Helma是一个用来开发快速、稳定的Web应用程序的开源框架。它使用JavaScript 来作为服务端脚本环境,从而可以除去编译周期。Helma是应用程序对象到数据库表格映射零代码化与简单化的先驱,此外一个内嵌的面向对象数据库可以完成 未映射对象数据的自动持久化。Helma已被成功运用于许多大流量网站的开发如:antville.org、twoday.net 和 blogger.de 等网站。
This release contains some bugfixes and major improvements, such as programmable HopObject collections and prototype mappings, Apache Commons Daemon support, a profiler for measuring function runtime and invocation frequency, and skin/macro introspection, to mention just a few. It also contains an updated version of Rhino and is the first Helma release that has JavaScript 1.7 features enabled by default.