源了 Material Design 系统图标包其中的 750 个字形。该系统图标包含常用的图标,如用于媒体播放、通讯、内容编辑、连接等等。在 Web 应用,安卓和 iOS 设计均适用。 图标格式包括: SVG versions of all icons in both 24px and 48px flavours SVG and CSS sprites of all icons
Material design icons Material design icons is the official icon set from Google.They can be browsed at https://fonts.google.com/icons.The icons are designed under the material design guidelines. 4.0.
用于 iOS 的Google Material Design 图标库
⭐ The abstract trees of the Ant Design SVG icons. Packages Vanilla: @ant-design/icons-svg React: @ant-design/icons React Native: @ant-design/icons-react-native Angular: @ant-design/icons-angular Vue:
import { Icons } from 'feui'; components: { [Icons.name]: Icons } 代码演示 基础用法 <fe-icons :type="success"></fe-icons> 可用图标 'icon', 'success', 'safesuccess', 'fail', 'scan', 'search', 'qrcod
在 mpvue 框架使用 icon 组件就能实现这个功能,该组件有以下属性: type 类型:String 默认值:无 可选值: success success_no_circle info warn waiting cancel download search clear 说明:icon的类型 size 类型:Number 默认值:23 可选值: 说明:icon的类型 color 类型:Colo
<div class="content-padded docs-icons"> <span class="icon icon-app"></span> <span class="icon icon-browser"></span> <span class="icon icon-card"></span> <span class="icon icon-cart"></span