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1.golismero.py scan http://www.example.com
2.golismero.py scan -i nmap_output.xml -o report.html
3.golismero.py import -i openvas_output.xml
4.golismero.py profiles     
5.golismero.py plugins
6.golismero.py info brute_* 
7.golismero.py dump -db example.db -o dump.sql
-h			show this help message and exit
-f FILE			load a list of targets from a plain text file
--config FILE		global configuration file
-p NAME			profile to use
--ui-mode MODE		UI mode
-v, --verbose		increase output verbosity
-q, --quiet		suppress text output
--color			use colors in console output
--no-color		suppress colors in console output
--audit-name NAME	customize the audit name
-db DATABASE		specify a database connection string
-nd			do not store the results in a database
-i FILENAME		read results from external tools right before the audit
-ni			do not read results from external tools
-o FILENAME		write the results to this file (use - for stdout)
-no			do not output the results
--full			produce fully detailed reports
--brief			report only the highlights
--max-connections MX	maximum number of concurrent connections per host
--allow-subdomains	include subdomains in the target scope
--forbid-subdomains	do not include subdomains in the target scope
-r DEPTH                maximum spidering depth (use "infinite" for no limit)
-l MAX_LINKS		maximum number of links to analyze (0 => infinite)
--follow-redirects	follow redirects
--no-follow-redirects   do not follow redirects
--follow-first		always follow a redirection on the target URL itself
--no-follow-first	don't treat a redirection as a special case
-pu USER                HTTP proxy username
-pp PASS		HTTP proxy password
-pa ADDRESS:PORT	HTTP proxy address in format: address:port
--cookie COOKIE		set cookie for requests
--cookie-file FILE	load a cookie from file
--persistent-cache	use a persistent network cache [default]
--volatile-cache	use a volatile network cache
-a PLUGIN:KEY=VALUE	pass an argument to a plugin
-e PLUGIN		enable a plugin
-d PLUGIN		disable a plugin
--max-concurrent N	maximum number of plugins to run concurrently
--plugins-folder PATH	customize the location of the plugins
