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LDAP-Series-1-Chapter-3 - PHP-LDAP


If you want to use PHP with ldap. You have to add the extension lib.(ldap.so)

Go to the install file of PHP.

$ cd /opt/php-5.4.5/ext/ldap/
$ /usr/local/bin/phpize
$ ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/bin/php-config --with-ldap=/usr/local/openldap
$ make
$ make install
$ cd /usr/local/lib
$ vi php.ini (extension-dir=/usr/local/lib extension=php_ldap.so)
$ cp /usr/local/lib/php/ext/..../ldap.so /usr/local/lib/php_ldap.so
You can change the path as you like.

$ php -v
Check if any error exist. ( Until now, my work place`s php cannot load ldap.so)

PHP Test file.

class m_ldap{
        private $ldapHost = "";
        private $ldapPort = 389;
        private $ds;
        function m_ldap_con(){
                $this->ds = ldap_connect($this->ldapHost,$this->ldapPort) or die("Could not connect to $this->ldapHost");
                return true;
        function m_ldap_bind($dn,$psw){
                ldap_set_option($this->ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
                        $r = ldap_bind($this->ds,$dn,$psw) or die("Could not bind to $dn");
                                return true;
                                return false;
                        return false;
        function m_ldap_add($dn,$info){
                        return true;
                        return false;

        function m_ldap_modify($dn,$info){
                        return true;
                        return false;

        function m_ldap_search($dn,$filter){
                $ldapSearch = ldap_search($this->ds,$dn,$filter);
                $ldapInfo = ldap_get_entries($this->ds,$ldapSearch);
                return $ldapInfo;

ldap_set_option($this->ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); //Make the ds to use PROTOCOL VERSION 3, Otherwise, there will be an error about PROTOCOL.

        $mdap=new m_ldap();
        $dn = "cn=root,ou=SystemAdmin,dc=xxx,dc=org";
        $psw= "xxxxxx";

        $mdap->m_ldap_bind($dn,$psw) or die("cannot bind");

        foreach( $res[0]["cn"] as $key=>$val){
                print $key."\n";
                print $val."\n";
If everything has been ok, it will works now. (Need ACL support, introduce next chapter.)
