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Node(7) Routing and serving static pages


Routing usually involve in module url or querystring

A simple routing example:

var http = require('http');

//pages to be route
var pages = [
	{route: '/', output: 'Woohoo!'},
	{route: '/about/this', output: 'A simple routing with node example' },
	{route: '/another page/this', output: function(){
		return 'Here\'s '+this.route;}},

http.createServer(function (request, response) {
	//get url from request
	var lookup = decodeURI( request.url );
	pages.forEach( function( page ){
		//find a match route
		if( page.route === lookup ){
			response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type':'text/html'});
			response.end( typeof page.output === 'function'?
				page.output() : page.output );
	//match not found
	if( !response.finished ){
		response.end( '{page Not Found!' );

console.log( "Server started" );

Routing to static content

var http = require( 'http' );
var path = require( 'path' );
var fs = require( 'fs' );

var mimeTypes = {
	'.js' : 'text/javascript',
	'.html': 'text/html',
	'.css': 'text/css'

http.createServer( function( request, response ){
	if( request.url === '/favicon' ){
	var lookup = path.basename( decodeURI( request.url ))|| 'index.html';
	//get file from content folder
	var file = 'content/' + lookup;
	//return the selected file
	fs.exists( file, function( exists ){
		if( exists ){
			fs.readFile( file, function( err, data ){
				if( err ) { response.writeHead(500 );
					response.end( 'Server Error!' ); return;
				var headers = { 'Content-Type': mimeTypes[path.extname( lookup ) ] };
				response.writeHead( 200, headers  );
				response.end( data );
}).listen( 9000 );

console.log( 'server started' );

routing with cache

var http = require( 'http' );
var path = require( 'path' );
var fs = require( 'fs' );

var mimeTypes = {
	'.js' : 'text/javascript',
	'.html': 'text/html',
	'.css': 'text/css'

var cache = {}
function cacheAndDeliver( f, cb ){
	fs.stat( f, function( err, stats ){
		var lastChanged = Date.parse( stats.mtime );
		var isUpdated = (cache[f] ) && lastChanged > cache[f].timestamp;
		//no cache or updated
		if( !cache[f] || isUpdated ) {
			fs.readFile( f, function( err, data ){
				if( !err ) {
					cache[f] = { content : data, 
						timestamp: Date.now() 
			cb( err, data );
			//use cache
			console.log( 'load ' + f + ' from cache');
			cb( null, cache[f].content );

http.createServer( function( request, response ){
	if( request.url === '/favicon' ){
	var lookup = path.basename( decodeURI( request.url ))|| 'index.html';
	//get file from content folder
	var f = 'content/' + lookup;
	//return the selected file
	fs.exists( f, function( exists ){
		if( exists ){
			cacheAndDeliver( f, function( err, data ){
				if( err ){
					response.WriteHead({ 'Status': 404 });
				response.writeHead(200,{'Content-Type' : mimeTypes[path.extname]});
				response.end( data );
}).listen( 9000 );

console.log( 'server started' );

The above routing technique are insecure. users can use ../../ to access files not in the content folder.

secure routing;

To prevent unauthorized access to file. append '-serve' at the end of html, css, js file first, check file name before serving static pages

var http = require( 'http' );
var path = require( 'path' );
var fs = require( 'fs' );
var url = require( 'url');

var mimeTypes = {
	'.js' : 'text/javascript',
	'.html': 'text/html',
	'.css': 'text/css'

var cache = {}
http.createServer( function( request, response ){
	console.log( request.url );
	var lookup = url.parse( decodeURI( request.url )).pathname;
	lookup = (lookup === "/")? '/index.html_serve':lookup + '_serve';
	//get file from content folder
	var f = 'content-pseudosafe' + lookup;
	//return the selected file
	fs.exists( f, function( exists ){
		if( exists ){
			var extension = f.substring( f.lastIndexOf('.'), f.lastIndexOf('_') );
			var headers = {'Content-Type': mimeTypes[extension]};
			console.log( headers );
			if( cache[f] ){
				response.writeHead(200, headers );
				response.end( cache[f].content );
			//createReadStream creates a ReadStream object
			var s = fs.createReadStream(f).once( 'open', function(){
				response.writeHead(200, headers );
				//stream the ReadStream to network socket via response
			}).once('error', function(e){
				response.end( 'Server Error!' );
			fs.stat(f, function(err, stats){
				var bufferOffset = 0;
				cache[f] = { content: new Buffer(stats.size), };
				s.on( 'data', function( chunk ){
					chunk.copy(cache[f].content, bufferOffset);
					bufferOffset += chunk.length;
		response.writeHead(404);// no such file found
		response.end( 'Page Not Found!' );
}).listen( 9000 );

console.log( 'server started' );

Serving static web pages using node-static:

var static = require( 'node-static' );
var fileServer = new static.Server('./content');
require('http').createServer(function( request, response){
	request.on('end', function(){
		fileServer.serve( request, response );
node-static Reference
