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如果你厌倦了简单粗暴的alert()和confirm(),请试试更易定制的Simple Popup




  • jQuery version

  1. Firstly, introduce jQuery(1.5+) into your page.

  2. Then, introduce assets(js + css) of Simple Popup into your page.

  3. Finally, replace any alert(), confirm() and prompt() method in page with simplePopup() method on page.

native javascript version

  1. First, introduce assets(js + css, obviously, both of the two version use the same css file) of Simple Popup into your page.

  2. Then, replace any alert(), confirm() and prompt() method in page with simplePopup()

built-in alert box

alert('An exception occurred.');
event.target.nextElementSibling.textContent = 'The application has just got an exception.';

Simple Popup alternative of jquery version

var alertBox = simplePopup(0, 'An exception occurred.');
$.when(alertBox).then(function() {
  $(event.target).next().text('The application has just got an exception.');

Simple Popup alternative of javascript version

simplePopup(0, 'An exception occurred.').then(function() {
  event.target.nextElementSibling.textContent = 'The application has just got an exception.';

built-in prompt box

var res = confirm('It\'s time to change. Do you agree with me?');
if (res) {
  event.target.nextElementSibling.textContent = 'Yes, let\'s go for it.';
} else {
  event.target.nextElementSibling.textContent = 'No, this is not the time.';

Simple Popup alternative of jquery version

var confirmBox = simplePopup(1, 'It\'s time to change. Do you agree with me?');
$.when(confirmBox).then(function(res) {
    if (res) {
      $(event.target).next().text('Yes, let\'s go for it.');
  } else {
    $(event.target).next().text('No, this is not the time.');

Simple Popup alternative of javascript version

simplePopup(1, 'It\'s time to change. Do you agree with me?').then(function(res) {
  if (res) {
    event.target.nextElementSibling.textContent = 'Yes, let\'s go for it.';
    } else {
    event.target.nextElementSibling.textContent = 'No, this is not the time.';

built-in prompt box

var username = prompt('Please enter your username', 'Michael Jordan');
if (username != null && username != '') {
  event.target.nextElementSibling.textContent = username + ', hey, welcome back.';

Simple Popup alternative of jquery version

var promptBox = simplePopup(2, 'Please enter your username', 'Michael Jordan');
$.when(promptBox).then(function(res) {
  if (res) {
    $(event.target).next().text(res + ', hey, welcome back.');
  } else {
    $(event.target).next().text('Anoymous user logs in.');

Simple Popup alternative of javascript version

simplePopup(2, 'Please enter your username', 'Michael Jordan').then(function(res) {
  if (res) {
    event.target.nextElementSibling.textContent = res + ', hey, welcome back.';
  } else {
    event.target.nextElementSibling.textContent = 'Anoymous user logs in.';

killer Feature

  1. When you toggle the popup boxes with simpelPopup() method, the overlayed background keeps its position just where it was.

  2. As you can see above, this plugin help you rewrite the current code With the least code modifications.

Browser Support

1. Simple Popup of jquery version

  • Chrome 8.0+

  • Firefox 3.6+

  • Safari 3.1.2+

  • Opera 9.64+

2. Simple Popup of javascript version

  • Chrome 32.0+

  • Firefox 29.0+

  • Safari 7.1+

  • Opera 19+

