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如何在Linux上安装TP-LINK T2U wifi适配器的驱动程序?


How to install driver for TP-LINK T2U wifi adapter on Linux? I am using Fedora Linux 22.

如何在Linux上安装TP-LINK T2U wifi适配器的驱动程序? 我正在使用Fedora Linux 22。

The kernel module for the driver for TP-LINK T2U is “mt7650u_sta”. TP-LINK and mediatek provide drivers (mediatek one is for 7610u). But neither work for Fedora 22 AFAIK.

TP-LINK T2U驱动程序的内核模块为“ mt7650u_sta”。 TP-LINKmediatek提供了驱动程序(mediatek其中一个用于7610u)。 但是对于Fedora 22 AFAIK都无效。

This piece of modified driver work for me on Fedora 22 with kernel 4.1.6-201.fc22.x86_64.

在我的Fedora 22内核4.1.6-201.fc22.x86_64上使用了经过修改的驱动程序。



The instruction is for Ubuntu, the differences for Fedora 22 is the packages to be installed to build the driver.

该说明适用于Ubuntu ,与Fedora 22的区别是要安装以构建驱动程序的软件包。

As far as I know, the driver is further modified based/following this post http://hprath.com/2014/06/cisco-linksys-ae6000-ac580-media-tek-mt7610u-mt7630u-mt7650u-linux-x64-driver-patch/ which shows the procedure the driver is modified from mediatek’s.

据我所知,驱动程序是基于/按照此帖子http://hprath.com/2014/06/cisco-linksys-ae6000-ac580-media-tek-mt7610u-mt7630u-mt7650u-linux-x64- driver-patch / ,显示了从mediatek修改驱动程序的过程。

Answered by Eric Z Ma.
埃里克·马(Eric Z Ma)回答。

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/how-to-install-driver-for-tp-link-t2u-wifi-adapter-on-linux/
