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1.4.1 如何执行仿真

%> ./simv <runtime_options>
Run-time 选项可以用来控制仿真行为的切换

  • User-defined run-time controls(plusargs)
  • Control VPD or FSDB creation
  • Modify assertion behaviors (-sva等)
  • Collect code coverage (-cov)


Common simv Options

  • +<runtime_args> -Specify simulation runtime plusargs
  • -l -Create runtime log file
  • +ntb_random_seed=# -Specify default random seed for simulation
  • -verdi -Start Verdi interactive debug session
  • -gui -Start interactive GUI session
  • -ucli -Stop at Tcl prompt upon start-up
  • -do <run.tcl> -Execute specified Tcl script upon start-up
  • -cm -Enable coverage options



  • 查看波形
  • 比较波形
  • trace驱动和负载
  • 查看原理图
  • 执行UCLI/Tcl命令
  • 设置断点(行,时间,事件等)
  • 行调试


  • 查看波形
  • 比较波形
  • trace驱动和负载
  • 查看原理图

如果想在仿真时,使用调试功能,不管哪一种调试模式,首先都需要在编译或者elaboration的时候,使能debug mode。
VCS MX为调试模式提供以下编译选项:
-debug_pp,-debug,-debug_access(+), -debug_all,-debug_region =()(+)

  • 在部分调试模式下elab设计
    vcs -debug [compile_options] TOP

  • 在完全调试模式下elab设计
    vcs -debug_all [compile_options] TOP

  • 用所需的调试功能来elab设计
    vcs -debug_access<+options> [compile_options] TOP

你可以使用-debug_access+指定其他选项,以有选择地启用所需的调试功能。 只启用所需的调试功能,即可优化仿真性能。


rThe -debug_access+r option enables the read capability for the entire design.
wThe -debug_access+w option applies write (deposit) capability to the registers and variables for the entire design.
wnThe -debug_access+wn option applies write (deposit) capability to the nets for the entire design.
fThe -debug_access+f option enables the following: Write (deposit) capability on registers and variables.Force capability on registers, variables, and nets.This option is equivalent to -debug_access+w+fn
fnThe -debug_access+fn option applies force capability to the nets for the entire design.
fwnThe -debug_access+fwn option applies write (deposit) and force capability to all nets in the design.
lineThe -debug_access+line option enables line debugging. It allows you to use the commands for step/next and line breakpoints.This option is equivalent to -debug_access+pp -line
cbkThe -debug_access+cbk option enables PLI-based callbacks on static nets, registers, and variables.
cbkdThe -debug_access+cbkd option enables both dumping and PLI-based callbacks on dynamic nets, registers, and variables.
threadThe -debug_access+thread option enables the debugging of the SystemVerilog threads.
classThe -debug_access+class option is equivalent to the following command:-debug_access+r+w+thread+class+line+cbk+cbkd.The -debug_access+class option enables testbench debug capabilities.
nomemcbkThe -debug_access+nomemcbk option disables callbacks for memories and multidimensional arrays (MDAs). By default,-debug_access enables callbacks for memories and MDAs.
dmptfThe -debug_access+dmptf option enables dumping of task/function ports and internal nodes/memories for the entire design.
ppThe -debug_access+pp option is equivalent to the following command:-debug_access+w+cbk+drivers.The -debug_access+pp option enables debug capabilities equal to -debug_pp (except for no thread debugging and dumping of task/function signals, and does not apply capability inside cells and encrypted modules).
allThe -debug_access+all option is equivalent to the following commands:-debug_access+line+class+wn+driver+r+w+cbk+f+fn+thread+cbkd.The -debug_access+all option enables debug capabilities equal to -debug_all (except it does not apply capability inside cells and encrypted modules).
reportThe -debug_access+report option enables the reporting of the global debug capability diagnostics.

