当前位置: 首页 > 工具软件 > OpenSCAP > 使用案例 >



OpenSCAP 是一个获得`SCAP`认证的免费开源的自动化扫描,基线核查,报告和自动修复工具,目前主要由 Redhat 进行维护。OpenSCAP 由工具和基线库两个部分组成,两者没有紧密的耦合关系,比如使用`http://vuls.io`也可以运行部分基线库,基线库部分功能也支持使用 ansible 和 bash 来执行。

SCAP,Security Content Automation Protocol,即安全内容自动化协议。是由NIST(National Institute of Standards and Technology,美国国家标准与技术研究院)提出,而且NIST还建立了信息安全类产品的SCAP兼容性认证机制。

SCAP包含了Protocol(协议)与Content(内容),协议是指SCAP由一系列现有的公开标准构成,这些公开标准被称为SCAP Element(SCAP元素),Protocol规范了这些Element之间如何协同工作。Content指按照Protocol的约定,利用Element描述的生成应用于实际检查工作的数据。


  • OpenSCAP Base 命令行工具,本地扫描
  • OpenSCAP Daemon 守护进程工具,功能同 OpenSCAP Base
  • SCAP Workbench 图形界面,功能同 SCAP Base,可视化操作

ssg 的xml默认保存目
/usr/share/xml/scap/ssg/content/ 可从以下资料库查找:




  • 通用漏洞披露 (CVE)
  • 通用配置评估 (CCE)
  • 通用平台评估 (CPE)
  • 通用漏洞评分系统 (CVSS)
  • 通用弱点枚举 (CWE)
  • The Script Check Engine (SCE)


yum install openscap-scanner scap-security-guide



下载地址 -> https://fedorahosted.org/releases/o/p/openscap/


yum install gcc swig pkg-config xml2 libxml2-dev xsltproc libxslt-dev libgcrypt11-dev libpcre3-dev python-dev
cd openscap-1.2.10
./configure && make
make install

源码地址 -> https://github.com/OpenSCAP/

1、OpenSCAP Base

OpenSCAP Base provides a command line tool which enables various SCAP capabilities such as displaying the information about specific security content, vulnerability and configuration scanning, or converting between different SCAP formats.

安装: yum install openscap-scanner

2、OpenSCAP Daemon

The Daemon is a service that makes sure your machines and containers are evaluated according to the schedule.

安装: yum install openscap-daemon

3、SCAP Workbench

This user friendly graphical utility offers an easy way to tailor SCAP content to your needs, perform local or remote scans, and export results.

安装: yum install scap-workbench


SCAPtimony is open source compliance center built on top of SCAP. It gives full testimony about compliance of your infrastructure.

5、OSCAP Anaconda Add-on

An add-on for installer used by Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. It enables you to enforce a system’s compliance with the targeted security profile before the first boot.

6、SCAP Security Guide

OpenSCAP content primarily for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The Security Guide provides practical hardening advice and links it to compliance requirements in order to ease deployment activities such as certification and accreditation.

The purpose of this project is to create open SCAP content for open source projects. "SCAP content" refers to documents in the XCCDF and OVAL formats. These documents can be presented in different forms and by different organizations to meet their security automation and technical implementation needs.

安装:yum install scap-security-guide


$oscap xccdf generate guide scap-xccdf.xml > guide.html
#将scap-xccdf.xml中的Desktop profile中的内容转为html
$oscap xccdf generate guide --profile Desktop scap-xccdf.
xml > guide.html
$oscap xccdf generate report xccdf-results.xml > report.html
$oscap xccdf validate-xml scap-xccdf.xml
#使用scap-xccdf.xml中的Desktop Profile对当前系统进行扫描,并将结果输出到xccdf-results.xml中
$oscap xccdf eval --profile Desktop --results xccdf-results.
xml scap-xccdf.xml
$oscap oval eval --results oval-results.xml scap-oval.xml
$oscap oval eval --id oval:rhel:def:1000 --results ovalresults.
xml scap-oval.xml

使用SCAP Security Guide扫描:

You can use the content with the oscap tool. It is a command line interface of the OpenSCAP scanner. Its purpose is to scan the local machine. Concrete security policy is selected by choosing a profile. You can display all available profiles using the info command upon the datastream like in this example:

oscap info /usr/share/xml/scap/ssg/content/ssg-rhel6-ds.xml

If you need help with choosing a profile, address: https://www.open-scap.org/security-policies/choosing-policy/
Then run the scan using:

oscap xccdf eval --profile selected_profile --results-arf arf.xml --report report.html /usr/share/xml/scap/ssg/content/ssg-rhel6-ds.xml




