vue 插件 toast
A toast plugin for vue/vue2.
vue / vue2的Toast插件。
Note: Since 1.x.x, only Vue 2 is supported. For Vue 1 users please stick to version 0.x.x
注意:从1.xx版本开始,仅支持Vue 2。 对于Vue 1用户,请坚持使用版本0.xx
Issue/PR is welcomed, I'll response as soon as possible.
npm install vue-easy-toast --save
npm install vue-easy-toast --save
// before start
import Toast from 'vue-easy-toast'
// or a lite version without inline css, then you have to style yourself or manually import 'vue-easy-toast.css'
import Toast from 'vue-easy-toast/dist/vue-easy-toast-lite.min.js'
require('vue-easy-toast/dist/vue-easy-toast.css') // optional
// in your code
Vue.toast('Can I have everybody`s attention?')
// or
$vm.$toast('Let me give a toast to you all.')
// or with HTML Tags
$vm.$toast('Hi <strong>Jonh</strong>')
or $toast
takes 2 parameter: (message, [options])
带有2个参数:( (message, [options])
Besides minimum styling, vue-easy-toast try not to be opinionated about the appearance. It is a simply a div
(class="et-wrapper") wrapped a span
(class="et-content"). Apply your css freely with them or with your own classes passed in as className
除了极少的样式外, vue-easy-toast尽量不要对外观有所怀疑。 它只是一个包裹了span
(class =“ et-content”)的div
(class =“ et-wrapper”)。 随意将它们或以className
Vue.toast('Hi, there!', {
id: 'my-toast',
parent: '#toast-container',
className: ['my-toast', 'toast-warning'],
horizontalPosition: 'right',
verticalPosition: 'top',
duration: 3000,
mode: 'queue',
transition: 'my-transition'
vue 插件 toast