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Salute to open source and open spirit

This scripts was contributed to install openstack cluster more and more easy.So as far,there are some projects that help customers deploy openstack,such as fuel,puppet-openstack,chef-openstack and so on,but all is difficulty to lots of people who is green hand as openstack,especially in china because of GFW .I have deployed havana,icehouse,juno,kilo version by my double hands,the procedure of deployment openstack just take so much time and the result is disappoint usually.So,very appreciate to wuyeliang from intel,his open source spirit is impressive,This scripts coded based on his contribution,salute to great open source spirit again!

what is openstack
Openstack is open cloud IaaS platform,So far,it already become the best popular IaaS and the second open community under linux community,there are many company support and develop openstack ,including IBM,HP,Cisco,intel,rackspace,redhat,huawei and so on.The current version released is Liberty,it released at 2015/10/15.Openstack consists of different components that have different function,them can be just installed on one operating system ,also a cluster that have more than one machine.If you want to know about it,please access www.openstack.org.

How to use this deploy tool(OITK)
I name this deploy scripts as Openstack Install ToolKit(OITK).If you use OITK deploy openstack,the procedure just is pleasure,all works that need you to do is have a tea and input yes or no and then click Enter on the interactive screen.The OITK consist of two part that is allinone and multi-noides,perspective,If you want all openstack in one machine,please enter into openstack-kilo-allinone directory,and run openstack-allinone-install-main.sh;If you want to install openstack on different machines,example,controller,computes,storages,network node,you need enter openstack-kilo-multinodes and then run openstack-multinodes-install-main.sh.

Preparation before using OITK: 

1.install centos7.1-1503 OS,you can install OS as your willing,but propose to install NFS package,because OITK will use NFS when initial cluste  nodes;

2.upload your ISO to /data/ISO directory,upload rdo-epel repository to /data/rdo-openstack-epel directory,upload rdo-kilo packages to /data/rdo-openstack-kilo/openstack-common and   /data/rdo-openstack-kilo/openstack-kilo directory,to do this ,you need first reposync and download rdo-epel,rdo-kilo repository to you local disk,if you do not know how to do,please access my CSDN blog: http://blog.csdn.net/madmanvswarrior/article/details/49952245

Runing OITK:
1.If allinone ,OITK will prompt you choose installation choice,usually,1 is prepare system environment,2 is install DB and MQ,....,0 is exit installation.


2.if multinodes,OITK will prompt you choose installation choice also,and OITK will automatically configure local yum repository,NFS export,NTP on controller,NFS mount,NTP,SSH access without password,loal yum repository on other nodes,in other words,all works that need you to do is upload packages to special directory on controller node,and nothings on other nodes.


3.There is many ways to install openstack,you can install nova-api and nova-compute on same node,also can install them on different nodes.OITK provide you flexible ways to install openstack as your choice in installation process,so please care for your choice for "yes" or "no",because "yes" or "no" will lead to different installation model.also,you can reference wuyeliang's blog:http://blog.csdn.net/wylfengyujiancheng/article/details/49590689 for more details.


All you need materials:
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1tZYYYF2hNmXXCuhbGmX2eA 提取码: quf5 
tips:upload this ISO to /data/ISO directory on controller node

链接:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1p_yOsj6FmF6uByVG2FLIxA 提取码: 3tm8 
tips:upload this packages to /data/rdo-openstack-kilo/openstack-common and /data/rdo-openstack-kilo/openstack-kilo directory on controller node

链接:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1c9BWyZ0v0utSsud7rLbunw 提取码: yi2j 
tips:upload this packages to /data/rdo-openstack-epel directory on controller node

OITK scripts:
链接:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/17eV3ukp1magE9wTskSjRgw 提取码: npeu 
tips:upload this toolkit to /root directory on you controller node and tar it!

Finally,enjoy you IaaS on openstack,if any problems,please contact with me:

