riak教程 java_How to mock riak java client?


Follow up: Thanks @gontard I was able to find this: org.mockitomockito-core2.0.52-betatest

That has the fixes included.

Unfortunately, if you use both Fetch and MultiFetch (likely), you're up a creek.

MultiFetch.Response is a final class (so you can use mockito, you need to use PowerMock) FetchValue.Response has the issues you outlined, and can only be fixed with the beta mockito, not available with powermock yet...

Update, I figured out how to use both mockito & powermock together (until powermock upgrades): org.powermockpowermock-module-junit41.6.4testorg.powermockpowermock-api-easymock1.6.4org.mockitomockito-core2.0.52-betatest
