当前位置: 首页 > 工具软件 > PHP-BeanStalk > 使用案例 >







 * 消息生产/接收类
 * @example
 *  // 生产单条消息,goods管道组
 *  $mq = new MessageQueue();
 *  $mq->product('goods', 111111);
 *  // 生产多条消息
 *  $mq->product('goods', array(111111, 111112));
 *  // 消息队列监听处理脚本,goods管道组,solr管道
 *  <?php
 *      $mq = new MessageQueue('solr');
 *      $mq->watch('goods', function($message) {
 *          $goods_id = intval($message);
 *          // 以下为具体业务处理逻辑
 *          // 
 *          // ...
 *          // 返回true表示已处理完毕,服务器将删除该条消息
 *          return true;
 *      });

require_once dirname(__DIR__).'/BeanstalkClient.php';

class MessageQueue {

    // 订阅者ID
    private $_clientID = null;

    // 订阅者清单
    private $_subscribers = array();

    // beanstalkd连接配置信息
    private $_beanstalkdConfig = array();

     * beanstalk client
     * @var BeanstalkClient
    private $_beanstalk = null;

     * 初始化消息客户端
     * @param string $clientID 分配给消息接受端的ID标识
    public function __construct($clientID = null) {
        $this->_clientID = $clientID;

     * 生产消息, 对管道内的所有事件推送消息
     * @param string $queue 队列名 -- 管道组
     * @param [string|array] $messages 消息内容,多条使用数组
    public function product($queue, $messages) {
        try {
            if(!isset($this->_subscribers[$queue])) {
                throw new Exception('queue of "'.$queue.'" havn\'t configured, '
                    .'go '.__DIR__.'/../config/params.php and configure it');
            $beanstalk = $this->getBeanstalkClient();
            if(!is_array($messages)) {
                $messages = array($messages);
            foreach($this->_subscribers[$queue] as $clientID) {
                foreach($messages as $message) {
                		$beanstalk->put(11, 0, 60, $message);
                		$this->_log('product', $queue, $clientID, $message);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
        return true;

     * 根据队列名和事件名投递消息, 只对指定管道和事件推送消息
     * @param  [string] $queue   [队列名]
     * @param  [string] $event   [事件名]
     * @param  [string] $message [消息内容]
     * @param  [int] $delay [延时时间]
     * @return [void]
    public function product_conf($queue, $event, $message, $delay = 0) {
        $beanstalk = $this->getBeanstalkClient();
        $beanstalk->put(11, $delay, 60, $message);

     * 监听队列并处理消息
     * @param string $queue 订阅的队列名
     * @param function $callback 回调方法(消息处理函数,会将消息内容作为参数给$callback)
    public function watch($queue, $callback) {
        try {

            if(!$this->_checkQueueExist($queue, $this->_clientID)) {
            	$this->_log('checkQueue', $queue, $this->_clientID, '');
                throw new Exception($this->_clientID.' is not allow to access this queue');
            if(!is_object($callback)) {
            	$this->_log('isObject', $queue, $this->_clientID,'');
                throw new Exception('param of callback is not a function');
            $this->_beanstalkdConfig['persistent'] = false;
            $beanstalk = new BeanstalkClient($this->_beanstalkdConfig);
            $retry = 0;
            for(;;) {
                $job = $beanstalk->reserve();
                if($job) {
                    $result = $callback($job['body']);
                    if(true === $result) {
                        $this->_log('consume', $queue, $this->_clientID, $job['body']);
                        $this->_log('bury', $queue, $this->_clientID, $job['body']);
                } else {
                    $this->_log('error', $queue, $this->_clientID, $job['body']);
                    // 设置 error_reporting(0) 时watcher脚本会陷入死循环,这里设置重连
                    if ($retry++ >= 10) {
                      $retry = 0;
                      $this->_log('error', $queue, $this->_clientID, 'try to reconnect.');
                        sleep(5); // 等待beanstalkd服务恢复
        } catch (Exception $e) {
        	$this->_log('error', $queue, $this->_clientID,'');
            throw new Exception($e->getMessage());

     * 初始化配置信息
    private function _setConfig() {
        $config = require dirname(__DIR__).'/config/params.php';
        $this->_subscribers = $config['subscribers'];
        $this->_beanstalkdConfig = $config['beanstalkd'];

     * 检查当前客户端监听的队列是否存在
     * @param string $queue 队列名
     * @param string $clientID 客户端ID
     * @return boolean
    private function _checkQueueExist($queue, $clientID) {
        return isset($this->_subscribers[$queue]) && in_array($clientID, $this->_subscribers[$queue]);

     * 获取beanstalk client
     * @param  array  $config 连接配置
     * @return BeanstalkClient
    private function getBeanstalkClient()
        if (is_null($this->_beanstalk)) {
            $this->_beanstalk = new BeanstalkClient($this->_beanstalkdConfig);
        try {
            // 检查连接
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // 若出错则重连
        return $this->_beanstalk;

     * 记录日志
     * @param string $operation 操作类型
     * @param string $queue 队列名 -- 管道组
     * @param string $clientID 客户端ID -- 管道
     * @param string $message 消息体
    public function _log($operation, $queue, $clientID, $message, $folder = 'mqlog') {
    	$dir = MQ_LOG_PATH;
        (file_exists($dir) && is_dir($dir)) || mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
        $file = $dir.'/'.$queue.'.'.$clientID.'.log';
        $mode = (is_file($file) && filesize($file)/1024/1024 < 20) ? "ab+" : "wb"; // 日志大于20M则清空, 微分销系统稳定之前先手动清log
        $fp = fopen($file , $mode);
        if(flock($fp , LOCK_EX)){
            fwrite($fp , '['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] '.$operation.': '.$message.PHP_EOL);
            flock($fp , LOCK_UN);
            @chmod($file, 0777);

     * destruct
     * disconnect
    public function __destruct()
        if (!is_null($this->_beanstalk)) {

