In a recent post, Stephen Walther pointed out the dangers of using a link to delete data. Go read it as it provides very good coverage of the issues. The problem is not restricted to delete operations. Any time you allow a GET request to modify data, you’re asking for trouble. Read this story about something that happened to BackPack way back in the day to see what I mean.
The reason that delete operations deserve special attention is that it’s the most common case where you would use a link to change information. If you were editing a product record, for example, you would use a form. But a delete operation typically only needs one piece of information (the id) which is easy to encode in the URL of a GET request.
If you are using jQuery, one simple way to turn any link into a POST link is to add the following onclick
attribute value:
$.post(this.href); return false;
For example
<a href="/go/delete/1" onclick="$.post(this.href); return false;">Delete</a>
Will now make a POST request to /go/delete/1 rather than a GET. Of course, you need to enforce this on the server side. This is pretty easy with ASP.NET MVC.
public ActionResult Delete(int id) {
//Delete that stuff!
The AcceptVerbs
attribute specifies that this action method only responds to POST requests, not GET requests.
At this point, you could easily write helpers specifically for delete links. I usually write very specific helper methods such as Html.DeleteProduct
. Here’s an example of one I wrote for a sample app I’m building.
public static string DeleteAnswerLink(this HtmlHelper html, string linkText
, Answer answer) {
return html.RouteLink(linkText, "answer",
new { answerId = answer.Id, action = "delete" },
new { οnclick="$.post(this.href); return false;" });
The nice thing about this approach is that you can leverage the existing helper methods by adding a minimal amount of extra information via the onclick
I hope the combination of Stephen’s post and this post will lead you to safer deleting.
<input name="delete" type="button" value="刪除" οnclick="Delete('<%= Model.ID %>')" /> <script type="text/javascript"> function Delete(id) { if (confirm('你確定要刪除嗎 ?')) { $.post('<%= Url.Action("Delete") %>', { id: id }, function(data, textStatus) { if (data == "1") { alert('刪除成功!'); location.reload(true); } else { alert('Error'); } }, "text"); } } </script>
<%=Ajax.ActionLink("刪除", "Del", "controllerName", new AjaxOptions() { HttpMethod = "Delete", Confirm = "確定要刪除嗎?", UpdateTargetId = "main" })%>