在上面的选项中,存在-debug_access+pp, -debug_access+all的选项,你或许会有疑问,为什么会有-debug_pp -debug_all 选项呢? 感觉似乎有重复定义的嫌疑.
旧版的VCS调试更加易于使用,并在仿真运行时性能上进行权衡。 但是,运行时性能是提高用户工作效率的关键。 考虑到这一点,较新版本的VCS带来性能更有效的调试方法。

编译时必须和-debug_access选项一起使用-debug_region选项。 以下是-debug_region的语法:
-debug_access(+ <option>)* -debug_region =(<option>)(+ <option>)*


OptionDescriptionDefault Functionality if -debug_region is not specified
libApplies debug capabilities to the cells inside libraries.Debug capability is not applied to the libraries.
cellApplies debug capabilities to the cells.Debug capability is not applied to the cells.
encryptApplies debug capabilities to the fully-encrypted instances (modules, programs, packages, and interfaces).Debug capability is not applied to the fully-encrypted
tbApplies debug capabilities only to the testbench, but does not apply debug capabilities to the standard packages. It does not apply debug capability to the standard packages. The VPD/FSDB dumping of the DUT is not affected by this option.Debug capability is applied to testbench and DUT.
dutApplies debug capabilities only to the non-testbench objects.Debug capability is applied to testbench and DUT.
stdpkgApplies debug capabilities to the standard packages. You must use the stdpkg option in combination with the tb option. VCS issues a warning message if you use -debug_region=stdpkg only. The -debug_region=tb+stdpkg option applies debug capabilities to both testbench and standard packages.Debug capability is applied to the standard packages.

-debug_access+class -debug_region=tb
仅将类调试功能应用于测试平台。 调试功能不适用于标准软件包
-debug_access+force -debug_region=dut
-debug_access+class -debug_region=tb+stdpkg


  • SystemVerilog程序(program)/包(package)实例是测试平台的一部分。 在程序/包块内声明的所有对象都被视为测试平台的一部分。
  • 如果模块(module)包含以下任何元素,则SystemVerilog模块(包括在模块块内声明的所有对象)被视为测试平台的一部分:
  • 类定义
  • 动态或关联数组的声明
  • 智能队列的声明
  • 类变量的声明
  • 导入部分或者全部包(package)
  • 包含时钟块或上述点中提到的元素(类定义,动态数组等)的SystemVerilog接口实例是测试平台的一部分。 在接口块内声明的所有对象都被视为测试平台的一部分


VCS MX生成的simv可执行文件在出现错误,致命错误和断言失败时返回非零值。

  • 0(无指示)
  • 1(如运行时崩溃或系统崩溃)
  • 2(错误)
  • 3(致命)


ScenarioReturn Error Value
$error/UVM_ERROR/ OVM_ERROR/ VMM_ERROR/ Errors promoted from warning messages to errors2
Assertion failure Verilog2
Unique/priority RT warnings0


%> simv -exitstatus
%> echo $status

UCLI (Unified Command line interface)

统一命令行界面(UCLI)为交互式仿真提供了一组通用命令。 UCLI是VCS MX中批处理模式调试的默认命令行界面。
UCLI命令基于Tcl,因此你可以使用任何带有UCLI的Tcl命令。 你还可以编写Tcl程序并在UCLI提示符下执行它们。 使用UCLI命令,您可以执行以下操作:

  • 控制仿真
  • 存储VPD/FSDB波形文件
  • 保存/恢复仿真状态
  • force/release信号
  • 可以使用断点,范围/线程信息和内置宏调试设计

VCS has two command line I / F
-CLI: Command line I / F for Verilog (default)
-UCLI: Multi-language compatible TCL-based command line I / F
Support from VCS 2005.06
Available for DVE/Verdi debug
Compared to conventional CL I command
You can use the TCL command
Can be controlled with common commands even in Verilog/VHDL mixed environment

Can be specified at simv runtime
%> simv –ucli –i cmd.lst

run 1000 ns

UCLI commands examples

finishFinishes/ends processing in the tool
forceForces a value onto a variable
getReturns the current value of the specified variable
runAdvances the tool to a specific point

More info:

Unified Command Line Interface User Guide in the SolvNet
“Using UCLI” in VCS® MX/VCS® MXi™ User Guide
