

Welcome to the sixth chapter of the FREE online programming course:A Beginner's Guide to Delphi Programming.Before you start developing more sophisticated applications by using the RAD features of Delphi, you should learn the basics of the Delphi Pascal language.

欢迎来到免费在线编程课程的第六章Delphi编程入门指南在开始使用Delphi的RAD功能开发更复杂的应用程序之前,您应该学习Delphi Pascal语言的基础知识。

Delphi语言:教程 ( Delphi Language: tutorials )

Delphi language, a set of object-oriented extensions to standard Pascal, is the language of Delphi. Delphi Pascal is a high-level, compiled, strongly typed language that supports structured and object-oriented design. Its benefits include easy-to-read code, quick compilation, and the use of multiple unit files for modular programming.

Delphi语言是标准Pascal的一组面向对象的扩展,是Delphi的语言。 Delphi Pascal是一种高级的,经过编译的强类型语言,支持结构化和面向对象的设计。 它的好处包括易于阅读的代码,快速编译以及将多个单元文件用于模块化编程。

Here's a list of tutorials, an introduction to Delphi Pascal, that will help you learn Delphi Pascal. Each tutorial will help you to understand a particular feature of Delphi Pascal language, with practical and easy to understand code snippets.

这是教程列表,是对Delphi Pascal的介绍,可帮助您学习Delphi Pascal。 每个教程都将通过实用且易于理解的代码片段帮助您了解Delphi Pascal语言的特定功能。

Object Pascal Variable Scope: now you see me, now you don't.


Typed constantsHow to implement persistent values between function calls.


LoopsRepeating operations in Object Pascal in Object Pascal in Object Pascal in Object Pascal.


DecisionsMaking decisions in Object Pascal or NOT.


Functions and ProceduresCreating user defined subroutines in Object Pascal.


Routines in Delphi: Beyond the BasicsExtending Object Pascal functions and procedures with default parameters and method overloading.


The basic layout of a Pascal/Delphi program.

Pascal / Delphi程序的基本布局。

String Types in DelphiUnderstanding and managing string data types in Delphi's Object Pascal. Learn about differences between Short, Long, Wide and null-terminated strings.

Delphi中的字符串类型了解和管理Delphi的Object Pascal中的字符串数据类型。 了解短,长,宽和以null终止的字符串之间的区别。

Ordinal and Enumerated Data TypesExtend Delphi's built-in types by constructing your own types.


Arrays in Object PascalUnderstanding and using array data types in Delphi.

对象Pascal中的数组了解和使用 Delphi中的数组数据类型。

Records in DelphiLearn about records, Delphi's Pascal data structure that can mix any of Delphi's built in types including any types you have created.


Variant Records in DelphiWhy and when to use variant records, plus creating an array of records.


Pointers in DelphiAn introduction to pointer data type in Delphi. What are pointers, why, when and how to use them.

Delphi中指针Delphi中的指针数据类型简介。 什么是指针,为什么,何时以及如何使用它们。

Writing and using recursive functions in Object Pascal.


   Some exercises for you...Since this Course is an online course, there is much you can do to prepare for the next chapter. At the end of each chapter I'll try to provide several tasks for you to get more familiar with Delphi and the topics we discuss in the current chapter.

为您准备的一些练习...由于本课程是在线课程,因此您可以为下一章做很多准备。 在每一章的最后,我将尝试为您提供一些任务,以使您更加熟悉Delphi和我们在本章中讨论的主题。

   To the next chapter: A Beginner's Guide to Delphi ProgrammingThis is the end of the sixth chapter, in the next chapter, we'll deal with more sophisticated articles on the Delphi language.


A Beginner's Guide to Delphi Programming: Next Chapter >>>> Sophisticated Delphi Pascal techniques for Beginners

Delphi编程初学者指南:下一章 >>>>面向初学者的复杂Delphi Pascal技术

